Friday, June 26, 2020

i tawt i taw a bear

"Geez, Louise, you thinking you're Tweety Bird now?"

Nah, just trying to keep a lighter perspective on things.

"Well, that's a good thing.
Let me guess: this has something to do with the bfrb.

Spot on, dearie.
Part of me wants to think it was him, there at the purple Planet last night.

"Oh, so you've resumed going there?"

Eh, to an extent.
Tuesday and Wednesday, I went in the early afternoon.
This last time, I ventured there after 8 PM.
You know, after my two hours "Quantum Leap"-ing.

I know you like PF better in the late evening.
Is it still less crowded then?

Oh, fairly comparable to what I see in early afternoon.
I had hoped for a bit less.
At least there were no teens this time.
Wednesday, I switched up my program because four teen boys took over the treadmills.
Nary a one of them bothered to clean those machines, either.
They left as abruptly as they'd swept in.
Naked-mouth heavy breathers, each one, of course.

"Of course.
The demographics are going to have to show a much bigger impact of COVID-19 infection on the under-30 crowd if the danger is to make any impact on their self-centered brains.

Yes, of that I am painfully aware.
That's part of the reason that I'm abstaining from the gym until Monday.
Hopefully, those selfishly not wearing face coverings will be at work.

"No doubt they will be, now that businesses are all wide open again.
Even the restaurants that just closed because of infection are throwing wide the doors once more.

Those all have their bars right near their front doors, too.
I've deliberately stayed out of them.

"I know, dear, and I know how tempting it has been to get a Spanky's pizza."

Well, they're the only ones who really do make an excellent cheese-free pizza.
Plus, I love all that meat on them!
I wanted to get one on Tuesday, but the parking lot was full when I drove by.
Nope, not gonna chance it!
I know the heavy drinkers that go there and hang out.

"And talk loudy, with no face covering, spewing virus-laden spittle in all directions.
Yes, I know that crowd, too.
So, let's go back to that 'part of the reason' you're taking a program break.

Well, you know that the other night I got dressed up and went to the Chart House?

"Yeah, I think it's safe to say I know about that."

Well, I had completely zoned on it being a PFS night!
I mean, completely!
Which is pretty wild, since Jim had said it would be one I would like.
He's been feeding horror films to those fans of late, so I've gotten out of the habit of going to his online viewing parties, especially those on Sunday, which is still not a regular thought for me on that night.
But you would think I would know to associate Wednesday with the Psychotronic Film group, right?
Nope, it was not even on my radar until the next morning!
That's when I woke up and realized I'd missed it.

"So you went on fb to grab the link before it left?"

You got that right!
Turns out it's a 1940's British film called "The Red House".
I still may not watch it, but at least I have that option.

"Choices are good to have."

Most assuredly they are.

"Yes... but you still haven't answered my query about returning to PF."

My return to Planet Fitness...?
Oh, yes, sorry, I must be trying to block it from my mind.
It has to do with a friend's post, from CNN, that I saw tonight.
I had thought, it being Friday, that I had Odd Lot to look forward to, with Christina.
But, no.
I had looked forward to it all day, but when I sent the "Odd Lot time" alarm to her, she had immediately responded with "are they on after all?"
Shiite and hell fire.
No, as it turned out, they were not.
They have opted to vacate the Loft on Liberty and had spent the day moving out.

"Oh, no!
First out of Muse and now out of the Loft!
That's terrible!

Yes, it definitely is.
So, I had wandered around aimlessly on fb, then stumbled hard upon this.
Thank God other scientists are also graphing data.
However, I recognized at a glance the horror show depicted hereon by Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
He has apples to apples here, so the word is clear.
The blue line is for all the countries which are part of the European Union; the red line is for all the states which are part of the USA.
Both groups have roughly the same population and are conducting about the same amount of testing.
Like I said, apples to apples.
The data tracked is the seven-day moving average, from February 29 through June 22.
It is clear that neither group has attained the desired-for status of 'no new cases'.
Both groups show similar initial curves, with a steep rise to about 30,000 new cases daily, but that high dropping after two months to about 20,000 new cases per day.
However, the data for the EU continued a steady decline for another month, eventually reaching a baseline of about 4000 new cases daily, a baseline which has held steady for the last thirty days.
The US had a short-lived decline to 20,000, and has steadily risen ever since.
Folks want to say we've entered a "second wave", but we would have had to have two weeks of baseline to be able to claim that.
No, we are still very much in the "first wave" of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 deaths and we are going to stay in that first wave probably through the rest of 2020.
Christina and I talked about this tonight, for about forty minutes.
Then Paul called and we talked about this mayhem for over an hour.
At least they are familiar with the graphs I've made to track the trends of several states.
They know my analytical skills and my care with the data.
They know to trust me when I say we are still in the 'first wave'.


And now it's sum-sum-summertime and many are going ahead with vacation plans and sporting events and big gatherings.
Coach's Corner, near me, has started having outdoor concerts!
Sure, they're a small place, but it's still not safe enough for that type of event.
And the Savannah Bananas start up on Wednesday, July 1st.
At Grayson Stadium, but "only with 2000 people in attendance".
Supposedly, they'll be checking the temperatures of all 2000 attendees, with an option of dismissing any fan with an unsatisfactory reading.
Scott has a ticket to that game.
I'll be curious to see what his take is going to be on their 'safety protocols'.
I do know that I will NOT be taking Mister Willie out there.
My first game ticket is for Tuesday, July 7th.
If I opt to go, my face covering goes with me, and on me.
And if things seem out of hand, I'm leaving.
That's if I even go.


I know.
I had so looked forward to so many things this year...
especially as spoiled rotten as I've been with so many theatre options...
in addition to the wealth of time with mi tres amigas, dining out and Bollywooding...
and let's not forget the Odd Lot, and the PFS at the 'Bean, and Tina Tuesdays, and whatever other shenanigans might arise.
Plus, there would surely be an occasion or two, at least, of 'waking up somewhere else", something I haven't had since last June.


You want to know just how little I've been driving?
This is the odometer reading from my trip to the VA center this morning: 213191.
That means I've driven a whopping 656 miles since Christina's birthday party at Olive Garden.
Only 656 miles.
For just over three months.

That's not quite 220 miles per month.



"So, maybe you can arrange a night away at some remote place?"

You mean, like Montana?

"Well, that's pretty far.
That'd require a lot of stops at strange bathrooms, so maybe somewhere closer.

Yeah, I don't see that happenin', Captain, as my first niece would say.
I think I'll concentrate on having more meals from elsewhere.
I've cashed in a bunch of reward points for future dinners at three favorites: Olive Garden, Bonefish Grill, and Carrabbas.
I'll be hoping for a buy-one-take-one deal, too, to extend the dining experience.

"Good for you!
That's keeping a positive vibe going!

Hey, I'm doing what I can.
You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine, you know.

"Yes, I do know.
Uncle Jimmy was always big on saying you had a light shining for others to see.

That's a light for me, too.
That optimistic girl keeps it lit pretty good, though she needs help finding a match from time to time.

"Yes, that Christina Ann sure raises your spirit, doesn't she?"

Say who?
Yes, she does, yes, she does.
She's got mothering down pat after eight years as a foster parent.
I'm hoping the adoption of the littlest girl will finish up this year.

"Yes, let's hope so!
That would most certainly be a bright spot in this year!

Okay, I'm going to watch some game show or other.
I've been test-driving "Match Game" and "To Tell The Truth" lately.
You know, nice and easy stuff, with a few laughs along the way.
I'm ready for a bit of that right now, so...

"Later, dear.
Hope you'll have sweet dreams.

1 comment:

faustina said...

This is the post from Odd Lot for June 20, which I had missed.

"Odd Lot Improv is with Tara Kelly and 7 others.
June 20 at 2:24 PM ·

Hello, lovely oddities!
Odd Lot Improv is saddened to announce that we will be giving up our space above The Savannah Coffee Roasters.
We recognize that this is an unprecedented time in history and realize that we must all contribute to each other’s well being.
Our space is not conducive to social distancing and we are not wanting to rush into performing if there is the slightest chance of endangering our audience or our players.
We give our thanks to Roasters for their immense generosity and friendship.
Odd Lot Improv will still be around creating and performing, you can find out what we're up to on this page.
These photos were taken before the pandemic in anticipation of our 10 year anniversary!
(So we were not observing social distancing at all!)
We have loved being able to bring some laughs to our audiences and look forward to seeing what comes next."

Then, this was for Friday, June 26.

"Odd Lot Improv
June 26 at 11:51 AM ·

It’s been a heavy lifting week for the Odd Lot gang, we are going to take some time off from our streaming shows to reorganize.
We have some ideas for new shows to stream so keep your eyes on this page!
We love you all!"