Monday, June 1, 2020

thankful for mayoral voice of reason

This was the scene at 8:36 PM last night...
on a warm Sunday evening, in Savannah...
at the intersection of Broughton and Abercorn...
right down from the Lucas Theatre...
police officers in riot gear and protesters in the streets.
Absolutely terrifying.
I understand that people's nerves in this country are frayed down to sensitive nubs after two months of pandemic response in the USA...
I understand that the fatal actions of two police officers in Minnesota on a citizen was sinfully wrong...
but, that was in Minnesota, not here.
That isn't even a southern state.
However, mob mentality doesn't acknowledge state borders.
Mob mentality is desperate and scared and sad and angry.
Fortunately, the city had plenty of forewarning.
Mayor Van Johnson had immediately imposed an 8 PM curfew yesterday.
Extra police officers were called in, but all were looking to contain any violence, not instigate.
All were looking to have a peaceful protest, minus any mindless attacks and looting.
Thankfully, that was what occurred.
That ounce of prevention was certainly worth much more than a pound of cure.

After my return from the eye doctor at Savannah VA, I caught the Mayor's press conference.
Multiple arrests yesterday of protesters violating the curfew revealed that several were instigators who were not local citizens.
The curfew has already been lifted, so that is wonderful news.
Maybe Tina Tuesday will happen -
that would be very good.
A bit of normalcy is always good.

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