Friday, June 12, 2020

superhero to the rescue of laundry!

Look at what my second birthday62 coffee mug is:
superhero Miyah!
I adore this memory!
We were at Forsyth Park and she was being tired and fretful, but that changed when I said she looked like a superhero.
Her stance straightened and she was saying: "Dumm duh dumm dumm" as she strode along -
quite impressive!

The flip side of the cup also is of Miyah on that same July 6th day,
but later that evening.
She and I and my first niece had headed to a favorite place for dinner - Olive Garden, of course!
Christina loves that place, ya know!
And littlest girl loves having her photo taken!
(Yes, she is still 'littlest girl' to me -
her baby sister is quickly overtaking her in size!)

This particular mug was evidently the one I was meant to use this morning!
It inspired me to take on the laundry, a task which had grown to include extra bedding.
In addition to the regular king-sized sheet set, there was also the winter bedding: my mink blanket, my electric mattress pad warmer, the teal flower blanket, and... the sheet that cordoned off the sunroom during the cold months.
Hell's belles, y'all!
It had all been sitting in the middle of the living room floor, waiting for me to haul it off, since Monday.
Before that, it had waited, out of sight but not of mind, in the Aged Mint room at the end of the hall.
I had stuffed it all into the back seat and front passenger side during a light drizzle that cleared as I neared Wash Plus - I mean, Sandfly laundry.
The 1999 penny in the lower chamber of the starship was by my back tire as I exited my car to offload that mass of fabrics.
Right place, right time.
Good fortune had reserved the first washer, a huge quintuple load machine, for my use!
Then, the basket stuffed full of sweaty clothes and soiled towels went into the two regular machines I like to use, those reserved by the 2019 penny (in the colorful wing) on the floor by those washers.
Right place, right time.
Because of the drizzle washing the air clean of coronavirus, I was able to enjoy Nami's garden, talking with one of the regulars, neither of us needing the face covering while we maintained 'an alligator' between us.
How nice to talk to him!
Plus, the timing was good.
My regular washers finished their cycle as his clothes finished in the dryer, giving one of my loads a nice warm place to go!
And which washer had housed those clothes?
Why, the one with the 2016 penny waiting inside, beneath my 'delicates'.
Right place, right time.
Sure, it started pouring down rain while my laundry was drying...
and was still pouring buckets when time came to take the clean stuff to the car...
but it was back to just a drizzle when I got home.
If I left an hour earlier, when I originally intended to, I would have missed the rain.
But I also would have missed the conversation with that handyman while we were both outside, admiring Nami's garden.
That would have been a shame...
yeah, definitely right place, right time.
i thank You, God!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I do so love coincidences!
The 6 pm "Quantum Leap" is about a caped superhero: the Midnight Marauder!
Very nice!
'Mercial over... bye!