Sunday, May 31, 2020

picnic on a Sunday afternoon

Well, I guess the Universe wanted to make sure I went to see Mama!
The "Quantum Leap"-a-thon that I'd planned for has turned out to be shows I've already seen, beginning with the s4 e9 from May 20th.
The good thing is that "Oh, boy, I'm in a teen girl group", s4 e15, will air at 9 PM - I had so loved that one!
And midnight will bring "oh, boy, I'm a New York cabbie", s4 e18, in which "It's A Wonderful Leap" -
if you catch my drift.

A picnic with Mama had been on my agenda for at least two weeks, ever since Mother's Day.
But first, I wanted to 'look in on' Jean Marie and see how my niece was faring.
I couldn't even find her marker!
Had it been taken away??
No, someone had moved it, but I finally found it and was able to reposition it, thanks to the rocks I'd placed there the last time.
Hope these sticks, and more rocks, will help make it stand out.

Relieved, I headed over to the Barry plot to set up my lunch.
Not only was all well there, but a lovely, tall, red rose had been added!
I wonder which of my brothers did that for Mother's Day?
It has a solar panel, too.
Does it glow at night?
I tried to cover it over to see if that would turn any mechanism on, but the day was very sunny.
I'll have to call and find out.

And what had I selected for my dining pleasure at this picnic?
Well, Yogi Bear, not a sandwich!
I'd needed something quick, as I was already quite hungry before I even left home.
The birthday eve brunch was ready to go, so I grabbed it and set out!
I'd also grabbed chopsticks, which turned out to not be a good idea.
The salmon was fine and easy enough, but the farro slipped all over the place.
It took a bit of doing with those utensils, but I did manage to eat every last morsel, yes, I did.
I soaked up every drop of love from the warm sunshine...
I reveled in the soft caresses of the breeze on my face and as it ruffled my hair...
and I knew I was not alone, that I am always loved, always, but especially as I celebrate my birthday.
i thank You, God.

pepperoni swiss, with stargazer

"My goodness, are you having another grilled cheese sandwich?"

I certainly am!
The Gouda is long gone, but I do have Swiss still.
I added a little cheddar...
to make it mo' better...
and pepperoni, too!
Hey, that's a haiku!

"Hahaha! Hahaha!
Now she's doing poetry!

Well, it seems to have become that kind of a leisurely Sunday morning, with a love-soaked feel to it.
After all, I have been spending the last two mornings with a stargazer!

"Oh, my, yes!
That is one gorgeous bloom!

Well, it's one of three, actually, on that stalk.
None were open when they arrived, but this one was waiting for me yesterday morning.
I expect one of the others will be fully blown tomorrow!
I have to make sure I give them more water twice a day, as they are quite thirsty flowers.
But those lilies are not the stargazer of which I speak.

"So, maybe you mean the hopeful romantic type, don't you?"

You are absolutely correct, my dear.
I'm so very happy that this book chose me at the bookmine.
I have quite enjoyed reading Gene Wilder's words and hearing his voice as I do.
Apparently, some of these memories are of his romances, some are love stories he's heard from friends or about friends.
Of the four I've now read, two have been quite racy!
I had not expected that -
what a very nice surprise!

"Racy? You mean, like explicit?"

Yes, exactly!
The first time hit me like a bolt from the blue, as it was so unexpected.
Remember, I'm hearing his voice and seeing his eyes as I read.

"Yeah, sure, sure.
I am well aware of your imagination.

Of course you are.
so, there I was yesterday, reading a sweet tale of first love, and - wham!
I actually had to compose myself before I could finish reading it!


Wow, indeed!
Then, this morning, I was treating myself to two more stories and it happened again!


Yes, I'm telling you, seriously!
The first of those, about a woman in a red hat, was quite graphic!
He even spoke of her how she took his hand and "put [his] middle finger onto her clitoris as she slowly moved [his] finger around and up and down".
This happened in a darkened room at her house, at a party with guests in the next room!
Then, after she had her fix, she had removed his hand and left.
She had just wanted a little strange, a quick touch and go, literally.


I really felt for the guy.
He had been looking for love, not a wham bam with him not even touched.


For real.
I mean, it's one thing if a quick hook-up is what both are wanting, but it's a horse of a different color when both are wanting different things.
Then, she completely disregarded him the next day, as if it never happened.

"Oh, the poor guy."

Sure enough.
The next story is the one that actually got my motor racing...
and all it had in it was kissing!

"Yes, but you really like the kissing!
It's a shame that relationships have so many passionate kisses in the beginning, before all paths lead to the bedroom.

I totally agree.
I'd be up for a kissing-only set-up, if there was such a thing.
Just hours of kissing, kissing, kissing!
Not that there couldn't be a bit of touching going on, too, you understand...
that would most definitely be fine with me...
but I don't want the sex to interfere with the lip action.

I'm right there with you on that.

Yeah, I miss kissing.
Too bad there isn't a dating site for folks that just want to do that.

"Well, maybe you could specify that in your profile."

Oh, sure, how about this?
Wanted: a man who can kiss like Crash Davis in Bull Durham.

"Actually, that sounds like it would work.
Anyone reading that would know instantly that you like baseball, too.

Hmmm... well...

"Plus, they would realize that you like music, too, and that you are a hopeful romantic."

Well, I am a hopeful romantic.

"As you have been for most of your life.
So, that would mean you are still hopeful.

Still hopeful...
yeah, I like that.
I also like Pinot Grigio, the wine that has come up in two of the stories.
Such a delightful coincidence!
Right place, right time.
This bottle was opened for my birthday dinner, after lying idle in the wine rack for some few years.

"Was that given to you as a birthday gift?"

I think it may have been for Christmas, from a stepsister, but that's been quite a while back.
I was amazed that it had not turned to vinegar!
You know, that's what happened to that wine I opened for my New Year's dinner.
It still looked pretty, but...

"Hahahaha hahaha! I remember that face you made!"

Yeah, yeah.
Okay, this has been fun, but I need to finish mowing the yard before any rain arrives.
I only got through part of my front and part of the back yesterday.
You see, I had first cut the neighbor's front yard, as his birthday is the same month and day as mine, like Aubree's, but differs in year.
I started doing that after I got my first battery-operated mower.
Then, for the past two years, that mower battery was discontinued, so I couldn't.
It felt really good to be able to do that little kindness for him again.

"I'm sure he was quite surprised!
Doesn't he tend to repay you by edging your front yard?

John has done that in the past, but he's been having heart problems, so I certainly do not expect him to do anything in return.
He's a good neighbor and I've been meaning to do this for him.
I know how nice it is to come home and not see foot-high weeds taunting you.


Well, I have other things to do before the "Quantum Leap"-a-thon starts, so...

"Oh, goodie, goodie!!!
What time does that start?
Is that what Comet tv is calling it?

Settle down now, settle down!
I know you're excited, and so am I!
I hope to catch up on the episodes I've missed on Tina Tuesdays.
That will be sweet!
And it all starts at 3 PM.

"Then I better let you get to it, girlie!
See you on the flip side, as the bfe says you would say!

Yes, indeed, he does say that I say that!
Later, gator!

"In a while, crocodile!"

Take care, Kodiak bear!

"Chop, chop, lollipop!"

Give a hug, ladybug!

"Out the door, dinosaur!"

Better swish, jellyfish!

"Ciao now, brown cow!"

Gotta go, buffalo!

"Bye-bye, butterfly!"

Blow a kiss, goldfish!

"Be sweet, parakeet!"

This has been fun, but, really...

Friday, May 29, 2020

odd birthday with Christina!

I'm so glad I decided to join this "live" show instead of stay with "Oh, boy, I'm a stand-up comic".
Here was comedy with friends, though I doubt anyone was standing!
Kimmi and Deborah were there already, making a suggestion for "Three-Headed Storyteller".
Was that, perhaps, a birthday62 pony?
Hahahaha! Hahaha!

Then there was the "World's Worst", for a game where everybody played!
Who might that be for this episode of Friday Funnies?
Well, the emcee was Chris Soucy- hey, that rhymed, if you hold your mouth just right!
He's the one that my suggestion of "birthday clown" was made for, as I know he is such a fan of those - NOT!
Then, they took the suggestion from Christina for the worst "improv actor"!
You know they all had to chime in on that one!
I'm so glad that first niece of mine is able to join me for these Odd Lot shows!
Once upon a rare time, she joined me downtown for a rare Friday improv at Muse Arts Warehouse.
It's been wonderful to have that opportunity to be with her 'live on fb' these past few weeks!

Christina also got in the request for Jason Arons to be "the guy who jumps out of a birthday cake" as lucky number three in the "Bachelor Game".
How sweet of Chris to start chiming in with "happy birthday, Faustina!" every time she or I threw in that word with our suggestion!
And how nice that she managed to get several selected, including this one for "Good, Bad, Ugly"!

"How to make a 2 year old go to bed so you can watch improv" - hahahaha!
Good luck with that, my dear!
So, to show how much I love her - and love her being 'here' with me - I threw in the word "stargazer" - I knew she would like seeing that on the screen, while Lynita Spivey and Ryan McCurdy worked on being "ejected from Disney World".

Then, she and I had one last opportunity to take part in a game together!
I honestly don't get the reference for "Scenes From The Net", but it definitely has a "spitballing ideas for a script" feel to it.
She had the whole crew weighing in on "things you can say to yourself but not to anyone else".
Oddly, no one said "Terence, this is stupid stuff" -
I surely would have referenced that poem!
Next, it was my turn to have a say in putting Trick Kelly and the others through their paces in that game!
"Things you can say to your dog but not your cat" - that's what I wanted to know!
That opened up a whole plethora of directives that a feline would ignore!
How lovely to have had yet another birthday in the #oddlot universe, as I have once or twice before!
Thanks for letting me and Christina hijack the show!

no idle hands for this birthday gal!

Now that the flowers were all separated and arranged and scattered about to brighten the house and my life, what else did I do on my birthday62?
Well, if I was going to have that dinner from my first niece, then I had to work for it!
What to do while the I picked the chicken apart?
I'll tell you what I did!
I let TBS regale me with a viewing of "Paddington 2", which I had so enjoyed in the cinema!
Most excellent choice, and most pertinent, too, as I soon realized!
Strange that I had not recalled the coincidence between its plot and today.
What coincidence would that be?
The little bear was trying to find a birthday gift for his beloved Aunt - just as Christina had done for me!
Right place, right time!

After I finished the chicken, I took a break, sending the photo of my "dinner and flowers" to my ex, thanking him for singing "Happy birthday" to me this morning.
I wasn't awake, so I have it on my voice mail to hear again and again!
I called him back, too, once my hands were clean and not greasy.
Such a lovely conversation we had for the next half-hour!

Who knows how long we might have been on the phone if not for this birthday surprise?
Yep, that's Tony with me, under the banner he and Laura and Noah had strung on my porch!!!
God bless him, he always gives me good hugs every time he sees me!
So did Laura, plus two birthday cards, a gift card to Food Lion, and...
an adorable pocket-sized hand sanitizer with a turtle motif!
Noah had taken off for the car when I was reading aloud about dirty animals, like titmouse and peacock and sperm whale - lol!
Thanks for the visit, y'all!
I'm leaving the banner up all day!

About that time, Paul texted, "Ready for a birthday chat?"
Only always and forever, man!
So he and I talked forty minutes while he was on his walk, continuing with me as a ride-along when he went to pick up the dinner order for him and Cathy - that was fun!
I even had a few minutes with her!

Bonnie sent me a birthday text, so I sent the photos of the "dinner and flowers".
"What a very sweet idea", she texted back.
I wonder who she will spring that on?
She wants me to come to Alabama - they have a guest bedroom waiting for me!!!
Soon, I hope, soon!

Then, the physicist texted and we had a bit of a volley back and forth!
bfe: HBD!
me: (sent photo of the "dinner and flowers") Thank you! It has been a very lovely day! Christina sent me flowers and dinner, including ice cream! And Tony and Laura came by with groceries and a birthday banner! And I had phone calls from Paul and the ex!
bfe: Chicken! Yum! Is that gelato?
me: (sent photos of the three arrangements) I made these from all those flowers! And she will be joining me tonight for Odd Lot on fb at 730.
bfe: That all sounds very very sweet! I hope that you are having the best birthday under the current circumstances possible!

When I resumed the movie, it was already 4 PM.
Oh, my!!!
I still had green beans to wash and string and snap!
I still had chicken to put in containers for later and chicken to warm for tonight!
And what to do about those mashed potatoes?
But, you what?
I was smiling!
This was my birthday and I had no need to worry about anyone's time
table but my own.
Tra la la lala!
So I watched as the little bear scampered all over a train as he tried to regain the pop-up book of London scenes for his Aunt. Then I watched the musical number performed by the captured thespian thief, along with the pink-clad fellow prisoners doing it Rockette-style.
And, bless Pete!
I still had it all done in no time flat!

And the phone rang again!
It was my little niece, Aubree, calling to wish me a happy birthday!
I wished her a happy birthday, too!
We talked about rocks, too, as she wants to be a petrologist one day -
you know, a scientist, like me!
Plus, I shared a little math trick with her about our ages.
I am 62 and when you add the digits, you get her age, which is eight!
That trick will hold true for as long as I'm in my 60's, so that will carry us up to her quinceañera.
That will be a really big party!
She had not opened her gift yet, so I didn't spoil her surprise for her party tomorrow.
I just know she is going to love her flower crown!
How do I know?
Her favorite Aunt made it!

Okay, time to get cooking - literally!
Indeed, by 5:30, all was cooked and plated and ready for my hungry eyes and hungrier mouth.
I had been so busy with birthday phone calls and birthday texts that I had not had lunch!!!
Might I have wine with my meal, or had all turned to vinegar, as had the bottle opened on New Year's Day?
Good fortune smiled upon me yet again on this day!
LaToretta Vini 2015 Pinot Grigio was in excellent condition!
Moreover, this lovely Italian white paired most amazingly well with the roasted chicken breast!
If I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine that I was again dining at Moonfish on a gourmet meal.
I'm so glad I still had those luxurious napkins in my china cupboard!
As for dessert, that was more ice cream, more sorbetto, and even a sprinkling of blueberries - what a patriotic touch to honor a veteran!
Time for "Quantum Leap" as I finish off this second glass of vino!
Oh, boy, he's an archeologist in this first one!
That means he'll be looking at ancient rocks, like my niece in Alabama wants to do.
Nice touch, Universe!
Right place, right time.
What a wonderful day it has been!
i thank You, God, for so many who have loved me in the past...
and for those still living who love me.
What a blessed life I have.

birthday bliss!

her: "You will be receiving a delivery. It doesn't need to sit out too long."
me: "Well, I guess I better get dressed!"
her: "Love you to the moon and back!"
me: "It's here! Wow! Speechless."
her: "Yay!!! Dinner and flowers."
me: "Thank you, dear. You know i am in tears now. Love you so much."
her: "Awww. Don't cry."
me: "Tears of happy, darling girl, tears of pure happy. I don't think i have ever been given such a delivery. You done GOOD."
her: "Good. Glad you enjoyed it."
me: "I know! What a birthday treat! You're the best!"

It had been 10:04 this morning when my first niece sent that first text.
Thirteen minutes later, after the driver made the touchless delivery and saw me take the gift inside, the car had pulled off.
I had not even had coffee yet and was flabbergasted and in tears.
Christina Ann had given me dinner and flowers via special delivery.
And such a huge bunch of flowers it was!
And there was a hot roast chicken and a mess of green beans -
and a package of one-step Idahoan mashed potatoes!
And ice cream!!!
Good googly moogly, there was ice cream!
She well knows how much I love ice cream!
And she gave me two types!
The Breyers vanilla and the Talenti sorbetto of Roman Raspberry!!!
Nice for it to have that Italian touch and I do love the raspeberries!
She really loves me...
and gets me...
i am so very blessed.

After putting the ice cream into the freezer, I made the brunch I had promised myself:
my very own creation, the pepperoni omelet pizza!
The unicorn coffee mug - the unchipped one, for a change - and those lovely flowers shared the sunroom table.
What a beautiful setting to begin my next new year!
And did I have those nutter butter cookies for dessert today?
Hey, you know I did!
I 'sampled' the ice cream, too - both flavors, thankyouverymuch.
I made sure not to get any of those goodies on this Hawai'ian shirt while I was at it.
I love the ocean, so this reminder of Mother Pat was perfect garb to start my birthday.

Fueled up and already dressed,
I then took on the task at hand: finding vases for all those flowers!
Honestly, it has been years since I've had fresh flowers - what a treat!
I found three vases scattered about and cleaned them.
Now, to arrange the huge mass into smaller bouquets!
What a calming, creative task!
I had forgotten how much I love arranging blooms and blossoms!
The dark greenish bottle, which once housed an unusual tequila, proved just perfect for the trio of yellow chrysanthemums and duet of creamy carnations.
A spray of greenery made it ready to grace my bedside table - beautiful and so delicately scented!
The red glass vase was set up with one more creamy carnation, as well as a spray of tiny pink roses, all flanked by a huge trio of stargazer lilies on a single stem - wow!
The stem of fringed mums, with light purple uppers, greenish centers, and darker purple under-petals, centered and held the whole arrangement.
Those will greet me each morn for breakfast!
Of course, all else went into the wider-mouthed white vase!
The huge pale green mum, another stem of fringed purple mums, two sprays of tiny cream-laden lilies, a bunch of star-shaped flowerlets, and, my favorite, a branch with cascading, paper-thin, pink-tinged blossoms that smell divine!
The creation went to brighten the corner of the living room, beside "Dance At Bougival".
I especially like that last one -
flowers from Christina,
arranged by me,
beside Mama's piece of art...
the three of us represented together by coincidence.
On my birthday62.
i am so blessed.
i thank You, God.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

birthday eve dinner, from the peanut festival

What fun I had with Sam and Al - those guys really rock my world!
Thank you, Universe, for bringing them for me to enjoy as I continue to shelter at home!
All that bouncing around in time worked up my appetite, for sure!
For dinner, y'all!
Well, and probably some sweet dreams, too, even though Sam never even took off his shirt tonight.
That's no nevermind - I know about that lovely hair on his chest, and those broad shoulders, and that lovely derriere...
umm, let's save that for later, eh?
after cooking fancy the last few days, I decided to make something more along the lines of my 'usual' for a change of pace.
I'd had the bfrb open that last jar of butternut sketti sauce, from the peanut festival last year.
Time to use that in a one-pot casserole!
A mess of corkscrew pasta would do the trick to hold that sauce quite well!
I added a can of chicken breast so my body can have the amino acids to build more hemoglobin - to replace what was given away today, of course.
Plus some chunky bits of garlic, to keep away vampires -
though, on second thought, neck nibblers are nice to have around -
and then to eat it all with...
"well, hell, let's use chopsticks", I thought...
and so I had dinner and ate it without a fork!
That definitely changes the pacing of a meal!

I watched an interesting movie about an astrophysicist, too.
It was called "Clara", which happened to be the name of his assistant.
She was actually an artist, but he needed someone to help him look through lots of data to try to find evidence of an exoplanet.
She had agreed to the task because she had a piece of a meteorite that had fallen on Antarctica and she, like him, was fascinated by the thought of life elsewhere.
Like I said, it was an interesting movie.
Plus, Crackle offered it for free and I'd never seen it -
win, win!

Now, I'm washing the dishes so I wake up to a clean pan.
I intend to have my creation, the pepperoni omelet pizza, for breakfast!
I think I just may chop a little more garlic for it...
oh, yes!
Looking forward to starting my day with dragon breath!!!


shake yer groove thing, shake yer groove thing, yeah yeah!

Show me how you do it, now!
Nothing like a dance tune with a killer beat to really make me move my feet!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
So far, so good on this birthday62 eve!
My blood donation went without a hitch, natch, and I even finished up before a young man across the room - wow!
Maybe his blood was reluctant to leave, but mine likes helping others!
While I was waiting my turn, I was talking with Debra and mentioned that I was so glad I was called to "come on in!", rather than wait for the 7:15 PM appointment.
By being there earlier, I was able to keep my "date" with those two "Quantum Leap" men, at 6 PM and 7 PM, jetting out on a Commet (TV) to link up!
She got a kick out of that!
Plus, she is a big fan of science fiction and likes the show, too!
Then, it turns out that Dina - the one who had called to urge me in - is a big sci-fi nerd, too!
How very nice to know they'll be watching 'with' me from now on!

Knowing my tank was finally around empty, I stopped at my favorite pump with the bargain basement prices, the tiny Walmart on Abercorn, near Tibet.
Would you look at that price?!
It was only $1.65 per gallon!!!
I realize the price is low because no one is going anywhere they don't have to go...
but what great timing for my birthday present!

Now, I'm home again and pumping iron...
pumping it back into my arteries!
Actually, this meal wouldn't do it, as there's only about 5% of the RDA in it.
However, those Quaker Oatmeal Squares I'll be snacking on for the 7 PM show have a whopping 90% RDA per serving!
That is most likely why my iron count today was 15.2, the highest ever for me.
Guess I'll be remembering that snack!

Guess I'll be signing off right now, too...
my alarm for my "date" with Sam and Al just sounded!
Plus, guess what I found out?
Comet will be gracing me with a Quantum Leap-a-thon on Sunday!!!
Hooray and hallelujah!!!
What a perfect gift to end my birthday weekend!

birthday eve brunch!

The second installment of my birthday62 gifts-to-me from Blue Apron arrived yesterday!
Now, to decide on which days to make the beef, the chicken, and the salmon meals -
decisions, decisions!
When I woke, the Salmon Farro (say it for the joke!) spoke:
"Make me! I'm quick and easy, and we both know you like that!"
Oh, I most certainly do, sir!
And you know what?
That Farro was correct -
super fast, super easy!
I had oral pleasure going on lickety split!
"Seared Salmon over Farro, with Dates, Carrots, Zucchini, & Garlic" -
what an absolute thrill for my taste buds!
To round out my brunch, tart blackberries were there to plop into my mouth -
oh, so ripe and so juicy!
So glad the bfe's Elvis was there to keep me company in the sun room!

And just as I was putting away those dishes and finishing my coffee, that valiant gent reminded me that I still had dessert to come -
oh, sir, thankyouverymuch!
For the third morning this week, I've had two Nutter Butter peanut butter sandwich cookies to dismantle and dunk and savor, each piece separately, leaving a bit of filling to accompany the moistened treat...
a lovely, leisurely luxury for the lips!
I'm all about the lips right now!

And what's on the agenda for today?
Giving blood at the American Red Cross!
That's one of the things I do for my birthday...
I give life to others.
i thank You, God, that i am able to do so.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

update on covid for May

Apple to apples, right?
If I'm wanting to compare data from one month to another, why not do so for the same set of states, correct?
So, as a reminder, this is the data for the month of April.
The four states are California (yellow), Florida (orange), Michigan (green), and Georgia (dark blue).
For the number of people infected with COVID-19 plotted versus day of that month, each state obviously has upward trends.
No downswing, no plateau, just numbers of infected (as well as numbers of dead people) constantly climbing.
None of that stopped Georgia and Texas from re-opening all businesses during that last week in April, all except bars, nightclubs, and entertainment venues.
Yes, the malls were opened, too.
Subsequently, those two states experienced spikes in number of infected people, just in time for Mother's Day, two weeks later.
Not the kind of gift Mom deserved, was it?
I think not.
Now, it's been two weeks since that occasion, with the beaches and parks reopened and school out and folks itchy for time in the sun, especially down South, where it's been warm for at least six weeks.
Just what does the forecast look like for catching a bit of SARS-CoV-2 with that tan?
Well, it's looking rather likely, folks, so don't despair!
There's still a gracious plenty of coronavirus for all!
And my guess is the odds will be even more in favor of that occurrence once the states north of the Mason-Dixon line are able to shed their coats for sundresses and shorts.
Oh, boy howdy!
Just look at this new graph and you'll see exactly what I mean.
I've added Pennsylvania (light blue) and Louisiana (black, at bottom), and Texas (dark purple), just because I could.
Well, also because I have folks dear to me in those states, too.
Let me point out those steeply rising lines for Georgia and Texas, following their grand re-openings - yeehaw, y'all!
Having some fun now, aren't we?
Those folks on the West Coast clearly are having more fun than anybody else though, aren't they?
I'm just saying that I may have to start leaving California off, as it's in its own part of the pandemic's universe of sickness and death, much like New York and New Jersey are, and as Italy once was.
As for Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, and Louisiana, their levels of fun are evidently not yet in full tilt boogie mode.
For now, those are all exhibiting pretty near the same slope, with the number of infected people upward bound, but not by leaps... just a steady climb, day after day.
Like I said, they're not in the mode for maximum fun... or, are they?
Every state, all fifty of them, has informed business that they can unlock their doors and throw wide the shutters, letting in the sunshine and the people after less than two months of shelter in place!
No matter that no state has yet to have a two week decrease in number of infected citizens - go ahead, put everyone back to work!
Now that the USA, number one in number dead, has surpassed one hundred thousand today, why not see just how high that value can go?
Don't want any other country to try to take that title from us, do we?
Let's make sure they understand how serious we are about having fun.
Yeah, we Americans are spoiled rotten and proud of being so!
Ain't no little coronavirus gonna keep us from partying, no sirreebob.
We'll just let the evidence speak for us.


I had to make light of this horrifying data, or I'd be reduced to tears.
My birthday62 will be here on Friday.
I've known since last year that it would fall on a Friday this year, just as my 40th had fallen on a Friday in 1998, encouraging me to make it a three-day weekend this time, too!
No, that most def is not a thing now.
I'll have to devise some other way to mark the event.
Stay tuned... I'm thinkin' 'bout it.
In the mean time, between times, please stay safe, wear that face covering when out in public, and wash, wash, wash those hands.

congratulations, alex!

The second son of blue-sky Penny, the maternal cousin in Tallahassee, is officially graduating tomorrow.
At least, that's what had been the original plan, months ago, when the graduation invitations were designed and printed.
How does that saying go?
Something about life being what happens while you're busy making other plans?
I believe that Alex will take that message to heart and be just fine.
After all, he is an Eagle Scout, just like his brother and father.
He knows to "always be prepared".
I'm advising him to also live large, be fearless, seek out opportunity, and learn some good ice breakers.
That last one seems trivial, but it's amazing how much traction can be gained by knowing small talk at a social event!
Much luck to you, my dear!

with music by Mark Snow

Seriously, every time I use this particular coffee cup, the made-up lyrics pop into my head and I practically sing them out loud!
"The X-Files is a show...
with music by Mark Snow...
Mark Snow.
Hahahaha hahaha!
I though it perfect to accompany my pepperoni eggs for brunch...
and it was, too!
The truth is definitely out there!

That cup is one of the four that just got washed, too.
See the heat-changing panel on back of that third one?
Cold, it states "the truth is out there" and hot gets the message to "trust no one".
That's pretty nifty for a coffee mug!
Beside it is the Armstrong mug, clear with classic black lettering.
The rightmost, a dark green cup, boasts the logo of the Savannah Sand Gnats baseball team.
I sure miss those boys of summer!
That's three cups on that row.
So, where is the fourth?
Look toward the middle...
see that huge white one...
with the pale blue logo?
That's Starbucks, baby, and it was given to me by my BFF!
When was that?
Well, she may have done so sometime this past decade...
or it may have been even further back in time than that!
Sam Voelker and I have known each other since the mid-1980's.
Don't tell anyone how old that must mean she is!
Hahahaha hahaha!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I spotted the nest by accident.
While sitting at the computer, I had spotted movement out of the corner of my eye.
It was a stray cat!
Creeping along a sturdy branch of the azalea!
I rapped on the window pane to scare it off, but it was determined, so I had to hiss at it from the front door to make it run off.
That's when I noticed the nest.
Then, the papa cardinal caught my attention as he flitted past, perching in my neighbor's oak tree.
See him near the upper left corner?
He faced me, looking into my eyes.
What would I do?
Would I dismantle this nest, as I had the earlier ones constructed twice inside my mailbox?
What was my next move?
I turned to hiss again at the cat, then closed the door.
Within a few minutes, the mama cardinal flew back to the azalea, checking out her nest, making sure it was still intact.
Then, she looked into my eyes, staring me down.
Would I approach the window?
Did I think her chicks would be safe there from feral felines?
That was on Saturday; she has now chosen a spot in the flowering pear, from which she peeked today.
That should be safe for these welcome visitors.

and then he kissed me

I was so immersed in the dream that when my alarm went off, I hit snooze...
then, fifteen minutes later, I hit snooze again...
and after another fifteen minutes, I hit snooze yet again...
and wasn't aware I had done so until the alarm again sounded, for what I thought was its first time, and I saw the time was ten past ten...
meaning I was missing the Mayor's press conference...
which was the only reason I had set the alarm.
So, I roused myself, reluctantly, and watched the rest of it.
Basically, he chastised proprietors and clientele alike for behaving like nimrods this weekend, for acting as though SARS-CoV-2 had permitted a cease-fire on its attack, when the local numbers of infected people show it has not done any such thing.
After he had taken questions and responded, I turned off the tv and crept back into bed...
hoping to recapture those arms that held me, those lips that kissed mine...
and, wonder of wonders, I did...
i thank You, God!
I hadn't been aware that I'd been successful until just a moment ago, when I looked at the clock and saw more than an hour had elapsed.
Those arms had been there, waiting to draw me closer and upward, upward, upward, until I was on my toes and my lips were able to be kissed, and to kiss back, with my arms around his shoulders, balancing our bodies into the embrace.
If ever there was a dream to return to, this was the one!
I do hope I'll be able to slip back into that embrace again tonight...
and, perhaps, every night this week...
and any other nights that my dream lover might have on his dance card...
mine is wide open, as are my arms.
My, my, my, mercy me!
And just who might this lover boy be?
Well, he's tall and hale and blond, blond, blond...
with strong arms and gentle eyes and lips that kiss softly and forever...
a big, blond, bear to snuggle into with abandon, knowing I am safe...
a big, blond, bear that reminds me of Michael William Young.
He truly does remind me of Mikey.
Maybe he's looking for me, maybe he's trying to search me out.
Maybe he's still wanting me to join him in Ohio, in the town named for his grandpa.
If he is, I just may go.
When he exited the Navy in 1983, he'd come from Okinawa to Imperial Beach, where I was then stationed, to spend a couple of days and try once more to convince me to marry him.
As much as I loved him - oh, so much! - I wanted to spend some time living near Mama, as it had been seven years since I'd been able to do that.
I wanted to be home, in Savannah, and go to Armstrong State College for at least two years, get the core classes in there before transferring to Savannah State College for their marine science program.
Time that would all be spent near Mama, near my family.
Mikey understood about the desire to be close to family.
That's why he was returning to his home town.
So, we made the most of our time together, on my futon in my tiny one-bedroom, second-floor, apartment in the low-rent section of Imperial Beach, California, then he'd taken his leave.
He had been keeping time with an older woman, with children, when he'd been there before, and that's where he was going again.
I don't recall ever hearing from him after that...
at least, not in the flesh...
just in my dreams from last night and this morning...
if that lover really is him.
In my mind, he is.
I cannot think of anyone else that I know who has his features.
Isn't that a little odd?
As many times as I have seen people of similar look, none have been big, blond, bears.
Not a single one.
The panda is a ginger-haired bear.
The Eagle scout once had dark hair, but is now bald.
The bfe is not a bear at all.
None of the crushes have fit that description, either, though Eric is closest...
as he does have a full head of dark blond hair and is a big guy...
but that has been a distinct no-go, though it had begun with a light kiss.
I've deliberately gone out of my way to see him, hoping for some sure sign of interest, joining his history tour on one occasion and his ghost tour in January.
And, although he seems happy to see me, he has not pursued any future encounters.
Even when he started coming to the Sentient Bean for PFS films, he came with a group that didn't include me in their post-movie discussion.
As I said, a distinct no-go.
What does he look like?
Well, Jim had showed a movie, "Darker Than Amber", back in early January. The 1970 film had been chosen to commemorate what would have been the birthday of its star, Rod Taylor. He had been 40 years old at the time.
The whole time I was watching it, I kept thinking he reminded me of someone I knew...
then, I suddenly realized who it was - Eric Mitchell!
I had even commented on that similarity to Eric, on fb.
Come to think of it, he started coming around to the 'Bean after that, along with Kal (who had been part of Javaflicks Savannah) and a couple of women.
I hadn't made the connection that he might have done so because he knew I would be there.
Might that even be a possibility?
I have my doubts.
He had several months to ask me out to a lunch, as I had asked him that first time.
So, my guess is he mentioned the PFS movies to Kal and was there because Kal was trying to have his own movie-viewing group.
Mikey did not have a square jaw, nor does my dream lover...
who, for now at least, I'm going to regard as being Mikey...
looking to be reunited after all these years.
Here's hoping I'll see him tonight!
Maybe I should even go to bed a bit earlier, to spend more time in his arms...
that would be so very nice...
soaking in love, breathing in his musky, citrus-tinged, scent...
my, my, my, mercy me...
dreams so real, more real than life sometimes.
How do I know which is which?
I take photos when I'm awake, to prove to myself it really happened, that the people were actually right there, that my life exists outside my mind.
i thank God that my first niece understands that, too.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

person eleven, kinda sorta

As I told the running bear,
"Thank you for taking me to the bookmine. I don't know that I would have been brave enough to come here today without that trip."
I had only been in Hinesville for maybe fifteen minutes when he had texted, just long enough to tell everyone hi and get hugs.
Good timing!
Hope he noticed that I wore the shirt that he gave me this year!
Michael took the top photo for me, so props to him!
I took this one of the four little girl cousins - Leila, Alyssa, Miyah, and Chloe - playing on the impromptu water slide.
Spraying the hot slide with water kept it from burning anyone, plus made it lots more fun!
Adding the wading pool at the bottom had seemed like a good idea, but didn't really work out.
All had fun, so that's what mattered!
In the above photo, you could see Chris manning the grill, churning out all manner of barbequed meats and even some veggies.
Here he is in a close-up, throwing a big batch of shrimp on the barbie - oh, yeah!
In the background is the dining tent, meant for us grown-ups to inhabit when meal time arrived.
Sadly, the we never had the chance.
The flies were fierce today, so the kids had the tent, though the flies were as plentiful inside it as outside.
Not to worry!
Christina was ready to go hunting and flies were the target, wanted dead, not alive!
That's a salt rifle she's toting and it was pretty good at blasting the pests, but there were just... so... many.
There was no way to thin the herds outside, but she was able to keep the pesky vermin at bay indoors.
Well, to an extent, at least.
And just what did the flies want?
Everything on this plate - my first one! - and more!
Burger, Melinda's baked beans, mac-n-cheese, watermelon bites and apple slices, grilled shrimp, grilled squashes, my apple cake, Boston butt, and, of course, that grilled hotdog - those flies wanted it for their memorial Day feast!
Well, nothin' doin', flies!
That food is mine... well, mine and Chloe's, as she ate part of it.
That little girl is growing like a weed.
Not only is she walking now, and doing pretty good at ti, but she's also trying to read!
She would flip the page and babble, babble, babble, then flip to the next page and repeat.
Bless her heart, she was determined to tell us the story!
She is such a sweet-tempered child, too, so it was easy to spend an hour or so with her in the tent.
Here's Michael and Christina, during our conversation about shapes and sizes of noses and whose noses looked like who else's, with Melinda and Matt and Chris chiming in.
I, of course, brought up the pinging... and then let the topic go.
But the talk I most liked was in the kitchen with Christina and her mom, putting food away, enjoying each other's company.
Plus, I got two packages of grilled low country boil and ten shrimp to carry home!

Somehow, it was suddenly 7 PM!
Time to say my goodbyes, gather those last lingering hugs, and set Nuvi to chart a course for home, chasing daylight along the way.
The odometer read 212855 as I was pulling out of the yard, after one last hug from my first niece, who'd thought I was leaving without telling her goodbye - as if that would, or even could, ever happen!
Now, the odometer has 212902 as my car is safely home again.
The is 8:30 PM now and I am safely home, after soaking in love all day -
I am so very relaxed!
Now, for a tall cool glass of vanilla milk, with the sound of fireworks all over the 'hood...
Cheers, y'all!
I'm going to watch "The LEGO Movie" and call it an early night!
I am so very blessed that Christina and I have an open telepathic channel -
like Mama and I had...
i thank You, God.