Monday, June 15, 2020

loss adjustment, in the living room

When I'm just going to watch tv and my mood ring is serene blue -
that's if I still had such a thing from my youth -
the couch is the place to be.
In fact, until the past six months, when I had others living with me, the couch was the only place I ever sat in the living room.
I could stretch out on it, with both feet up, just chilling out.

Then came Michael and his two little girls and I just naturally migrated to the loveseat, to allow them to all sit together on the couch.
After they moved out, I found myself switching back and forth between the two pieces of furniture.
If I was having lunch or dinner, then I sat at the loveseat, to use the marble-topped coffee table.
If I wanted to stretch out my legs, then I sat on the couch.

Then I had an epiphany last week, on Thursday evening while watching my time travel show.
My foot had located a place to be which registered as "human touch", which translated in my brain as not being alone, which reassured my psyche as a sense of contentment and comfort, just as a suitcase on my bed once had.
Now, when I need to be held, to feel the warmth of being cuddled, I can get a pretty good facsimile simply by sitting on the loveseat, my back partly on the arm near the wall and pressed into the big pillows.
The sensation can be enhanced by putting my left leg up on the seat and pressing the sole of that foot into the soft cushioned leather of that other arm.
The loveseat is exactly the right size for snuggling into and cuddling...
exactly the right size for me.

i thank You, God.

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