Wednesday, June 3, 2020

s for semen or p for pollen?

This lily had been the first to open and to add its brightness to my sunlit sunroom.
As I know this flower to be my first niece's favorite, I told her that I was glad she chose it to be included in my birthday62 bouquet.
She told me a few days ago that she was able to select online which types of flowers, if not the specific stems.
I said she chose stargazers so I would see them every day and think of her and know that she loves me.

She replied that she wished she had thought of doing that...
but she had not...
but she liked the way I think!
That was the day this second bloom awoke and spread its petals wide, revealing the burgundy pollen-encrusted stamen and the purple heart pistil, highlighted against its green and cream center.
Or should the parts be reversed?
The last time I had biology was in high school... and that's been a hot minute ago!

To my surprise, I had it right!
The stamen is the part that produces the plant sperm,
i.e., the pollen.
So, that means "s" for "sperm" from the "stamen".
The pistil has to wait for some third party to bring the pollen over...
though accidents do happen, I guess.
See that ruby pearl necklace?
Some eager stamen or two shot too low for the heart!
Hahahaha! hahaha!

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