Tuesday, June 16, 2020

symphony of bfe!

How excellent that the physicist would be on my birthday62 mug #6!
Not that it was a surprise that the bfe would be, of course.
I had ordered six mugs and already opened five of the packages.
What is excellent is that I was able to anticipate this brunch date with him!
As for the symphony, it has more to do with the purple hues from our Atlantic dinner than to the Charleston trip years earlier.
However, the flip side does commemorate a trip we had!
It was in 2013, for my first Jeff-vember, and I'd wanted it to be a special new experience for my best friend extraordinaire.
So, we'd jumped in the car to head to Jacksonville for skating fun...
and found ourselves in Macon!
Incredibly, we actually made it back south in time for the game!
And J-Dawg had a blast with the Savannah Derby Devils!
What an excellent trip that was!
What excellent memories to brighten my breakfasts and brunches!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Hooray, J-Dawg loved it, he really did!

me: Ah, good times!

bfe: I made mug status!

me: Yes, you did!

bfe: Ha ha! That's very cute!

me: The flip side has you from the Atlantic, with all those purples.

bfe: Ah! It's nice to be thought of!

me: Hey, you're my bfe, man! Of course I included you. I miss seeing your face during these crazy times

bfe: I am honored to be in your collection!

I am so honored to have him in my life!