Saturday, June 13, 2020

kids in the house!

Woohoo, my birthday62 mug #3 was a celebration of having Michael and the girls in my house!
I didn't open the surprise until this morning, but what a joy to see them again in my living room!
Here they are on the couch, Leila in her mermaid tail, watching the 50-year-old "Frosty The Snowman" with me and "Ocean, Tumultuous".
That was the evening of November 29, 2019.

The photo on the flip side was taken in the dining room two mornings later, a Sunday, as we shared our first breakfast together.
How wonderful to have that memory made fresh on this Saturday morn!
Of course, I had been funning with my phone and taken the shot on the diagonal, capturing just bits of Michael and Leila.
But Alyssa was front and center - and sunlit - for this!

And remember how I have gone on and on about these lovelies?
Their delicate scent has softly perfumed my bedroom for the past three days, their sweet aroma greeting me the moment I step into its little entryway.
Guess what they are???
Lilies of the valley!!!
That's my birth month flower!
I told Christina this morning that I'd never even see these before, much less been given them.
She really 'did good'!

Now, all the laundry has been folded and put away, even the heavier stuff that had to finish air-drying last night during the last of the "Rush Hour" trilogy.
The red mink blanket, the electric mattress pad, and the coverlet have been bagged and stored, too, and the sheets have been placed into the linen closet.
Time to enjoy some sunshine...
and the surprise when mug #4's identity is revealed tonight!
Life is good!

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