Thursday, June 11, 2020

nerdfighting at the bonefish and dancing too

I tell you, that 18-year-old optimist in my head has had a mighty fine day, mighty fine!
And it ain't even done yet!

"Great googly moogly!
What has that girl gone and done now?

Well, she had herself a cocktail at lunch, for one thing, and even inspired someone else to follow suit.

"Are you kidding me?"

I surely am not!
She and Barbara met up at Bonefish and she already had a Moscow Mule on the table!
Her friend took one look and ordered a Mojito!!
It wasn't even 2 PM yet!

"Well, it had to be 5 o'clock somewhere..."

Well, sure, sure, there is that.
And they're both grown and legal to drink booze...
and, what the heck, they hadn't seen each other in two months!
Plus, it was a celebration of my birthday62, as it turned out.
We both dined on ahi tuna, the appetizer for her and the steak - medium rare, of course! - for me.
Then Boo surprised me and paid for the whole tab!
Even for my Mule!

"What a wonderful birthday treat for you!"

I know!
I was just looking to have her company!
She is, ya know, one of mi tres amigas!
I very much enjoyed having those two hours with her.
It's been so long since we got together!

"And was part of your time spent talking in the parking lot?"

Of course it was!
I bet we were standing by her car, talking about Carolyn and Sandy and catching up still, for another thirty minutes or so!
We probably would have stood there longer if I hadn't seen the physicist's sparkly pumpkin drive by!!

"The who do what?"

The bfe!
He went by in his Mini Cooper!
Barbara took that cue to leave and I saw him over by the Publix.
He heard me yell his name, even with my face covering on, and we met up for a hug or two or three!

"Well, that was a nice surprise!"

You bet your bippy it was!
Plus, he told me he has some old movies from the 1940's and '50's for me.
He's going to bring them by sometime and he's also writing me a letter!
I really have missed him and our little adventures.
Maybe the next mug I open will be the one with his photos on it!

"Maybe the next what will be what?"

Maybe the next mug I open will be the one with his photos on it!

"So, you've ordered more coffee mugs?"

You know it!
Snapfish gave me $15 credit for my birthday,.
Then they had a Father's Day sale that featured 15-ouncers for a third of their regular price.
You gotta believe I took full advantage of that!
I've been wanting to capture more memories to enjoy in solid form...
and so I ordered six of those big ol' things, with two photos on each!


Hey, all told, it was like buying one at full price and getting five for free.
Who could resist?
Especially for a birthday62 gift to herself?

"You mean to yourself..."

Who knows my tastes better than me?
No one, that's who.
And, like, I said, these will have captured memories for me to enjoy "live" again.

"I hear you, g'friend.
Memories with loved ones are important, perhaps even more so now since you don't get to see them much these days.
So, how did the mugs turn out?

Well, I've only opened the box labeled "1 of 6" so far.
They all arrived in a huge package on Tuesday and none were labeled with which photos were inside.
So, wanting to draw out the delight as long as possible, I'm only opening one each night, then washing it for use the next morning.
This first one has the "Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2" bench that I had so wanted!
You may recall that I even wrote a song about it?

"How could I ever forget?"

So, that's what I'll be looking at when I sip left-handed.
The other side, the one I'll see when I'm holding the cup as usual with my right hand, has that billboard that helped me find my way home for several years.

"The one that asked if you were looking for a sign?"

The very one!
It was so nice to be greeted this morning with the message that I was 'born to dance'!

"Yes, I know that brought immense pleasure to your 18-year-old self!"

You know it!
That's why she insisted that we spread the joy around this evening by helping others.
She whipped out her Nerdfighter-ing mojo and helped defeat suck in the worlds of three other people!
People she didn't even know!!!

"yeah, she's a pretty good egg most of the time."

Only most of the time?

"Well, she does have that randy sense of humor..."

Need I say that she was a sailor in Uncle Sam's canoe club for eight years?
You know darn well that hangin' out with all those fellows had to rub off a little bit...

"Oh, please!
She thrived in that environment!

That she did, I will not lie.
She particularly liked it when she made a guy blush!

don't you have a box to open now?

Trying to distract me?
Well, that's the way to do it alright!
Yes, yes, I have box "2 of 6" awaiting my eager fingers!
Later, chick!

"Sweet dreams!"

I think I will have those tonight after another day soaked in love!
i thank You, God!

1 comment:

YKW said...

The Universe
06/12/2020 3:31 AM

Report Card Day!

Faustina, here's your Report Card from the "School of Life."

Compassionate - A+
(gives of self, even when no one’s looking)

Intuitive - A+
(naturally gifted)

Ability to see from others’ perspectives: A+
(practically goes out of body)

Spiritually alert: A+
(aura beginning to glow)

Resilient and adaptable to unexpected change: A+
(like the Energizer Bunny)

Terminally optimistic: A+
(fast rebounder)

Exercises gratitude muscle: A+
(your cup to be refilled x 7)

Good looking: A+
(a real hottie)

Patient and kind to self: hmmmm, A
(could play a little more)

Visualizes every day...

Performs random "acts of faith" in line with dreams...

Faustina, you’re amazing! Aced the very toughest courses in time and space! Now, since the last two subjects are the easiest, you get to grade yourself!

The Universe