Sunday, June 14, 2020

four cups, odd man out

Four cups?
That must mean it's time to wash dishes again!
Sure enough, that's it exactly.
And the four cups are all new ones, part of my birthday62 gift package from those kind folks at Snapfish.
Guess they've heard a thing or two about my love of the ocean!
(I'll wait while you get the joke...
any minute now...
hahahaha! hahaha!)
Three of those mugs are in the correct way, facing down so the rinse water can drain.
Those three are "born to dance with Quill and Yondu", "superhero littlest girl", and "twins in the house!", as I've already shared.
But what's up with the cup on the right???
It wanted its turn at getting noticed!
That's mug #4 of the six in my birthday lagniappe!
That man with the demure smile is none other than the running bear, just hours after completing his quest of running a marathon.
The only reason he consented to the photo is he was distracting by Bonnie Blue, congratulating him on that snazzy runner's jacket and medal.
Kevin and I were on our way to the post-race dinner at Jalapenos with the Savannah Striders.
I see this photo as his fb profile every time I'm in that la la land.
Nice, right?

The photo on the reverse of the coffee mug is one he took at the last Rock-n-Roll Marathon.
He was just funning for that race, choosing the half-marathon dragon to outrun.
Fortunately, he had Elvis making sure he kept up his pace -
hahahaha! hahaha!
This is the only cup with a photograph not taken by me.
That's because the bfrb is very quick to turn or frown during a snapshot.
Glad he sent me this one!

And, yes, lagniappe is the word most pertinent.
After all, I had not planned to give these mugs to myself...
but the universe set it up as an offer I could not refuse...
one that truly was a "buy-one-get-five free" offer.
What a major bonus!
Two more surprises await!

1 comment:

faustina said...

He likes, it, he really likes it!
This morning, when his cup's turn came up to accompany my breakfast, I took a photo and sent it to him.
Kevin said he had never been a mug before.
I responded justthatfast with "You've always had a mug, just never ON a mug! LOL!"
I also let him know a photo he took, of Elvis chasing him at the marathon, was on the flip side and was the only photo I'd used - of ten or so coffee cups - that was not one snapped by me.
Pretty cool!
Glad he is back to communicating with me.