Thursday, June 18, 2020

mothering, french toast, and peanuts with baseball

She sat right beside me, but I somehow missed taking her photo.
I had even completed her on that lovely top she was wearing...
yet, no picture of my first niece.
She was the reason I was at the Omelette Cafe for lunch at high noon - or low noon, as the case may be -
dining on French toast.
I obviously remembered to take a photograph of my food.
I even remembered to take one of the little book she gave me, "Peanuts Guide To Life" which promised "wit and wisdom from the world's best-loved cartoon characters by Schulz".
I'm not sure, but I think she just bought it on her way here.
Something to light a candle to brighten my way when the darkness falls too hard.
I do so love Christina Ann.
I do so love her Mom, too, and these blonde little girls!
I took their photo, didn't I?
With Leila on the left and Alyssa to the right, both beside their Grammy!
Their reason for being in Richmond Hill was also lunch with Christina, as a belated Mother's Day celebration.
That gift, a truly excellent t-shirt with all the children's names, had, at last, arrived.
My Mama would have loved it!

After lunch, my first niece had to hightail it back to work.
The rest of us went to shop at... Goodwill!
Amazingly, store policy requires everyone to wear face coverings and the store freely provided the two the girls wore.
I was so impressed - and pleased.
Leila wasn't too keen on that policy, but Alyssa was determined to have fun anyway!
So, just what was the reason for our visit to the store?
Melinda needed school uniform clothes for the girls, as they start kindergarten in about seven weeks.
Also, the girls were told they could each pick out "one small toy".
Alyssa got that little kitteh, thanks to my help.
I'm not sure that Leila found anything to her liking.
I bought two triptych photo frames!
Time for a special project!
I'm so glad I spent some time with the twins - I do miss them and their energy and their laughter!

I ran a couple of errands on my way back to Savannah, but made sure I was home for the second half of the first episode.
For that, I was rewarded with "Oh, boy, I'm a baseball player"!!!
Sam was the final hitter, staring at the last out and a lost game...
he was two strikes down and had just swung and missed again...
but the catcher miffed the ball!!!
Run, Sam, run, go to first base!
Keep going, keep going, the ball was over the player's head!
Oh, man, just look at these boys missing these throws!
Run on to third, just keep charging ahead while the baseman watches it go into the foul zone!
This is it, Sam, come on home, come on home... but slide, Sam, slide!
This is for the game!
And Sam slid, with his hand making contact with the bag before the catcher could touch him!!!
His team won!
The crowd went wild!
Me, too!

What a good day it had been, surrounded by those who know and love me.
i thank You, God.

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