Sunday, June 14, 2020

chalk it up to fun!

Lest I give the wrong impression,
the sausage tests were not the only fun to be had, but were certainly the most scientific.
Turning me, a former teacher, loose with a piece of chalk, once an educational device used often, was an invitation for my favorite artistic endeavor: a scribble flower!
I even signed my creation!
The girls came over and were drawing, too, but as soon as I wrote my name it was game on!
I had spelled it aloud and naught would do but that I also write the littlest girl's name.
Why stop there?
Her name led to her sister's, then her stepbrother's, and then those of the parents, each name spelled aloud, each name in a different color.
Why in so many colors?
Because that's how many shades of chalk were there!
And get this: I had matched the colors to the correct people!
I didn't even have to cue Miyah to stand by her deep pink name!
Then she dragged Chloe to her purple name!
I had not even known that Christina was separating the girls' items by those colors - how fortuitous!
Christian, in blue, was in blue swim trunks, his dad would later have a green popsicle, and Christina would have an orange one...
matching up, by serendipity, to the colors of their chalked names.
How had I selected those particular hues for those particular people?
It certainly was not a conscious decision on my part.
Must have been a case of right place, right time.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Before I leave, a few comments!
The highlighted food yesterday in Hinesville was ribs - yum, yum!

My cooler stayed behind; guess that means I'll have to go back there sometime!
That reminds me of something Mama told me.
Christina would ALWAYS leave a toy or piece of clothing behind when she came to visit, as if to guarantee she would have to return to Grammy's house.
Awww, how very sweet!

I love that the two sisters here have their hair done differently.
Chloe's is in ponytails, while Miyah is sporting pigtails.
Different, but similar - just like them!