Tuesday, June 30, 2020

the party with four little girls

When I walked into the restaurant, I knew I was late.
I'd been busy writing all afternoon, getting my monthly report together.
So, knowing the others must have already arrived, I told the hostess that I was joining the party with four little girls.
Her face went into a big smile and she took me straight to them!
In fact, we had the back room all to ourselves for most of the time!
They all smiled when they saw my new face covering!
Remember when I'd run into the bfe and he had spoken of missing facial expressions of late?
Well, I miss that, too.
So, at least I now can show the facial expression that tells folks I'm glad to see them!
I can even make sure the smile is up to my eyes.
This bunch of little darlin's always brings big smiles to me!
Leila was sitting right next to her Grammy, as she likes to do.
Miyah had the head of the table - how did that happen?!
Then, Alyssa was between the littlest girl and Chloe, the youngest girl.
My first niece kept close to that one, since she kept wanting to do as the bigger girls did.
Amazingly, we had a token male join us for this luncheon - Michael, with SPG goggles, naturally!
He and I mostly talked to each other before the meals came, then we were all too busy eating!
This veggie plate at Cheddar's came with a huge garden salad, too, and I ate every bite of that garlicky broccoli and honey-sweet carrots.
I ate those last, as they were definitely dessert!
After the meal, we all convened at the cars, giving the girls a chance to run around a little.
Michael gave me a huge box of fruits and vegetables, and Christina added half of a gigantic watermelon - wow!
When I took the box to my car, I saw I still had some beaded necklaces.
How many? Did I have at least four?
I had exactly four, all in different colors and three styles!
Alyssa chose blue, as I knew she would; Leila opted for purple, which was a surprise; and Miyah chose pink, of course.
Chloe got the yellow one, but she was just thrilled with it!
All in all, a great success!
Right place, right time.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Oh, let me add the many goodies in that fruit and veggie box that Michael gave me!

2 pears

6 apples
+4 oranges
= more chilled fruit salad!

6 tangerines

8 sweet potatoes

3 large white onions

6 cucumbers

4# bag of russet potatoes

I'm not sure hw much all of that would have cost me, but however much is was is still money I didn't have to pay.
i thank You, God!