Tuesday, June 2, 2020

challenge completed!

“Life Is Good" Challenge
I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 1: Life is good because I have art in my house. This was bought in Florence, Italy, in May 2012.

I nominate (Aunt) Barbara Narcarti.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 2: Jackpot! For the 2nd time in 3 months, I found toilet paper! Hallelujah! I was coming home [on May 23] from mailing Aubree's birthday gift. Maybe this was a gift from Daddy.

I nominate (sis-in-law) Laura Smith.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 3: Time spent on a sunny Sunday, soaking up love.

I nominate (eldest niece) Christy Ward-Parker.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 4: Catching up on yard work, and then waving goodbye to it.

I nominate (friend since Fink's Deli trivia, and city sanitation head)
John Denion.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 5: If Sam Beckett can survive leaping around from one point in time to another, with just a hologram for assistance, then I can survive this point in time, with the help of many.

I nominate (friend since high school) Jo Coleman-Williams.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 6: Making mealtime fun with a bit of creativity! This is Italian pasta with Georgia shrimp in an Okinawan donburi bowl, eaten with Japanese chopsticks.

I nominate (friend from Boomers) Sue Gorecki.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 7: See that little green light? Electricity is ON and coffee is brewing - oh, yes!

I nominate (first niece's man, and electrician) Christian Grunow.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 8: Making the most of little pleasures - like ice cream for dessert after breakfast, on my birthday or any time!

I nominate (friend from my ex) Sue Kosokowsky.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 9: Renewing an old passion: getting creative with flowers.

I nominate (PFS friend, and artist) Axelle Kieffer.

I was nominated by (cuz'n) Michelle Davidson.
I shall post a picture that is meaningful to me each day.
10 posts, 10 days, 10 nominations.

Day 10: Still being able to wear the blouses I bought in Italy in 2012. I had lost a lot of weight beforehand, so I left old tops there to make room in my suitcase for the new clothing.

I nominate: (Shekinah sister) Kathy Hodges.

I'm finally done with this facebook challenge!
For my choices of photographs, I only selected ones from the past two months -
that is, only those that pertained to "life is good" in quarantine.
I wonder how many folks will "get" that?
No worries, it can be our little inside joke.
I began on May 22 and did fairly well at posting daily until my birthday62.
Gee, wonder why that happened?
I think I ended up posting Day 8 and Day 9 on Sunday...
which should have been Day 10...
which finally was done today...
so, now I'll see how well my nominees do.
I made sure to chose folks who are not in my usual fb stream, so I'd hear more from them.
That will be good for me and for them.

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