Wednesday, June 3, 2020

you had me at art deco

Jim had titled the night's surprise as "Bizarre Dark Cult Comedy / Horror Flick!".
He'd described it in the following way.

"The exact title of this and all future selections will remain a SECRET right up until showtime.

So, with that in mind, here is all I will tell you about our June 3rd selection:

1. This is one of the all-time classic cult films of the 1970s.

2. It stars two gifted and acclaimed American actors, one who was often confused by viewers for being British. Both of them are at times hamming it up unmercifully in this creepy yet somehow quite funny tale.

3. It's director WAS British, and he got his start as the Art Director for one of the most influential "mod" TV shows of the 1960s, and this film was shot in England, with most of its supporting cast being from the U.K. as well.

4. There are distinct echoes of the set and costume design of this film in the look and feel of THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, which was made just a few years later.

5. This movie has been ripped off NUMEROUS times in the decades since it was made, but none have ever equaled the delightfully campy nature of this little gem of a movie which, much like ROCKY HORROR, is an homage of sorts to old-fashioned horror movies of the 1950s and 1960s.

6. I love this film so much that I actually dressed up once as the title character and appeared live onstage as him here in Savannah (and I really don't like dressing in costumes)."
------------------------------------ ---------------------------

I had my reservations about whether I would stay for it or go elsewhere.
The PFS Online Viewing Party had hosted a horror movie last Wednesday, too, one that I had deemed too much of the grotesque for me to partake.
Curtain time had been delayed thirty minutes, but I hung around on fb, waiting for the title to be released, waiting to make up my mind.
I'm so very glad I stayed!

It was a tale of romance gone wrong, much as "The Crow" was, and we all know how much I adore that movie!
In both films, the two lovers die tragically young, robbed of sharing an old age together.
In both films, the male finds a way to avenge the death of his beloved, taking care that only those who did wrong would be harmed.
Ah, perfect revenge!
And isn't it romantic, his shadow on the stairs, their images on the floor?

He had taken pains to recreate the scene as she would have known it, back in 1921.
he had even crafted a robotic band, Dr. Phibes' Clockwork Wizards,
so he and she could always have dance music to enjoy.
Of course that made me think of those romantic animatrons, Steam Powered Giraffe!
Maybe I need to spend more time with those guys to catch their art deco stylings?

Meanwhile, back at the (Phibes) ranch, what songs were activated when they press play?
"Dark Town Strutters Ball" was one I knew from the 2016 SMF!
And those songs about dreams, dreams of being kissed,
about dance and romance!
Then, over the credits, a song I've known almost my entire life:
"Over The Rainbow", a song for daydreamers like me.
What a beautiful movie, one I know that I will watch again.

Of course, I had to let Jim Reed know that he'd done good!

"Oh, wow... you had me at "art deco"..."

"Have you seen this film before?"

"I had not.
I do believe I shall watch it again!
Totally enjoyable, artfully designed, and the music - oh, yes!
Thank you!

I know you are not a fan of horror movies, so I delight in finding ones that you both try and enjoy."

"I'm a big ol' Vincent Price groupie, so that helped. :)
Plus, like I said... that whole art deco thing... wow!
I once spent several days at South Beach, just to revel in that style of architecture.

Yes, I will definitely watch this one again.
What a wonderful, unintentional, unforeseen gift for birthday62!
i thank You, God!


faustina said...

I just realized I never gave the name of this movie that I waxed rhapsodic about!
It was "The Abominable Dr. Phibes", made in 1971, and which I did not find abominable in the least.

faustina said...

Yes, I so love Vincent!

"Ladies and gentlemen, poison doesn’t always come in bottles. And it isn’t always marked with the skull and crossbones of danger.

Poison can take the form of words and phrases and acts: the venom of racial and religious hatred.

Here in the United States, perhaps more than ever before, we must learn to recognize the poison of prejudice and to discover the antidote to its dangerous effects.

Evidences of racial and religious hatred in our country place a potent weapon in the hands of our enemies, providing them with the ammunition of criticism.

Moreover, group hatred menaces the entire fabric of democratic life.

As for the antidote: you can fight prejudice, first by recognizing it for what it is, and second by actively accepting or rejecting people on their individual worth, and by speaking up against prejudice and for understanding.

Remember, freedom and prejudice can’t exist side by side.

If you choose freedom, fight prejudice."


faustina said...

Well shoot, I never posted the movie link, either!
Yes, blonde roots and all that!

I know I'll want the option to watch this again.