Friday, June 5, 2020

four meals from olive garden!

This was the first meal, on Tina Tuesday this week.
Shrimp Scampi, over linguine, nice and hot and delicious!
With plenty of hot, garlicky breadsticks, too!
Oh, yes, and Pasta Fagiole, two bowls of that fabulous soup!

"Oh, wow! Did you order it for pick-up, like that time with Jason's Deli?"

No, the running bear had called and made a reservation to dine in at Olive Garden.
So, that's what we did.
Believe me, I had vetted them first on, to make sure it was okay.
And it, was, too, with all the staff there wearing face coverings and the diners seated rather distant from each other.

That blows my mind.
You know the numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths are increasing still, right?

Yes, I am only too aware.
Indeed, they are increasing at a faster rate than before.

"... And, yet, you dined out. At a restaurant."

For the third time...

"Yeah, like that condones the action somehow."

... which was three weeks ago.
Then, there was Jalapenos on May 19th, two weeks ago.
That was the only one that was really questionable and that was just because of the clusterf*ck in the small doorway.
As we entered, at least two other parties were exiting.
I damn near left, but he had already been seated.
Glad I stayed for the ceviche and sopapillas, but the energy was definitely off for us.
It was off again this week.
Hope we can get that straightened out soon.
I'm willing to bet the problem is with me.
I'm really needing some normalcy, especially after my birthday62.
Not that I'm saying it was a bad day -
because it wasn't -
it was different, and anything different is good -
but I'm ready for something more like it once was.

"I know, honey, I know.
It's starting to grate on that last nerve, ain't it?

It is, it is.
And I'm starting to take it out on others, including him.
I've requested another Gripe-a-thon session with him.
I keep thinking about Lucy in the Peanuts comic strip, with her "The Psychologist is IN" sign.
If I give him a nickel, do you think he'll get the joke?

"He's a pretty smart cookie.
I'd be willing to wager that he will know the reference.

You may be right.

"Damn Skippy, I am!"

Yes, dear.
Now, what was I talking about?
Oh, yes!
Olive Garden food for multiple meals at home!
Because I had two bowls of soup - and two breadsticks, or maybe three - I had plenty of my dinner to have at lunch the next day.
The shrimp I actually diced up and let soak in Rotel, you know, for my "poor girl's ceviche" and had it for lunch yesterday, as I enjoyed "Cops And Robbersons". That 1994 movie is such a hoot! Chevy Chase is always good for a laugh and I adore Jack Palance!

"I see!
No photo of that dish?

Well, if you look here, you'll see I've posted it before.

"My turn to say "yes, dear".
Hahahaha! Hahaha!

Whatever, I'm just going to carry on.
So that's three days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - and three meals with Olive Garden in my life.
But, there's more!
For five bucks, I had added on a Spaghetti With Meat Sauce to take home.
The sketti, and some of the sauce, were lunch earlier today.
I even topped it with some of the Blue Apron parmesan cheese from their Italian Chicken dinner last week!
That one was part of my birthday62 gift to myself.

"Well, I've heard nothing of it!
Why haven't you shared those meals here?

No worries, dear, I will!
I have not yet cooked the last of those, but I will do so tomorrow.
So wet your whistle and whet those taste buds for some steak!


Yes, I am rather looking forward to that sirloin myself!
This is the last of the Olive Garden, the fourth meal eaten at home.
I had taken about half the meat sauce, placed it atop some Gouda, then heated the wrap for yet another grilled cheese - oh, so good!

"I guess that one was tonight's dinner?"

Oh, yes, consumed just after the Odd Lot's Friday Funnies.
I'm so glad my first niece was finally able to find parking and join me!

"Ding ding ding ding..."

Why, yes, that's the Odd Lot alarm I sent her!

"They're back to having live shows???"

Oh, I see the cause of your distress
No, "live on fb" is as "live" as it can be right now.
One of these days, hopefully, they'll again inhabit the Loft on Liberty.
Sadly, though, that will end Christina's ability to "attend" the shows, as she would have to drive in from Liberty, as that's the county where she lives.

"Oh, I see your little joke there!
But what was that about her finding a parking spot?

Just a little humor between me and her.


Truly, 'tis!

"Well... yes... ahem...
I think I'll just wander off right now and find something else to do.

Oh, you bet!
I should jet, too.
Maybe I'll make sure the green beans for that steak dinner are still okay.
It's been over a week since I got that box in.

"You still have green beans from Christina's gift, right?"

I do!
I froze half of that mess of beans!
That was almost 1 1/2 pounds of green beans!

"Well, then, you should be all set!
Those are already prepped and blanched, good to go.

Jam up and jelly tight!

"Ya got that right!"

Outta sight!
Don't let the bugs bite!

"I'm ready for the night!"

Me, too.
Yep, me, too.
Catch ya on that flip side, as the deejays say.

1 comment:

faustina said...

FYI: I wrote a review on tripadvisor!