Thursday, March 19, 2020

no NEW cases is the goal

No NEW cases of the virus, that is the goal.
The coronavirus, SARS-COV-2, COV-19 - by whatever name used, the important fact is that it is a (+)ssRNA and mutates slightly with each new host, just like others in that classification.
Specifically, a portion of the virus mimics our own mRNA, the ribonucleic acid that activates the protein factory in our cells.
The virus uses that capability to make more of the proteins it needs.
Social distancing is the key to stopping it.

Once an adult has contracted the virus, it will be active in their body for roughly two weeks.
The downside is that person can be spreading it during those first three days when they may not even be aware they are infected.
Please, use caution, dear family and friends.
I know so many who are in the high risk categories: over 50, compromised immune systems, battlling COPD, diabetes, cancer, asthma.
Let's act responsibly.
My heart cannot take more funerals.

The above picture shows the outbreaks in Italy, South Korea, and Iran,
Do you know how this novel coronavirus spread so quickly in Italy?
Carnivale, the largest celebration of the religious season of Lent, was held in Milan, which became the epicenter of the disease in that country.
Do you know how the novel coronavirus spread so quickly in South Korea?
It got its start at the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in the city of Daegu.
Do you know how the novel coronavirus spread so quickly in Iran?
The people all gathered at Qom, a holy city visited daily by thousands or worshipers.
The people were in each of those locations for religious reasons and their leaders in government hesitated to call off those gatherings.
That was a mistake that will cost hundreds of lives, maybe thousands.
Honestly, listening to the Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi, pleading with the world to not follow in their footsteps, to learn from their example, to ban large public gatherings...
that was heartbreaking.

Iran and South Korea each have more than 15,000 cases of infected people.
Italy has more than 35,000 people who have contracted the disease caused by COV-19.
All it took in each location was one infected person.
It isn't just family and close friends that got infected.
It was everyone who touched anything the infected person had touched after coughing into his/her hand.
The virus is active on surfaces for up to TWELVE HOURS.
On metal surfaces - like stair rails, door handles - the virus can live MORE THAN 24 HOURS.

Act responsibly and be sure to cough into your shirt, not on your hand... and wash, wash, wash those hands.

Social distancing - a temporary measure, not a "forever after" - definitely works.
Yesterday, China had NO NEW CASES for the first time since Dec 2019.
That was less than four months ago, after it began in Wuhan.
Now, they have to be mindful of those citizens returning home and bringing the new strain - since it has mutated into two types - with them.
So, the outlook is quite grim, especially knowing how we Americans love our freedoms: to go where we want, when we want to, and to party like there's no tomorrow.
For many, there won't be a future.
They will ignore the warnings and insist on living their way, even while knowing they are endangering all around them.

I am hoping and praying that the majority of those reading this will act responsibly.
This is not the first time that people have had to hunker down and wait things out.
We have had Hurricanes Matthew and Irma and Dorian as drills for the past few years.
At least we don't have armed forces knocking door to door like Anne Frank experienced.
At least we will still have electricity for our coffee makers and our electronic gadgets.
At least we have running water that is safe to drink.
At least we can stay in touch via social media and our phones.
Those are so many blessings.
Yes, we have people right here infected with COV-19.
But that doesn't have to be the situation for all of us.
Yesterday, China had NO NEW CASES.
That's what we should strive for with all our might.
Yesterday, China had NO NEW CASES.
Because of that, we can have hope that we will also reach that goal of NO NEW CASES.


faustina said...

This is an expansion of what I posted on fb that day.

So far, quite a few of my friends have read it and given it their approval.

Two of those - Bill Peterson and Lindsay Norman - have also publicly thanked me for posting it.
They, like me, are world travelers and are conscious that the USA is not the only country on Earth.
I shine a light whenever I can; it's reassuring that at least a few see it in the darkness.
i thank You, God.

faustina said...

The Georgia Department of Public Health is posting daily updates on the number of cases of coronavirus in this state, by county, too.
Pretty sobering statistics.
On March 18th, Georgia had less than 200 cases and only 1 death linked to the COV-19.
On March 25th, Georgia has ALMOST 1400 and has 47 deaths reported as linked.
That's a seven-fold increase in seven days.
Very scary.