Friday, June 19, 2020

giving the purple planet a spin

I had known for at least a week that the purple planet was open again.
On Thursday, I'd gone by to check on its hours and see how busy it looked at about 3 PM.
The hours were posted on the door.
"Monday - Thursday 5:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Friday 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM"
This afternoon, I finally manned up enough to go there.
I dressed in the clothes I would be wearing to do my program, leaving just the socks and shoes to put on in the locker room.
I wore my face covering most of the time, after it was clear that social distancing protocol was not being followed by those on the other machines.
I liberally sprayed PF's sanitizer on, around, and above every machine I used.
I saw maybe a handful of those present using the spray
at all, giving a cursory wiping of handles and seats if even bothering to do that.
Given their lackadaisical mien, I have to presume that every single one of those people are carrying SARS-CoV-2 and are COVID-19 positive.
I made sure that no one would be able to say I gave the disease to them.
My face covering stayed on, disinfectant spray was on all equipment before and after my use, and I maintained at least 6 feet from others.
I also presented an "I dare you to f*ck with me" stare to ward folks off after a preliminary incident on the treadmills.

When I checked my email this evening, this was waiting for me.
--- --- ---
Subject: Planet Fitness Savannah (Eisenhower Dr) Feedback Request
Planet Fitness
6/19/2020 7:51 PM

Planet Fitness
We are so excited to have you back at Planet Fitness!
We are now more committed than ever to making you as comfortable and safe as possible during each experience that you have with us.
Please take a moment to let us know how we are doing.
--- --- ---
The very first question was: How likely are you to recommend Planet Fitness Savannah (Eisenhower Dr) to a friend or family member?

I answered "7".
When asked to elaborate, I did, honestly and completely.

"I felt very uncomfortable there as I was working out.
When I was on the treadmill, on a machine that was the only one in use on that row, someone came to the machine one over from mine, instead of choosing to be more socially distant.
That person's machine was only about 6 feet from mine.
When people are working out, they are breathing much more forcefully, just as folks do when they sing.
As you should know, singers are required to be THIRTY FEET APART.
That means that having only every other treadmill or bike or stepper being marked off for use is an inadequate situation; it should be at the very least only one machine in four that is being open for exercise.
I would appreciate if Planet Fitness would make that change.
Thank you.

More questions followed, with me continuing to answer honestly.
Later in the survey, they asked for any ideas on how they could improve.

"Everyone should be encouraged to wear a face covering.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide can freely move through all masks and face coverings, so anyone who claims that it affects their breathing is simply uninformed about science.
The purpose of the face covering is to prevent contamination by virus-laden spittle, present in all speech and all open-mouth exhalations.
If nothing else, people should wear the face coverings when entering and exiting through that small lobby.

After I submitted my survey, they sent this acknowledgement.
"Thank you for your feedback!
We would like to thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Your thoughts are important to us and we'll improve with your feedback.

Let''s hope so.
This pandemic has at least another year here in the USA.
As for a magic bullet, i.e., a working vaccine, that's at least as far in the future.
I see so many of the under-40 crowd acting as though the health scare is past for now, with maybe a second wave in the fall when their kids return to school.
No, that is incorrect.
Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks what my data continues to bear out:
We are still in the first wave, with numbers of people infected, as well as dead, continuing their daily increases.
People who are deliberately ignorant are such emotional vampires.
I wish garlic worked to ward them off.

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