Monday, June 15, 2020

ha ha! made me laugh!

For the past couple of weeks, I've been working on a new groove:
trawling on fb until I happen upon a high note on which to exit.
I make sure that whoever was responsible for that post knows it, too!
I typically write something along these lines:
"Congratulations, you made me laugh out loud!
That means it's time to exit fb for the evening!
Many thanks!
So, forthwith, the ones I've collected thus far.

This was the first one I saved, from 8 June,
posted by Eric Mitchell.
(I was there to grab the PFS Sunday movie link for
"This Island Earth"
, as I had been elsewhere.)
"F.Y.I. You pee on a jellyfish sting
not a jelly stain.
Again my apologies
to the lady at the Waffle House
this morning.

This lovely little pun is courtesy of Marguerite from one of her posts on 9 June.
(I was on fb after posting my Rolling Stones enhanced graphing exercise.)
"What kind of shoes do frogs wear in the summer?"
"Open toad sandals."
Bring on the corny jokes - I eat them up!
(Get it? Hahahaha!)

Danny Beam was the 'winner' on June 12th with this one.
(I had gone to fb for Odd Lot's Friday Funnies 'with' my first niece, but they had taken the night off.)
I'm so glad I'm not one of these fashion-conscious women,
but I know plenty (yes, Christina!) who are!
So the wife says to her husband,
"You're not wearing a polka-dot face mask with a plaid shirt."
I think that chick needs more moonbeams in her life!
I know I sure do!

The latest one was garnered just last night, courtesy of former deejay Jay Sinclair.
(I'd gone to join Jim's Sunday group, but it was an Andy Griffith movie I saw last year with PFS.)
The scene is a 'one-stop shopping for a heartache' strip mall, with a divorce lawyer squat in the middle between a liquor store and a bankruptcy attorney.
Those could be visited in any order for the same results!
Question: who drove those two cars...
and were they buying?
Hahahaha! Hahaha!

Well, this has been a fun interlude!
Perhaps I'll share more of these again sometime.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Okay, today it was Danny Torres!
This was his post from the 19th of June, but I only just now saw it.

"I fell in love with a girl who only knew four vowels.
She didn't know I existed."

Color me gone!!!
(No 'i' in that!)