Saturday, June 27, 2020

thnks fr th vds

After almost an hour talking - live! - with Christina, I figured the best way to beat this infernal heat was to catch up on some missed videos.
(Get the title now?
My little disemvoweled joke?
Don't fret - another clue will come along later.)
With her on my mind, the first video to watch, of the Prokop's garden, was a no-brainer.
(Poor little starving zombie - ya gotta look elsewhere!)

Yep, I bopped to the "Prokop's Heavenly Garden"!
She and I have visited it together, more than once,
and I made sure to send the link to her.
That garden is part of my birthday tradition now.
"Thank you for the lingering close-up of the oak-leaf hydrangeas! I always look forward to those every year and have missed seeing them... and chatting with you and Mary.
Such a lovely little haven y'all have!

What was it that Mama's cross-stitch sampler said?
Oh, yes, I remember.
"The kiss of the sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer God's heart in a garden
than any place else on Earth.

So, with God on my mind and Sunday coming up quickly, I thought I'd catch up on the Memorial Day Sunday offering from Asbury Memorial.
I'd arrived rather late, so I'd missed Rev. Billy Hester's opening remarks.
That meant I missed him wishing me a happy birthday for my birthday62!
I'd also missed the 'slide show' that Ray Ellis put together to honor the members of the church who have any connection to the armed forces.
That includes the active duty military, deceased veterans, as well as alive and kicking veterans - like me!
What a nice touch to know what what branch of the service folks were in!
This is the part of the video I'd come in on, back on May 24th, but I watched it again.
Nico Meraz is all grown up now, serving in the Army, and he had been enlisted - get it? - to lead the stretching exercises which we have before the sermon these days.
Before the pandemic changed all gatherings to virtual, we would have been up and down, up and down, for prayers and songs.

Okay, enough of that already!
On to the next missed video on my list: Steam Powered Giraffe's Live Out Of Makeup Acoustic Show!
Originally aired on March 19th, I'd tripped over its light fantastic a few weeks ago and bookmarked its location onto my radar.
Here, Bunny begins "Honeybee"...
and I was captured in its enchantment, as I always am.
"Hello, goodbye, 'twas nice to know you,
how I find myself without you
that I'll never know.
I let myself go.
Hello, goodbye, I'm kind of crazy,
and I never thought I was crazy,
but what do I know?
I let myself go.
Of course, I had to go watch the music video again!
But, thanks to Maggie Mars' setlist in the comments, I have a new song to love from these hopeful romantic robots: "Lying Awake".
There's something about it that tugs at my mind and my heart, nudging a Chris Cornell song toward the surface, but without the extreme heartache.
Yeah, I really like SPG, so I shared all this with my nephew Michael, as he introduced me to this music
at his 30th birthday party.

After all that video viewing, it was time for something else...
like mowing the back yard...
even though it was still over 90 out there...
with Saharan sand hitching a ride on the jet stream to form dust in the wind.
(Hey, nineteen, got that song reference?)

After an hour of sweating and bag emptying, with the lower forty now displaying a checkerboard pattern to show proof of cutting, I was done.
Time for a late dinner to coincide with a rerun of SNL (hey, it is a Saturday night!) with Fall Out Boy.
Aired on March 4, 2006, it predates their 2009 concert movie that I saw at the cinema.
"Dance, Dance" was the song in this show that Natalie Portman hosted.
I like that song, I do, as well as many others, partly because of their music videos.
That's how I was introduced to this band, really and truly: from watching the VH1 videos when I was on holiday.
"Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" - which I always say in my mind with vowels intact - is a particularly funny one and one of my all-time favorites.
And I think I just now realized why!
Pete, the lyricist for the group, is wearing eyeliner in the video, making him look a lot - seriously, a lot, like my ex when we were dating back in 1991, when he was just 26 years old.
Ah, good times!

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