Monday, June 22, 2020

clean coffee cups, old and new

Yowzah, yowzah, yowzah!
I had a whopping eight cups in the drainer this time!
That's when I realized that some had been missed in prior posts.
Not the new mug #2, with the littlest superhero...
not the new mug#4, with the running bear chased by an ETA...
not the clear glass memento of my local alma mater...
and not the 40-year-old blue unicorn with the chipped lip.
But how about that real Elvis Presley cup, to the far left and towering over the others in the back row?
That cup is five years old,
a gift from the physicist!
The one next to it, proclaiming me "the sweetest Aunt" with little desserts all over it, is even older and a gift from that first niece of mine.
Then, there's the white one next to it, from the ocean-themed fundraiser she and I attended at the Pirates' House, back in... 2009? 2010?
When my hair was short and still being Lorealed to 'warm brown'!
And that one next to it, with the black on black design?
That was courtesy of the dealership when I bought my brand-new Saturn, back in 2001.
Nice perk, and classy design, too!

This group of four cups has a travel mug that missed the previous tour.
That celebrates the trip to Beech Mountain with dos de mi amigas, Barbara and Sandy.
That's the one with the pale teal stripe, by the blue unicorn.
The gigantic, colorful, mug dwarfing Beech Mountain?
Oh, c'mon, take a guess what that one is all about!
That's right, the Moscow Ballet's "Great Russian Nutcracker"!

The only one of this trio which is new to this series of posts about coffee mugs is the one being rather obvious about its purpose.
It was purchased from the same china shop on Gate 2 Street in Okinawa, outside one of the many bases there, and at the same time, as the blue unicorn.
That would have been just before I PCS'ed out in 1982.
Those two cups are the oldest I own.
Incredible, given what a klutz I am!

How about this quintet?
Well, as with the above set, only one has not yet made the news.
Pretty startling, actually, given what a lovely, shiny, red face it has!
It's a metal cup, given to me by my brother, Smitty.
He'd bought it for me while he and Mary were on a cruise of Alaska.
It's the mug I use for hot chocolate - special treats!

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