Thursday, September 30, 2021

vcrs lvng thru aunt t, vol 4

Nothing like a hearty meal to fuel the day's adventures, eh, matey?

And nothing like mixing it up between two cultures to stoke me engines for the fun in store!

That be Chicken Teriyaki from Asian shores, surrounded by a sea of Italian green beans - aye, and mighty filling it was!

The movie of the day was "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan", a tale of a swashbuckler if ever there was one!

Then, off in search of the Self Family Arts Center!

Oops, that would be the Performing Arts Center, as it now be known, and that Jamaican lass down by the road is guarding the entrance.

No fears, my name be on the list of those allowed, granting my dear blue Saturn safe passage!

Now, to retrieve my ticket for the night's musical, then seek other entertainment betwixt this moment and show time.

And there it be, not ten minutes away by foot: Pirate's Island Adventure Golf!

Would ye look at that mighty ship, stripped down to its bones, with naught but bones to steer it!

Of the two routes at hand, Blackbeard's Original Adventure was the one for me, beckoning me toward its many green-jeweled tiers and the treasure that lay all about - aye, that's the one for me!

What, ho, why is that butterfly-bedecked bag atop the post?

Oh, aye, that be with me, in case my spectacles be needed later tonight.

On to the mini-golf adventures at this Pirate's Island in Shelter Cove!

Here, Blackbeard lore and history abounded at each hole, with tales to shock and amaze!

This be the sight after the fifth hole, of the man lost to the perils of going over the waterfall in a barrel - perhaps not of his own will, eh?


And the sixth hole was on top of the waterfall!

Oohs! Aahs!

Not to be outdone, Lucky 13 had a few loopy hills for thrills.

Aye, that be my little pink ball on the green, and it went into the hole with just two strokes, too.

That meant I had par for three holes in a row!

And what be here?

No, me wee lass, that was not mickey mouse incognito!

Perhaps it was a tattered heart of a battered pirate?

Or, then again, maybe it was simply hole 14, with a Par 2 rating... which was made with aplomb by yours truly!

That be a mighty fine first shot, was it not, that landed me 'tween the hard place, the rock, and the cup?

That made a fourth par, with a fifth on the next, and birdies on the 16th and 17th!

Aye, I was feeling mighty full of meself by this time.

No wiggle room on this last hole, though!

That cannon doubled my strokes - ack!

Even so, my score on the last half of the course was four strokes better than that of the first half.

Then 'twas time to bid farewell to the good Captain and thank him for the use of his land.

How kind of his henchmen to have scattered those bits of lore hither and yon, to brighten the knowledge and perhaps even scare children to behave - bwah ha ha!

Now, time to slip on those Kinky Boots and meander back over to where my car held my spot.

Show starts in thirty minutes and I have a protein bar to wolf down to tame my hunger!

No refreshments will be here and face coverings are to be worn at all times to keep the actors and crew safe from harm - bravo to that fine lot!

And would ye look at that lovely sight!

I had thought when I bought the ticket that there would be a row in front of me... but I am right there at the edge of the stage!

No blokes in front of me to block me view!

And doesn't it look like that backdrop just stepped out of the movie for this busy, vibrant woman?

It truly does, doesn't it!

How blessed I am to have this fabulously-scored musical drop into my lap for my last day of  vacation on Hilton Head!

i thank You, God!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

vicarious living with magic and g'aunt tina!

After those two courses of Legendary Golf had whet my appetite, I had thoughts of getting supper before the show started at the Comedy Magic Cabaret.
That didn't happen.
By the time I found the place, there were two restaurants I might have dined at, but they were pretty busy.
As it turned out, this place was even more so, but I already had my ticket, so I stayed.
That worked out just fine!
Sure, I wore my face covering and kept that mask in place as I was shown to my seat.
The hostess had given me two options and I had taken the one less surrounded by others: the top row, stage left, with me in the first seat.
I was eventually joined by a couple from Chicago, but we kept the empty chair between us.
By that time, my order of spinach-artichoke dip had arrived, so the mask was off and we three chatted, as folks on holiday are wont to do, about the usual stuff: where are you from, how did you hear of the show, what else are you doing while on vacation.
Guess what?
It turned out the guy was an electrician who regularly did work at the naval station at Great Lakes, Illinois, where I had spent the summer of 1977 - small world!
I took that as a positive sign that I was right place, right time!
And guess what else?
The show was delightful!
Kerry Pollack performed for more than two hours, with a lot of funny business going on: kidding around and doing shots with 'Grizzly', a 46-year-old birthday 'boy' on the front row with wife, 'Grizzlette'; kidding around with another guy on the front row, 'Sparky', wed for 48 years to 'Sparkette'; kidding around with a young couple who'd met two days earlier on the beach and clicked because they had the same name (Lonnie, guy from CA, and La-lani, gal from Hawaii); kidding around with disk jockey Bob, "with one 'o'," from Detroit; kidding around with the "babe island" on the middle section of top row.
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
But it was the promise of magic that had lured me in... and that promise was fulfilled!
Magic with lotto balls, assisted by the charming Lalani as Kerry wore a silly, oversized, red turban (like the one that Johnny Carson used)!
Magic with cards (bearing the faces of famous people, like Nikola Tesla, Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci!) in sealed envelopes being transported from the envelope in Lonnie's hand to the envelope in the hand of an EMT named Frank!
Magic with cards and lots of other audience members!
And it was one of those card tricks, with everyone there participating, that I liked best.
People were in pairs, so Kelly (the magician's wife) worked as my partner for that one.
Here's how it went: I first assured the four cards at my seat were unique and they were, as I had 8 of hearts, 8 of spades, 7 of hearts, and 2 of hearts.
As the dealer, I was then instructed by Kerry to turn the cards face down and shuffle them, then to tear in half the stack of four cards.
One half-stack was placed on top of the other half-stack to form a stack of eight torn cards.
Follow me so far?
Okay, this is where it gets a bit hectic!
I dealt Kelly the top three 'cards' from the stack of eight, then I fanned out the five in my hand so she could slide her three in, anywhere between the topmost and the bottom card in my hand.
That meant I again had a stack of eight torn cards.
I then dealt her a card that she put away into her pocket.
Now, I held a stack of seven torn cards.
From that stack, I then dealt her three cards; she took those and traded them to other couples, after which I fanned the four in my hand and she slid the three different cards in, again placing them between the top and bottom cards of the ones I held.
Still with me?
So, I again held a stack of seven cards, three of which were new to me, all face-down.
The fun really started, as I "burned" the top card (placed it on the bottom of my stack), and tossed away the next one!
Now, I held a stack of six cards.
I kept on "burning" the top cards and tossing the next until I was left with only one card.
When I turned it over, it was the 8 of hearts, one of my original cards.
Then it was time for Kelly to pull forth the card she had squirreled away earlier...
and it was the matching half of my card!!!
For real!!!
All over the room others gasped as I had, when the card in their dealer's hand matched the card that had been tucked away!
What marvelous magic!!!
Such a sense of normalcy in the air!!!
So much fun for the entire two hours!!!
Now wonder Teller endorses Kerry!
I'll have to remember this place is here... and write about on Tripadvisor!
Now, to try to settle down so I can sleep tonight!

vicarious living thru aunt T - make it legendary!

Here I am, at the first hole of the Professional Course - the supposedly easier one of the two.
Yep, that's my purple-handled club!
My pink ball is already in position for teeing off.
The more striking thing - you like that little pun? - about these holes are the quotations at each one.
The vast majority are Bible verses, as in this case, but not all, as some from other sources were sprinkled in.
And just where was I mini-golfing today?
At Legendary Golf, situated in Wexford Plantation, just off William Hilton Parkway.
I'd spotted it Tuesday on my way to Sea Pines -
not to "see" pine trees, of course, but to watch films at Park Plaza.
Wah ca, wah ca, as Fozzie Bear would say!

The grounds were beautifully landscaped.
Hole 4 of the Professional Course even had a lovely waterfall splashing in view of the tee!
The placard for my reading pleasure, though not from the Bible, was religious.
"Unless we have in us He who is above us, we will soon be consumed by that which is around us. Without a doubt the highest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God."
It was written by Aiden Wilson Tozer, a pastor who was so gifted with words that he was granted honorary degrees from two colleges.
Nice, right?
I certainly made sure to read these quotes, made even more meaningful in this nature setting, under a clear blue sky.
Right place, right time!
Here's another beautiful view!
This was part of the Championship Course and that's my pretty little pink ball, one stroke away from the hole.
As I was lining it up, I was stopped by the sheer beauty - a tiny rivulet running down into a still lake, with a waterspout springing forth, under shade trees and surrounded by a grassy verge...
so much prettier than it had needed to be, but surely a welcomed reminder of this sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of William Hilton Parkway, just past the edges of the meadow.
The rushing noise of the constant stream of cars was almost inaudible, thanks to the splashing of the fountain.
I loved having the leisure of taking a moment to enjoy this gift of nature.
This heart-shaped miniature lake deserved a moment of my time as well.
I have to wonder how many passersby may have noticed its form?
Positioned near a gazebo, it would be easy to overlook its message of love...
ah, but not by me, as accustomed as I am to the need for a change in perspective to better communicate with the spiritual world.
A nearby quote from J. C. Ryle certainly seemed to cinch that concept.
"Happiness does not depend on outward circumstances, but on the state of the heart."
And, sometimes, the need to squint your eyes and hold your mouth just-so to see what gift is hidden in plain sight!
Sometimes, that gift is a perfect shot when least expected.
For me, it was on Hole 16.
Look closely.
Let your gaze follow the length of the straightaway, through the neat brick walls.
Then, go up to and enter the opening formed by the two ends of the crescent-shaped lake.
Now, continue peering into that circular expanse, heading straight toward the large rock positioned at the center of that curving body of water...
and there's my pink ball, resting just in front of the boulder, inches from the the hole.
Wow, right?
That gave me a birdie on that one!
And, to highlight that this place was designed by someone not only with a religious core, but with a grand sense of humor toward mankind's place in the world, this is the message awaiting those who visit the loo!
"Please...Do Not Flush the Following Items Down This Toilet: Paper Towels, Sanitary Napkins, Old Phone Bills, Goldfish, Bandaids, Cherry Bombs, Leftover Salad, & Your Hopes & Dreams.
- Thanks!"
Nice joke, y'all!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

more vcrs lvng, vol 2 4 2sday

Guess what I had for breakfast today?
Blueberry waffles with extra protein, topped with vanilla yogurt!
Yep, there's a toaster here, so I've treated myself to a change of pace at brunch.
I wish I could say it was a most pleasing alternative... but, no.
That's okay, the morning's entertainment was quite appealing!
I get the Science channel here, so that's let me enjoy "How It's Made" and learn about the construction of a myriad of different things!
Yesterday, the topics were: stapler; disposable cartridge for a razor; allergen-free chocolate chip banana mini-loaves; bassoon reeds; and dive computers for wrist wear.
Today, I was treated to: shale bricks; organ, including the tuning of the pipes; surgical retracters and clamps; vending machines; ketchup; and wooden walking canes.
What a fabulous start to my days here!!!
And just what was on today's episode of "Vicarious Living Through Aunt Tina"?
A doubleheader at a fabulous little cinema at Sea Pines, that's what, with two movies that weren't coming any closer to Savannah than here on this little island.
I got lost in the traffic circles for a couple of go-arounds, but I absolutely adored this lobby the moment I walked in.
Adorable, isn't it?
In a way, it reminds me of Cinematique, down in Daytona Beach, but this place boasted three screening rooms - and every one of them had a film not in rotation by the chain cinemas near me.
Such a treat!
Not that the movies themselves were a treat.
For both, the subject matter was quite serious and heavy, not frivolous in the least way.
Take this first one, "Blue Bayou".
I was about fifteen minutes late to it (as Nuvi cannot handle roundabouts, sadly, and had me literally spinning my wheels), but I caught up quickly.
The new husband of the cop's former wife had gotten into a fight with the cop's partner, causing the arrest of the new husband... and subsequent finding out that he was not a US citizen.
When he'd been adopted here in the 1980's as a child, somehow the paperwork to naturalize him had not been done.
The end credits were full of others in the same sad state.
All were people who had been adopted here by US citizens and raised here, but never given citizenship, so now being deported.
The second movie, "The Card Counter", followed a man who had been in prison for 8 years after photographs of the torture he'd used on prisoners were posted on the internet.
I remember those events in Abu Ghraib in 2004.
The man was making a living at the casinos and staying out of trouble until the son of one of his military mates approached him, wanting to exact revenge on the civilian who had trained them in torture.
Both movies dealt with the aftermath of chance encounters that led to big changes in their lives, and the lives of those around them.
Both movies had serious messages about the inability to change anyone else.
But the second movie was the one that impacted me the most.
The former torturer had received parole and was trying to live a quiet life, quietly, winning small amounts that allowed him to live anonymously in motels and travel from one casino to another, leaving no trail of discord, interacting with no one.
Then, this young man, full of anger, recognizes who the he is and sees him as an ally.
What to do to dissuade this young man from the path of destruction?
Money was needed, so the former torturer gets a backer and goes on the celebrity poker circuit, convincing the young man to go along with him. 
Money was made, enough to pay off the debts of the young man and of his mother, enough to allow him to go to college and make a future for himself, and the former torturer tries to give the money to the young man and has to threaten him to get him to take it.
All to no avail.
The young man goes after the civilian torturer on his own, getting killed.
The former torturer then exacts revenge for that death from the civilian torturer, knowing that he will be returned to Leavenworth, but seeing no recourse.
He had tried to do good for someone, he had allowed himself to become friends with someone, and he had failed to keep them safe.
Prison was the best place for him to be.
Wow... heartbreaking.
Tiffany Haddish was the woman who backed his bets for the celebrity poker, proving to me that she can actually act.
Usually, she just plays the same blue, wild, coarse person in every role.
Not this time; she was excellent: refined, smooth, stable.
That was good.
Even so, the two movies were still rough on me and had my nerves jangled.
Perhaps it was the salty food I'd had as lunch that was partly to blame.
The cinema had some gourmet offerings, like the large Greek platter, loaded with black olives, slices of red bell pepper, circles of cucumber, banana peppers, wedges of Parmesan cheese, toasted pita, and savory hummus - that was lunch!
Still, it probably edged up my blood pressure.
Time to head for the condo and maybe just eat dinner there after all.
And then, right there at that intersection where I happened to be stopped for a red light, I saw it: Slapfish!
Right place, right time!
Talking to the young man in there while I waited for my to-go order really perked me up, too.
I told him about me first hearing of the restaurant in Pooler and that's what started us to animatedly chatting about seafood and good food and food that's good for you!
Very nice.
I took that treasure to my home-away-from-home, finding that I'd been gifted with much more food than I'd expected.
Just look at all those chips!
Doesn't that make a pretty sunflower arrangement?
Then there's all those perfectly sauteed vegetables!!!
Plus, the process of unpacking the food - finding that glass bowl to showcase the shrimp ceviche, plating it with the crunchy, homemade tortilla chips, opening the veggies and breathing that aroma - quieted my nerves and settled me down.
And what more did the universe have for me?
What else - one of my favorite movies!
Like, a movie for which I'd traveled down to Jacksonville to watch it, along with the first in the series, once upon a time.
Yes, yes, indeed, its Yondu Udonta, strutting his stuff, whether as Mary Poppins or evicted Ravager, in "Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2"!
and that was perfectly fine with me!
Right place, right time...

i thank You, God.

Monday, September 27, 2021

vicarious living through aunt tina, volume 1!

Please note: my adventures in Hilton Head are not titled as such, thanks to a chance comment made by my first niece. Henceforth, they shall be known as the "Vicarious Living Through Aunt Tina" show, with the installments not named as episodes but taking a cue from one of my favorite movies. Enjoy!

My first stop was at a dollar store, in search of soft shoes - mission accomplished!
Sure, they were bigger than I needed, but the slippers felt perfect to my still-sore feet, and were, as specified, only a dollar.
What a deal!
The store was in the same shopping center as the Northridge Cinema 10, my true destination.
Right place, right time!
Surprisingly, I was not the only person looking for a film, on a Monday, in the early afternoon, but, then again, it may be the sweet selection on the roster there.
(That preponderance of commas is specifically for my first niece, who was once told by a teacher that commas were not meant to be "sprinkled like glitter" in writing. To that I say: Bah! Glitter, like commas and exclamation marks, are glorious!!!)
Now, where was I?
Oh, yes, sharing a movie, in  real cinema, with like-minded folk!
Probably, like me, they had never even heard of this one.
"Killian & The Comeback Kids" had not even rated a preview at the theatres in Savannah or Pooler, but certainly should have.
I know the story, about post-high school twenty-somethings in a small town going downhill, finding themselves reunited by music upon the return of the only one who had left and gone to college, might play well, especially in Statesboro.
The tale might also do well as a psychological study of the effect a loner can have when allowed to play a role with others.
I thought about staying for a second film, but the blue-sky day was calling me outside... hooray!

That's because Adventure Cove Miniature Golf & Arcade was right there, just down the street that I had walked yesterday!

I even had a coupon for it!

No one even batted an eye at my sloppy slippers.


Too bad the physicist wasn't there to play the two courses with me, as I know he would have enjoyed it, too.

This was one of my favorite holes on the "easy" course.

It was Hole 4 of Paradise Falls, located up a flight of stairs and on top of a small "rock" mountain.

Four strokes was what it took, too, even though it was supposed to take just three.

Perhaps I was distracted by the view from up there...

yeah, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

In fact, here's that mountain, in this photo.

I was looking back from Hole 10 and happened to espy, with my little eye, the big "rock" from whence I'd come six holes earlier.

Such a fun course, and hardly anyone on it! 

In no time, I was over on the supposedly more challenging course of Lost Lagoon.

This whack-a-mole layout on Hole 13 looked like it could be a problem, with its upper tier having three different tunnels to the lower one, but I tamed it with a bogey, so... not bad!

A bogey, by the way, is one over par; I had several of those, including a few double-bogeys.

See this waterfall on the final hole of the course?

The trick was to shoot hard enough to make it over a channel, and through the waterfall, onto the putting green on the other side.

Better believe that was a bogey for me!

But, again, such fun I had, for more than an hour, out in the sunshine, listening to the rock'n'roll piped in, as I walked and stretched and got in some exercise!
I fared fairly well, too, on my scores!
For Paradise Falls, I hit nearly half at par, with six bogeys, for a score of 58.
Over in Lost Lagoon, I only had six that were par or better, with four of them being birdies!
That would be one under par - hooray!
I also had quite a few double bogeys mixed in, yielding a total of 62 strokes.
And what movie was awaiting me at the condo?
"The Natural", with Robert Redford playing baseball!
It reminded me of one of the "Quantum Leap" episodes that I love so much.
In that episode, he was an aging pitcher trying to make another go at getting into the major league; same here, only Roy Hobbs didn't want to be a pitcher, he wanted to hit homers.
And "Futurama" had a surprise in store for me!

They were playing mini-golf, just as I had done today!
What a lovely way to know the universe was looking out for me and that I was loved!
Right place, right time... and tomorrow will bring new delights!
i thank You, God!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

that's bigger than my entire house

"Okay, I'll take a nibble at that click bait you're waving around. What's bigger than your entire house?"
This three-bedroom condo at Royal Dunes.
"You're on another holiday trip? Nice. Back to Florida?
No. Even though I really wanted to go to Daytona, as it's been a few years since my last foray there, it was a bit too far to drive and feel comfortable about it. So, I bopped over the bridge to South Carolina.

"You're kidding!!! So, something in Hilton Head finally became available???"
Yeah, color me surprised. I guess there are just so many more sites on the Diamond roster, now that they are linked up with Hilton Grand Vacations. There must be about ten on that island that are part of the list. Plus, this is a place I've never been before.

"Bonus! Well, good for you! And what are your plans whilst there?"
Believe it or not, I've already checked into some of that, even before I left home. Did you know they have three cinemas here?

"Other than Coligny??? Really?"
Really. They aren't big chains, so that means they try a little harder to lure folks in. You know, with movies that aren't playing all over the place. One of them, Northridge Cinema 10, is probably just a few blocks away. Then there's Coligny, which just shows old blockbusters and just takes cash. And, somewhere near it in Sea Pines is Park Plaza Cinemas, which looks to be a mom-and-pop venue, but with two movies I very much want to see. That's gonna be on my radar on Tuesday.

"Tuesday plans already?"
Hey, I have Wednesday plans already bought and paid for, too! I stumbled upon word of a comedy magic place there, so my ticket is b-o-u-g-h-t!!! I'm hoping they are still doing the close-up show afterward, but the summer season is over, so they may not.

"Well, just look at you go! What about any activities at the resort?"
Well, this place has two pools, and are going to have a food truck here on Wednesday, but that's fairly all they offer. As I said, the season is done on the island. Not even the shuttle service is running any more, as I found out on my walk today.

"There was a shuttle service???"
Yep, with a stop right behind the building with my condo. How's that for convenience? And it would have taken me all the way to the south end of the island, down in Sea Pines, had it still been running.

"Well, that's good to keep in mind for future visits. So, I take it that you walked along the trolley path?"
I did, following Folly Field Road almost to where it connected back up with 278, aka William Hilton Parkway. I might have gone farther if not for the blisters that my shoes were raising up on both feet. I'm icing them down right now. I don't want a repeat of the blisters from Sea World a few years ago!

"What's up with this map?"
Well, see that blue pinpoint balloon? That's where a family fun center is. I would have seen it had I not turned back just before that entry. I already had sore feet and knew I had to make it back to the condo.

"So, how far did you walk?"
It was a total of 1.8 miles. Can you believe it? And even with frequent stops on the way back, I still did in in just an hour. I'm pretty proud of myself!

"Well, I'm proud of you, too! Good for you for going on a walk!"
Like I said, I probably would have gone for a round or two of mini-golf if I had seen how close I was to it. Well, and if my feet hadn't felt like they were being rubbed raw.

"Heard. And what's for dinner? Are you going out?"
Nope, I'm staying in! I went to the grocery store yesterday after checking in and they had frozen dinners on sale. You know, I have a microwave here, right? Might as well take full advantage of that little tool while I can!

"You could buy yourself a microwave."

Yeah, but I haven't wanted to... but I may have to rethink that stance. See this? It's Marie Callenders Rigatoni Bolonese, plus a plate of broccoli to round it out. Very nice presentation, isn't it?
"It is! I know how much you like your food to be prettier than it needs to be!"

I do!

"Oh!!! This is that turtle from "Moana" isn't it???"
You are correct! Freeform has it on and I've so enjoyed seeing it again. Honestly, I like it better every time I watch it! And this song is an absolute favorite for me and for my first niece! "Shiny"!!!

"Hahahaha! Yes, and I'm sure you've sent a photo to her to let her know you're thinkin' 'bout her, haven't you?"
You know it! Also on the agenda tonight is to look through these magazines they gave me on check-in to see about forming an agenda for this week. So... peace OUT!!!

"You so silly. Later!""

Friday, September 24, 2021

my nephew does what?

He hunts!
I had never known until we were texting a few days ago.
Not that we do that often... but who knows?
This text conversation is from September 3rd.
I had sent 'Happy Labor Day' cards to my great-nieces and great-nephews.
Zach: I received the card for Kobe today. I cannot go on about how awesome your are. I really appreciate how you always keep Kobe in your thoughts. Reminds me of a very special lady. The love never stops coming from me to you. I love you!!!
me: I love you, too, Zach! I think of you, and your family, often. :-)
Zach: Me and the family are splitting up. That card had me in tears.
me: Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. When did that happen??
Zach: Beginning of this week. I have a lot on my plate right now. I gotta keep my head up and stay focused on the business. I'm not good at emails/estimates/invoices.
Zach: I will get it tho. No doubt!!
me: Your dad can be a big help with that. He has been doing that all your life!
me: He started his business in 1988.

Then, on the 21st, I sent a photo of the lantana with a Monarch butterfly visiting it and sent that out to a few folks, asking if they had seen any yet.

Zach: Not yet. Looks nice!!!
me: Thanks! I so look forward to their fall colors brightening my yard each year.
Zach: I cannot wait for fall/winter. Hunting season!!!!!!
me: I did not know you do that. Deer? Birds? Boar?
Zach: Deer & bird. I got a few doves this year.
me: Nice! That's a good way to put food on the table. Good change of diet to leaner meats.
Zach: You are so silly. I love you.
me: I love you, too!
All I could think of was: Zach hunts???
I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised, but he seems like such a pacifist.
Definitely a case of me learning something new!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

wolfgang press thanks castrol, and so do i

Do you know why?

Because a girl like me, she was born to be kissed.

Lacking that, she was at least born to hear that song by Wolfgang Press, who had lent it to Sir Tom Jones, who had sung it to her repeatedly, on something better than the tiny speakers on her computer.

And now she can!

Actually, she could have done so years ago, but she didn't understand how this promotional item worked and had planned to give it to a nephew for Christmas years ago.

Something else had caught her eye as a better present at the time, so the item stayed in the gift closet, languishing on a shelf.

Why, now, has the item been searched out from its isolated existence?

You can thank the bfe and The 'Cole for that.

Had they not gifted the F-grrl with "Psych" on dvd, she might not have ever thought of using the item in the box in the closet.

As it was, she first sought out the headset that had arrived with her laptop, hoping to hear more clearly the show she so loved and the banter between the boys of the show.

The headset surely did help, drowning out the buzz of the computer and the hum of the refrigerator and the periodic blasting of the room air conditioner and the whirring of the helicopters from the military base.

Seriously... that's a lot of noise nearly always present!

But the headset had an issue: the earbuds were too large for her ears and frequently slipped out, causing a loss of desired sound and an intrusion of unwanted noises.

That's when she recalled the bluetooth speaker in its container, still pristine, still with the ocean reference crisp and clean.

(That's why the Miami Dolphins logo was chosen from the NFL teams available for the Castrol synthetic oil-change promotion.)

Did it need a new battery?

No, it was a sealed unit, so nothing came apart for such to be checked.

It did have two extraneous items: a charge cord, to allow it to draw power from the computer; and a link to carry sound from the computer via the headset port.

For two days, F-grrl would periodically try to get the speaker to work.

Finally, she figured it out!

This morning, she was successful in getting the speaker charged.

This morning, she was successful in getting sound to travel to the speaker.

This morning, she listened to one of her favorite songs, and watched its video on youTube, three times in a row!

This morning, she learned, again, that she is a girl born to be blessed...

i thank You, God.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

diecisiete películas más sobre vagabundo

Y, en solamente nueve dias!
Qué bueno este mes celebrando a los latinos!
Además, más películas con perros y otros animales!
Muchas gracias, HBO On Demand, for this continuation of the HODFF!
As there are so many, and since I've kept notes along the way - much as I once did when I was a film critic for "Good Times" and Creative Loafing" - I shall copy those notes here, so I can carry on a bit more quickly with... well, with whatever else I'm going to do.
So, for starters, this festival carries on the day after the initial part.
In other words, the first film of HODFF 2 was on Monday, 13 September.
Shall we, then?
As before, the films had to be obtained by scanning the lists of movies on the HOD page and selecting those that were "free" as opposed to "free with subscription".
As many as I have viewed, kindly bear in mind that there are most likely at least that many more which are "free" and awaiting my eyes.
Some of those not yet viewed are ones I have seen before, such as "27 Dresses" or "Ford V Ferrari" or "The Chronicles Of Riddick".
Those can await another day, when I want something familiar.
The seventeen films viewed for this installment of HODFF were all new to me, so I had to pay attention and focus on the story at hand.
That's an important point: that need for focus.
That allowed each movie to take precedence over whatever might have distracted me around the house, such as viewing yet another rerun or game show or cooking show or whatnot and the same 'mercials which accompanied them.
With HODFF, there were zero commercials.
And, just which movies were part of this line-up?
Well, buckle in, because here they are!
***     ***     ***

M 13 sept, after dinner with bfe
watched 'with' Boo

"Romance & Cigarettes" (2005)

musical! written and directed by John Turturro
Susan Sarandon, James Gandolfini, Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi
(yes, seen it before, but nice to know mi amiga was also watching it!)

T 14 sept, wanting diversion after a day of finances

"Bangkok Dangerous" (2008)

adventure with a hitman!
Nicholas Cage
he wanted to remake the 1999 original so much that his production co bought the rights
then he worked with the Pang brothers to do the remake of their film

"The Voices" (2014)

science fiction/horror category
(actually a black comedy/horror akin to last year's "Freaky")
mental illness gone astray - most def 'horror'
Ryan Reynolds wanted this so much that he auditioned by sending in his vocalizations
for EVERY animal that spoke to the main character - wow -
cool to see Gemma Arterton in a third movie (Summerland, How To Build A Girl)

W 15 sept
another day of credit card analysis, then Shang-Chi w Carolyn

"Serving Sara" (2002)

comedy-romance between a process server and the one being sued
Matthew Perry, Elizabeth Hurley, Bruce Campbell as the husband suing for divorce
28yo Amy Adams as mistress, Cedric The Entertainer, Terry Crews

R 16 sept
sales tax w Smitty, more credit card analysis
diversion needed!

"Si Yo Fuera Rico" (2018)

foreign film, delightful and comedic turnaround of other - wife suing for divorce
then husband wins lottery... to share that info or not?
Loved hearing him sing & dance "If I Were A Rich Man" in Spanish!

"Greenland" (2020)

end of the world, via comet
Gerard Butler tasked with saving his family from disaster
had been chosen for transport to safe haven, but turned away bc of son's diabetes

"Happily N'Ever After" (2007)

animated fairy tales gone awry by assts Mambo and Munk wanting some excitement
Cinderella, Jack and the beanstalk, Billy Goats Gruff (!)
Sarah Michelle Gellar as Cinderella

F 17 sept
something dif't for brunch!

"Happily N'Ever After 2: Snow White - Another Bite @ The Apple" (2008)

animated tale continues, crowdsourced
Mambo and Munk run amok again, allowing evil stepmom to take over -
poison apple causes rebellious teen Snow White to run her mouth into trouble!
she has Princess posse: Little Bo Peep, Red Riding Hood, and Goldilocks -
Holla Back girls! LOL

- then off to see "Sylvia" for some LIVE theatre
- not quite satisfactory, so more diversion needed

"Endings, Beginnings" (2020),_Beginnings

troubled sister quits her job, quits her bf, relocates and moves into sister's pool house -
meets 2 guys, separately, at the NYE party her sis threw, starts seeing both
finds out later they are best friends, and both leave her after she gets pregnant

Sa 18 sept
- off to see matinee of "Dragons Love Tacos" - another dog! yeah!

"Bandits" (2001)

Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton as bank Robbers who fall for the same bored housewife -
and she falls for both of them and wants to keep them! LOL

"El Amor No Puede Esperar" (2019)

foreign film, romance-comedy
actress - Mónica Huarte - even sings during it! twice!!

smart video store owner's bday has come and she is still alone... but she knows one of her
regulars is secretly in love with her - and sets him up to confess his love!
title is nice play on "Heaven Can Wait", the film he came in to rent

Su 19sept
after brunch and after setting up my next post about hobo movies...
and finding two mas peliculas para mi!

"La Boda De Rosa" (2020)

she's almost 45yo and her life is spent keeping company with her widowed dad, tending her brother's kids,
taking up the slack for her disorganized boss, cat-sitting for her best friend, and taking up her daughter's
financial slack - time for her to get married and make vows... to herself!
and why not re-open her mom's dress shop by the seaside, too?

"Weiner Dog Internationals" (2017)

more dogs!!! this time, in races (like they did on River Street!), with Shelly maybe out b/c the Dad has
chosen that day for him to propose to the kids' new mom - will Danny and Brigette still get her to the
races? Will big bro Skip help them? what about the evil Mrs. Merryweather and her little dog, too?
hahahahaha! Hahaha!

M 20 sept
rain, rain, and more rain... and me with more movies to watch! Hooray!
Even at brunch!

"A Mouse Tale" (2015) originally "Rodencia Y El Diente De La Princesa"

animated update about lost teeth and fairies, and the mice who help out - like Sebastian, tasked with getting the 'white crystal' from under the pillow of 6-yo Monkey Butt - in exchange for a quarter, of course - back to the Kingdom of Mice before the Dark Rodent (and his army of rats, bats, and cats) takes over!
Good thing smart Sam is there to help him - she's the one who knows "light overcomes darkness"!
and all was a story Gpa Sebi was telling the grandkids in his treehouse castle - very nice!

"Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts" (2009)

fun with more dogs, as well as a pig, horse, monkey, turtle, snake, bird, and cat! Norm Macdonald as Lucky, the dog who tells Maya to go to Hollywood in hopes of distracting her from 7 yrs away at vet school -
most fun for me were the jokes the animals told!
Lucky: "Lassie was always so beautiful. Guess she ever had any work done?"
Emmy: "Just a little collie-gen."

"Firehouse Dog" (2007)

Rexxx, as Dewey, gets dropped from a plane, during a storm, on a film shoot - ends well, even with new owner, a 12-yo boy named Shane... and even helps save people for real and not just in a movie!
loved all the photos of the cast and crews' dogs during the credits -
almost made me want to get another dog, after all these years.

T 21 sept
late night, after a 7th viewing of "Free Guy"

"@buelos" (2019)

2 grandpas and a wanna-be gpa need something to occupy their idle hours, besides being free babysitters for their grandkids - why not open their own daycare center?
Ah, but that's a lot of work, just setting that up as it turns out!
no problem - never too old to learn new tricks, even when it comes to changing business plans that were thought to be solid -
Just like I always told my students: education has no age limits!
***     ***     ***
And, so, there it is: 17 films in 9 days, with my life events interspersed!
Shall I watch another movie tonight?
Today was laundry day and checkbook-balancing day...
and I have yet to do the latter!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

lmao, noaa!

"Peter battling increasingly hostile wind shear" -

I admit, that certainly tickled my funny bone!

Then again, I did spend 8 years in the Navy, so my humor can be a bit 'blue', right?

Remember all that fuss a few years back?

"Rose might not bloom into much" -

oh, yeah, someone was definitely writing these headlines as teasers with a twist!

That was yesterday...

and this was on the NOAA site today!

"Peter weakening as it passes by" -

oh, poor lil' thing!

Maybe Viagra would help!

"Rose going through a rough patch..." -

quick, somebody!

Get a weed whacker for her!

Hahahaha! Hahaha!

Of course I ran to fb to post the pun-filled quips!

Why keep all the merriment to myself, n'est-ce pas?

Then I spotted this meme on Lynita's page:

"Don't run with bagpipes - 
you could put an aye out,
or worse yet, get kilt."

This one hails from Jacksonville, from the Patrick that once ran JavaFlicks and now does not.

"If you were nine when 'Rock Lobster' came out,
you'd B-52 now."
Now, here's the math test: what year was that song released?
I'll have the answer in the comments section!
While the diligent ones work on that puzzle, here's another song-based meme, this one from my outlaw Bunny.

One dog says to the other, "I don't get the lyrics to 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' Well, except 'thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening'."

The other dog replies, "Yeah, that part speaks to me."

Hahahaha! Hahaha!

As for Jay Sinclair, I know he travels around a good bit, going to concerts hither and yon, but ...

just what are they putting in the water to warrant this sign?

"For Your Safety & Due To The Carnivorous
We Will Not Be Able To Open The Pool This Season"

Hey, that's okay - no swimming with piranha for me!

Mary Prokop posted this joke!

A horse walks into a bar and orders a pint. The barkeep says, "You're in here pretty often. Do you think you might be an alcoholic?" The horse replies, "I don't think I am," and vanishes from existence.

See, the joke is about Descartes' famous philosophy of "I think; therefore, I am," but to explain that part before the rest of the joke would be putting Descartes before the horse.

Bah DUMMM bum!

Okay, okay, I won't bow out on that groaner!

How about this cutie from my BFF, Sandra Lynn?

"EXPOSE YOURSELF TO ART" reads the caption, while a winsome lass holds her blouse open in front of a painting.

Which piece of art might that be?

"The Scream", naturally!

Hahahaha! Hahaha!