Friday, December 31, 2021

ready for a change of view in 2022

I've got my super-chilled, sparkling, pinot grigio open and started, waiting to finish it off with the final toast to the end of 2021.
I've even poured out a bit for "those that are no longer here", as the angels' portion.
Miley Cyrus and her New Year's Eve Party are on the telly and it's been a fairly fun, and chill, show.
I've gotten to like Pete Davidson.
I'd seen Miley and Pete a day or so ago on Jimmy Fallon's show - which I rarely watch - and they were hawking the event, so I'd decided then to tune in.
After all, she was going to be singing and getting nude and he was going to be funny, because that's what they do!
Or so they said, and it's been true so far.
When Pete was introducing the other artists slated to perform tonight, he'd added, "If you don't recognize any of those names, congratulations! You're old enough to vote!"
I got a kick outta that!
She's managed to keep all her clothes on so far, but this latest little silver number looks to be laid on, rather than attached, so the nudity may be soon!
And just who else is with me?
Just me, myself, and I!
I'm down in Daytona Beach, to enjoy a little holiday and maybe a bit of ocean, too.
Not that I'll be in the Atlantic - oh, no!
That water is in the mid-60's, so too cold for this Southern lass!
But I did take a nice long walk by the shore earlier, as I thought the city's fireworks were to begin at 7 PM.
That was not correct... but some other folks had their own and were lighting the night sky from the surf's edge, and doing so starting about 6:30 PM.
They had rockets with huge spreads to rival almost anything the Savannah Bananas fired into the air!
After about an hour of those, I was good!
That's when I'd gone back to the one-room condo I have at the Daytona Beach Regency, to have dinner and get settled in for the next four days.
Plus, I was ready for a break from the crowds of people.
I know it doesn't look like it in this photo, but there were constant streams of families and teens and partying folk, on their way to the amusement rides and the pier.
I'd done pretty well at keeping to myself, but more were coming out as the darkness deepened and the fireworks beckoned.
So, back I went, to the roasted mojo chicken I'd gotten earlier at Publix - yum!
One item of note on my walk: the Paragon cinema at Oceanwalk is truly gone.
I'd seen online that it was listed at "permanently closed" - sadly, that's true.
I guess it's just as well that I did what I did.
I'd stopped off at the Museum of Arts and Sciences on my way into town, renewing my membership (thanks, Tony and Laura, for the VISA gift card!).
They were twenty minutes away from closing, so I just had time to admire the Christmas tree and grab a program to preview the new exhibits... oh, yes, and the planetarium shows!
I plan to catch all five of those!
And just how did I happen to be going by MOAS in the first place?
Well, I'd turned off on the Bunnell exit, to get off I-95 and the constant stream of trucks and trailers and campers flowing in all lanes.
Next thing I knew, I saw the sign for Nova Road... so I took it!
Honestly, I'll be going back this way, or via Halifax, when it's time to leave this area of Florida on Wednesday.
The exits around Daytona can get pretty hectic, especially as they will have two or three directions off the one ramp, but this little exit must mostly get used by locals.
Yes, please!
Okay, time to go and raise my glass... um, I mean bottle!
See you next year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

ending on a high note!

And tomorrow, I'll be doing it one more time!
I speak of my AMC A*List trio, which will be done for me until next year.
Of course, "next year" is only as far away as this weekend, so... no big whoop!
That title is a pun, by the way.
The second of the two movies seen today - and the one destined to be seen in the company of my first niece and her toddlers - was "Sing 2", and it was phenomenal, beginning and ending with two different musicals!
The first was "Alice In Wonderland", at the Moon Theatre, with them hoping to impress and win a slot in the competition at Redshore City, a Las Vegas-style place that only further encouraged my desire to go there in 2022.
(Hey, it's been four years and that's my periodicity for that locale.)
The second musical performed was a delicious bit of science fiction titled "Out Of This World" (though its flavor reminded me of "The Little Prince" opera).
That came complete with aerobatics and interstellar travel and Bono!!!
Yes! That famous singing Irishman, Bono!
Truly one of the best movies I've seen this month!
"Journal For Jordan" was also magnificent, tracking historical events from the first part of this century, as well as containing life lessons from a father to his son. I think Michael B. Jordan just may have already had a special place in my heart, and this cinched it.
So, that's 2 for this 4th week of December's A*List, with another "Sing 2" to close it out.
What about the rest of this month?
Well, that's been a lot of "miss", more so than "hit".
Sure, I've seen my trio of freebies for three of the four weeks.
Sure, I've seen some good ones that I might well revisit in the lean weeks to come.
But, for sure I've seen some that were hugely disappointing.
"House Of Gucci" and "Spencer" fall into that latter category, with both being utter failures in my book, giving their leading ladies naught more to do than pout and pose.
Seriously... what rubbish.
To add insult to injury, Kristin Stewart was in a movie that sounded and behaved like it was a horror fest, not a tale from the book of a Princess.
What a ghastly bit of nonsense.
As for Lady Gaga, all she did was show that she can act like Italian trailer park trash.
What a misuse of talent.
"True To The Game 3" was a soap opera, following the lives of a drug-dealing family - entertaining for one viewing, but not to see again.
"National Champions" was a bit of football fiction about college athletes - that would have been more compelling if it was based on fact.
Speaking of football, "American Underdog" was actually a very good film, tracking the rise of 'Pop' Warner, who had taken a break after college, losing his momentum toward his dream of going pro, but who managed to keep hope alive until the breaks came his way.
Hey, getting that Super Bowl XXXIV ring was a big deal... and I saw that game!
Well, on tv, of course, at one of several Super Bowl parties I attended, back in the day.
So, that's two fashion faux pas, two football flicks, and one drug family.
There was also "West Side Story", but I've covered that one.
That means there's only the third week of December remains for its tale to be told.
Well, that started off well, though quite dark, with "Nightmare Alley"... which has already had its space in this blog.
(I'm not adverse to seeing it again, mind, especially if my nephew Zach wants to go. We spoke of it at Thanksgiving, so I know he'll like it.)
The next one, "The King's Man", has also received words here, and I have zero intention of ever, ever, ever watching it again.
The third of that third week's trio was "Spider-Man: No Way Home", which is wrongly titled in several regards, not the least of which being that Peter Parker is just a teen boy and so should be called 'Spider-Boy', at least until he's 18.
It was pretty cool to have the multi-verse pulled into this live-action Marvel film, rather than just in the animated world, but that raised a lot of questions for the after-effects of the major changes made to people before they were returned to their home timelines.
The first part of the movie made me glad to have never had teenagers in my life, but it also made me a bit frustrated with the dumb decisions being made.
The last part of the movie was quite touching and showed the importance of surrounding yourself with people who know and love you... and the extreme loss when those people are no longer present in that capacity.
Nice touch to have Tobey Macguire in this one!
I'll try to see it again... but I may not.
It's another stupidly long movie, for no good reason.
I tell you what: give me the editing shears and I'll be glad to trim it up to a fair fighting weight, rather than the ungainly heading-to-3-hours mass it now has.
I've said it once and I'll say it again: movies don't need to be more than two hours.
Now, "Masters Of Illusion" is on and I want a bit of magic in my life!

Saturday, December 25, 2021

tryp'ing on christmas!

My two favorite Michiganders had flown south, along with the flocks of geese, and were wintering briefly in town before hopping down to Florida.
How very nice to have a second visit so soon in this holiday season!
They had a posh place downtown that even had a front parlor in it, so that called for a gathering!
No restaurants open, but the plethora of noshes from Aldi's and Parker's worked out just fine to stave off hunger.
As for beverages, Andy and Sheryl came prepared!
As I recall, the 'Moscow Mule kit' was a gift to her from someone, but I may not have the details of the story quite right.
It's been quite a while since I had alcohol and, although I only had one, it was plenty strong!
Amy had abstained, so I was the lucky recipient of one of the copper mugs full of vodka and mint and ginger beer - such a tasty cocktail!
How nice to see them again!
The last time had been at their wedding.
Very nice to be reminded of Turtles and Odd Lot and JinHi and talk of Andy's music store and new movies and tv shows and life!
Before I leave this post and shuffle off to Buffalo... um, bed... kindly take another look at Amy's shirt.
Can you believe she took the shirt off her back, literally, and gave it to me?
Apparently, she's doing in Saint Augustine what I did in Italy in 2012: wearing shirts one last time while on holiday, then ditching them to make room for new threads.
Very nice!!!
I was in Italy for ten days and I returned with these seven new shirts and no need for extra luggage - that was a definite bonus... and a nice update of my wardrobe, too.
Okay, bed time is early tonight!
Sweet dreams to all!

on christmas day, on christmas day

I may not have seen three ships come sailing in today, but I did see all three of Smitty and Mary's kids!

That's Christy, back left, soon to be 39, with her one-and-only ever-lovin' daughter Caitlyn, soon to be 15, staring at me - hi, y'all!

Tony's wife, Laura, is perched on his lap, which seems to be a favorite seat for her.

And the reason I was taking photos in the doorway?

Buster had seen them out around the table, so he'd hopped up in a chair to join them!


Where was Zach during all of this fuss?

He was right beside me in the open patio door!

Here he is just moments earlier, when the opening of gifts was in progress.

Like Caitlyn, this 35-year-old knows how to look straight at any camera in a room!

Love the lid he's wearing!

He had it specially made to show his support for autism, and for his son, Kobe.

Fly those colorful puzzle pieces, Zach!


What about the youngest son?

Here's Tyler, in the living room with his 'rents!

The 25-year-old was sporting a sweater jacket that must have come straight outta Lapland!

That had been a gift from his girlie, Hannah, as well as his new "Nice Cock" socks!

Hey, there was a rooster on them, okay?

Nice pun, right? 

And so appropriate for a chef!


And just was Hannah?

Well, you have to look to the right of the chair, toward the couch, where she was with Christy and Caitlyn!

Do you see her yet?

Hahahaha! Yeah, 2-D doesn't work that way!

And here I am, in the 'fireworks' shirt from Mother Pat and the festive blue unicorn brooch from Christina a couple of Christmases ago.

I just had to have this proof that I was there, too!

Merry Christmas, y'all!

Friday, December 24, 2021

angel bells and ghosts evening!

I took a break - kinda sorta! - from all the house cleaning I've been doing since yesterday afternoon to watch Clarence get his wings.

It simply isn't really Christmas to me if I don't see "It's A Wonderful Life", right?

So when I spotted it in the tv listings, I made sure to catch the whole movie... well, by sound, if not by sight.

Oh, did I not mention that I'd invited Jeff and Amy to swing by on Christmas Day and have some munchies, and that I'd gone to Aldi's for the first time ever to procure charcuterie treats?

Well, I did, and I did... and I've been cleaning like a crazy person ever since!

No, I still don't have any Christmas decor strewn round about, but that's okay.

At least the common areas of the house are presentable and clean, with stray stuff thrown into what was once the guest room, along with all the things going to Goodwill next week.

Now, I'm sittin' and watchin' this favorite from "The X-Files", the one with Lily Tomlin and Ed Asner as "The Ghosts Who Stole Christmas".

So very delightful - I'm so glad the timing has landed it now in that show's episodes!

Merry Christmas Eve to me!

i thank You, God!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

sugarplum and nutcracker morning!

Wayne just met a nutcracker named Maria... 
and oh she looked divine, with that curlicue mustache drawn above her lips... 
Maria, Maria, Maria!
She was rolling a die for the chance to win a workbench - and she won!
But she decided to roll on for a Colorado trip - and she won!
So she played on for the car - oops!
The price certainly was not right for her on "Let's Make A Deal".
Rather, the die was not cast in her favor!
This couple from that same holiday ballet didn't fare any better.
She had danced as the Sugarplum Fairy and this was her actual costume from that activity.
I don't recall her husband being of a ballet troupe, but he looked mighty fine as the toy soldier!
Their task was to break piggy banks and collect the cash inside, while avoiding the Zonks.
Oops - that's what they found!
I really liked this episode, with its breath of holiday musical ballet!
Hopefully, next year I'll be a volunteer usher for those treats again.
I miss the tiny dancers!
Meanwhile, the mask mandate is once again upon us in Savannah, while the USA death toll from COVID surpasses 1300 people per day... yes, per day.
Here's hoping 2022 finds me again at the Lucas, maybe even breaking my record for Nutcrackers in a single season!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Duck! It's Bird!

"As in, watch out for that feathered, flying beast?"

No, silly, that's a line from the episode of "Psych" I watched with today's brunch!

"Hey, you didn't start with that, so..."

Well, didn't you at least notice that "Bird" was capitalized??

"Sure, but every word in that blog title was, so I thought it was just part of the vibe."

Oh, I didn't think about it that way... but you're correct.

"And so your real rationale for writing it as if it were a name? Like Larry Bird?"

That's because it was a name! Actually, I'm sure it was a nickname, not a christened one. I mean, I just can't see his Mama calling him that. Though, I called Big Red "Little Bird" when we flew to Okinawa...

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that one. What's up with this Bird guy?"

He was a bounty hunter! Kevin Sorbo played him, and this was certainly one of the most active shows I've seen on "Psych". Shawn and Gus even took a dive off a yacht!!! Usually, the most active they are is jumping into Gus' Echo.

"Hahahaha! That sounds like it must be a joke!"

 No, that's the type of car he has. Looks like it probably gets good gas mileage. My car has been doing well with that, too! For the past two months, I've gotten 35.11 miles per gallon and 33.11 mpg. Yep, my little 20-year-old car does quite nicely!

"Hey, very nice!"


"Whoa, whoa, what's going on here??? Are they actually k-i-s-s-i-n-g???"

No, though it certainly looks like they're both interested in that very thing: eyes closed, noses brushing cheeks, breath warming lips. However, as Shawn told Juliette, they're "not doing anything but close talking". Not anything else, just "close talking".

"Who on Earth does he think he's fooling?"

Well, there's a few things going on here, but it's important to understand that Shawn really is a gentleman and would never take advantage of a woman having a bad day, no matter how much he has loved her ever since he first saw her.

"And she'd had a bad day?"

She had. She was escorting an alleged killer ("Tin can") to the police station when he took advantage of a momentary lapse on her part to headbutt her, knocking her to the ground and allowing him to escape. She had fellow officers acting like the guy had been able to do that because she was a woman and weak. People pretty much kept that up, causing her to doubt herself and her career choice. Well, at least they did until the bounty hunter had the same thing happen to him when he tried to nab "Tin can" in a diner! Hahaha!

"So, this scene was toward the end of the show, during the denouement?"

Exactly. And Shawn was feeling pretty macho, as he'd gotten hold of a vest that allowed him to pretend to himself that he was a mighty, mighty bounty hunter, like Bird, who he had idolized since he was a kid.

"So that hit of bravado enabled him to even dare approach her so closely?"

Exactly, though he knew how fragile her psyche was and didn't want to push her into something she didn't want to do.

"Hence, the "close talking" that went on for at least a full minute..."

... and ended with his lips closed on the upper portion of her top lip for maybe a count of three. Not long enough to be regarded as an encroachment, but certainly for enough time to let her know his interest in her.


I know, right? And this was only the middle of the second season! I had not remembered that almost-kiss at all.

"Well, that was a nice way to start the day! What's next on your agenda?"

I need to go to the post office and mail my payment to Diamond for the 2022 maintenance fees. Fortunately, Sears is granting me a 0% rate until May 2023 - yes, that date is for real! The stipulation was the check had to be mailed to the recipient, not used online. Heck, I don't care! I'd rather pay all my bills with checks in the mail!

"That's because you're 'old school'!"

Yes, I am, and proud of it! I'm also going to CVS, as they've given me 40% off any one item... and I'm getting new house slippers! That little mouse ate part of the heel on my left slipper, so time to throw those out. 

"Goodness, you have a mouse in your house?"

Actually, I'm pretty sure I've blocked off its access. Monday, I heard the sound of one of the kitchen cabinets being pushed open and closing again, pushed open and closing again, like something was trying to make sure the coast was clear. I barked, loudly, and ran in there. When I checked what was once my liquor cabinet, it looked suspicious, so I closed the door and blocked it with the trash can. I've pushed the coffee cart up against it, for good measure. And ever since, I haven't seen any flashes of fast-moving mouse, nor have I heard any more noises coming from the kitchen. Hooray!


Gotta go! Later, chica!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

tres amigas y una mala noche en el cine

En parte, fue culpa mía.
Debido a que era martes, tenía la intención de tener el combo de cameo como un trago, con la cena para seguir cuando regresara a casa. Eso significó que llegué al cine con hambre.
Debería haberme dado cuenta de que habría un problema cuando no olí el aroma de las palomitas de maíz frescas cuando entré.
Eso no era una buena señal, no era una buena señal en absoluto.
Sin embargo, no me di cuenta.
Estaba distraído por el estacionamiento lleno de autos incluso antes de entrar.
Estaba distraído por el aire frío de la noche que me obligaba a usar mi abrigo grueso, bufanda y guantes.
Me distrajo la idea de tanta gente en este cine más pequeño para ver una película entre semana.
Pero me quedé con mi plan de cenar allí mientras veía la película con Barbara.
Incluso ya había obtenido mi boleto en línea, así que todo lo que tenía que hacer era recogerlo en el puesto de comida y luego obtener mi comida y canjear el cupón de la encuesta.
La joven de la caja registradora me saludó alegremente, ¡reconociéndome como un habitual de Stephenson!
Ella tomó el código del boleto y me presentó mi recibo A * List para "The King's Man", luego me preguntó si quería algo más.
"¡El combo de cameo, por favor! Y también me gustaría conseguir estas palomitas de maíz de la encuesta", dije, ofreciendo mi balde.
"Se acabaron las palomitas de maíz", respondió ella.
"Te quedaste sin palomitas de maíz", le dije con asombro e incredulidad. "¿No hay palomitas de maíz?"
Cuando negó con la cabeza, le pedí los nachos de la película.
"Lo siento, también nos hemos quedado sin papas fritas, así como con los bocadillos de pretzel. Todo lo que tenemos son dulces y pizza".
Me di cuenta de que estaba reteniendo la línea, pero estaba aturdido.
No había pensado en traer Lactaid conmigo, para poder comer pizza ... Estaba planeando palomitas de maíz.
Ya había comido pizza margherita para el brunch ... Quería palomitas de maíz, había esperado con ansias las palomitas de maíz, solo estaba pensando en palomitas de maíz.
La miré a ella y al estante de los dulces varias veces, la gente se ponía ansiosa detrás de mí, yo me ponía nervioso porque mis opciones eran muy pocas.
Luego agarré una bolsa de Peanut M & M's, al menos habría algo de proteína en eso, y podría comerlos lentamente, y los pagué antes de dirigirme a la sala de proyección.
Eso fue bastante oscuro y tengo un problema al tratar de reconocer a las personas en una multitud.
No ayudó que Barbara hubiera traído a Sandy y que Carolyn estuviera sentada justo enfrente de ellas.
No estaba tratando de localizar a mis tres amigas ... solo estaba buscando a una persona.
O eso había pensado yo.
Bárbara y Sandy me hicieron señas, no una, sino tres, antes de que las reconociera.
Entonces, subí a su fila, manteniendo un asiento entre nosotros, quitando mi abrigo, acomodándome en mi asiento, bolsa de dulces en el portavasos.
No fue hasta que comenzó la película que me di cuenta de que la cabeza rubia frente a ellos era Carolyn.
¿Habían planeado esto como una sorpresa para mí?
¡Fue un buen pensamiento!
Luego prosiguió la película.
No pasó mucho tiempo antes de que comenzaran a aparecer escenas de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
¿Que qué?
No recordaba de ninguna de las vistas previas que se estableció en ese período de tiempo, pero está bien.
¡Al menos las escenas con Rasputin fueron entretenidas!
Pero luego siguieron más escenas de guerra, con hombres jóvenes asesinados innecesariamente ... y yo cada vez más agitado por ser engañado por las vistas previas para ver una película de guerra ... a medida que el contenido de azúcar en los dulces comenzó a funcionar en mi límite hipoglucemia.
Eso no fue bueno, nada bueno.
Cuando terminó el pseudodocumental, estaba más que listo para salir de allí.
Honestamente, si estuvieran tan decididos a volver a mostrar parte de la historia de "1917", entonces hubiera preferido ver esa película increíble de nuevo, no esta "cosa" que trató de tocar las fibras del corazón mientras daba un relato histórico ficticio.
Al menos "1917" suena a verdad.
Ni siquiera me quedé por los créditos.
Ni siquiera me quedé a charlar con Barbara, Sandy y Carolyn.
Ni siquiera les pregunté si querrían cenar tarde en algún lugar.
Sabía que todo eso tomaría demasiado tiempo; Necesitaba salir de allí mientras aún pudiera ser civilizado.
El caramelo en ayunas definitivamente había tenido un efecto negativo en el azúcar que corría por mi torrente sanguíneo.
Agarré mi abrigo y mi bufanda, les dije que necesitaba conseguir algo de "comida de verdad" y los dejé a los tres conversando frente a la pantalla plateada.
Estoy seguro de que salí del estacionamiento antes de que llegaran a la puerta principal del cine.
Sé que conduje más rápido de lo habitual en mi prisa por llegar a casa.
Comí pepperoni y una tortilla, luego desmenucé algunas sobras de pavo (del banquete de Thanksgiving de Christina) y preparé una sopa, agregando zanahorias para darle dulzor y pasta para obtener buenos carbohidratos.
Triturar el pavo ayudó a disipar la ira que se había acumulado por el exceso de azúcar en mi cuerpo.
Comer lentamente el pepperoni me ayudó a conseguir algo de proteína que necesitaba, para ayudarme a calmarme.
Ver el tonto "Marry Us For Christmas" había sido una buena distracción de la decepción anterior de la película que esperaba esta noche.
Honestamente, tuve parte de la culpa.
Debería haber prestado más atención a la fecha de hoy.
Y ahora, este día casi ha terminado.
Te doy gracias, Dios.

Monday, December 20, 2021

fickle finger of fate!

Tonight, GRIT tv again had what is destined to become a holiday favorite for me: "12 Days Of Christmas Eve"!

I don't know how I've missed this 2004 film before last year, though, in my defense, I'm usually pretty occupied being a busy, vibrant woman, ya know.

I guess that's one benefit of having a pandemic still lingerin' on - I have no choice but to slow down and smell more warm roses.

In this case, it's view more seasonal movies.


It doesn't hurt that I like Steven Weber and his "aw, shucks", stuck-on-himself, style of humor that he has carried on since "Wings".


This time, he's 43 years old and playing a divorced father who is far more wrapped up with being a CEO than being a good dad, or even a good son, or even a good brother, or even a good boyfriend... catch my drift?

This year he's been especially negligent and neglectful and needlessly dismissive of others.

Now, he has twelve chances to get the day right, so he can finally wake up on Christmas.

Unlike Phil in "Groundhog Day", he has someone to help gently guide him through these second chances: nurse Angie, there every time he wakes from being dead, played sweetly and charmingly by Molly Shannon.

So, since I made a list - and checked it twice! - of the many ways he died, let's take a gander, shall we?

1) Literally smushed by the pointing finger of the gigantic metal hand above the front of his headquarters for "The Buck Stops Here". I couldn't help but think of the classic Dan Rowan routine on "Laugh-In"! I guess it was still top of mind from the luncheon with Yvonne when remembrance of the 1970's skit had first popped into my head!

2) Mindful of the falling sign, he had exited through another door... only to get run over by the snow plow!

3) He changed up his exit, taking the elevator instead of the escalator... only to have the cable snap and plummet him down 24 stories!

4) This time he used the back door, not aware that the snow plow would ram into a giant metal trash bin... that then rolled right over him!

5) Changing his routine and the order of his day, he thought he was on the right track... until he fell into an open manhole!

6) This time, he had been uber-extravagant with gifts, sending a 22-foot boat to his 10-year-old son, prompting a distracting phone call from his ex... that sent him flailing directly into the path of a flambe at the restaurant!

7) It's 11:57 PM and he's relaxing in the jacuzzi, watching the clock as he opens a bottle of champagne to celebrate a successful day of no death... then the cork flies into the chandelier over the tub and electrocutes him!

8) He took over his brother's party, making it uber-extravagant, with chefs all round... then gets skewered as that's being dismantled!

9) He decides to only do things that please him for the day, including a couples parachute jump... that ends with him going splat!

10) After a day in bed after his girlfriend dumps him, he heads to the office... where he opts to jump off the roof.

11) Helping others was his goal when he spent the day at the homeless shelter... but he lost a big business deal and ticked off all he loved by avoiding their calls all day... so he deliberately let the fickle finger smush him again.

12) This was to be the last chance he had to 'get it right' - so, he spent the day showing his staff they were important to him, and had the fancy lunch with his girlfriend and encouraged her to find someone better than him, and attended his son's choral show and spent the afternoon with him, then even went to his brother's party and was nice to everyone... but he had a heart attack - nope, just heartburn from the eggnog! He woke up and it was Christmas!

I loved it!!!

I even cried, just a little.

And I'm looking forward to seeing it again next year!


Sunday, December 19, 2021

for unto you a child is born...

I had thought I'd attend the live version of this play at Savannah Children's Theatre this afternoon, but, after watching Saturday Night Live last night - which consisted only of prerecorded holiday skits from the past and was populated by a skeleton camera crew, Keenan Michaels as the sole regular, and Tina Fey with Tom Hanks to commemorate Paul Rudd's induction into the 5-Timers Club - I chickened out.
If New Yorkers had pulled the plug on that show, then why risk being around a bunch of strangers who might not even be vaccinated or mask-wearing?
Surprisingly, I was awake today in plenty of time to catch all of "CBS Sunday Morning".
It's been a while since I could say that.
The pandemic was front and center, of course.
The USA alone has now had more than eight hundred thousand deaths, with those infected by the improved coronavirus now dying at the rate of 1300 per day.
Even with that dour news, there was a major highlight for me in one of the stories.
The interviewer was speaking with three men who, as boys back in 1965, were part of the choir singing in the brand-new tv special, "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
They had been paid the princely sum of five dollars per day... and there were three days of recording their singing!
Believe me, back in that time, a kid would feel pretty rich with a fiver in their pocket, much less three of those bills!
For today's show, they sang "Christmas time is here", the sweet song heard while the cartoon characters are skating at the start of the Peanuts special.
That almost convinced me to go to the live matinee... almost.
Instead, I busied myself with cleaning magnets off the refrigerator, then using a Lysol sheet to sanitize the fridge surface before replacing the magnets.
Seriously, that's quite an undertaking.
Yesterday, I'd tackled the magnets and other things on the stove side of my fridge.
Some I ended up tossing during the three hours of the task; they were too stained or discolored to salvage.
When I had completed that task, I'd decided to only place magnets acquired during my travels, to try to encourage me to get out more.
What a lot of souvenirs I have!!!
Maybe I'll hit somewhere new to me on my trip to Daytona Beach in the next few weeks and collect one more magnet to mark the occasion!
Encouraged to continue cleaning, today I have spent at least two hours on the magnets, and the doors, from the front of the fridge and freezer.
That side has now been designated for magnets I've made over the years, as well as photos and other printed stuff.
Amazing how much cleaner and brighter it all looks!
By the time I was done, it was too late for the SavChTh show.
I was hungry anyway, choosing to watch a Christmas movie, one of many I've enjoyed during this merry month of December.
Then, I took a break from tv for a while.
When I turned it back on thirty minutes ago, Georgia Public Broadcasting had a gift for me: "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
What a blessing!
Right place, right time.
i thank You, God.
I just may have to rethink my stance on their request for money...
but, not right now.
"Monk" is on, and he's part of my Sunday groove this year.
What a relief, though, to have been given that bit of normalcy with Linus.
What a blessing!
i thank You, God.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

you down wit' O.P.P?

Yeah, I'm quite sure I've marked myself as 'old' with that reference!
Naughty By Nature put out that tune about other people's property back in 1991.
That makes the song - and those singers, as well as myself - three decades older now.
Three... decades.... older.
That means they're probably grandparents at this point in time.
That's a pretty sobering thought!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
But none of that is my twist on the title.
No, I refer instead to Other People's Pleas.
In the last two weeks, I've had no less than fifteen - fifteen! - organizations submit requests for money they think is in my pockets.
Fortunately, I have a good comeback to write on those forms.
I've actually been writing that on the slips from charities for the past three months (when the latest onslaught of hands scrabbling toward my pockets began).
Wait, let me amend that statement.
They only receive that practiced message if they have sent along a stamped envelope; otherwise, they get naught back from me. 
This time around, four of them included those postage-paid envelopes.
That means Special Olympics Georgia, National Parks Conservation Association, Shriners Hospitals, and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will at least receive a reason for my lack of enclosed funds.
The other eleven groups will not.
Those with no response forthcoming are: America's Second Harvest Of Georgia (I drop off non-perishables locally); The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society; Make-A-Wish; AARP Foundation; Wounded Warrior Project; The Salvation Army (I drop off toys locally); Marine Toys For Tots Foundation (I drop off toys locally); GPB; World Vision; Walters State Community College (who don't understand that was a one-time gift to that scholarship); and Asbury Memorial Church (to which I already pledge).
At least I seem to have ended those addressed to "Fantasia".
Now, I'm going to take advantage of these warm temperatures - almost 80 F!!! - to open up the house and do a bit of housekeeping.
Sandy and I have something in common: we both have a rat in the house.
Hopefully I can clear out the pantry enough to convince it to go elsewhere.
Wish me luck!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Christmas dinner with Boo

"Hey, I know it's been a while since I saw Barbara, but I'm pretty sure that isn't her in the photo."

You're right, of course.

"Then where's the picture of her to prove she was there with you?"

Well, the thing is, here's the thing: she wouldn't let me take the shot.

"For real???"

I must have trained the camera lens on her for almost a full minute, but she kept being squirrely and moving about with her mouth open. 

"Yeah, I guess you didn't want to make her look bad, so you just had to give up on that quest."

Yep, so I opted for the photograph of my food instead. I had a dish I'd never tasted before, chosen for its chickpeas and spinach, and it was quite good!

"So that must be Chana Saag?"

It is!

"Yeah, I think I've figured out a bit of the Indian language. 'Chana' means chickpeas are a main ingredient. 'Saag' must be the word for spinach."

Indeed! Good for you for sussing that out!

"Thanks! I try to learn a little something however I can!"

Me, too.

"So, y'all had gone to one of the new Indian films at the Royal?"

No, we'd just seen Guillermo Del Toro's latest fairy tale film, "Nightmare Alley". What a star-studded cast!!! As well as Bradley Cooper in the lead, he'd paired up Frances McDormand and David Strathairn, as they had been in "Nomadland" - very nice nod to that 2020 film, I thought. Boo had not seen that, though, so the reference was lost on her.

"But she caught the sameness of spirit to "The Shape Of Water", didn't she?"

Honestly, I don't think she did. She didn't seem to even blink when Richard Jenkins was cast in this one, too. Totally different character he played here - like, quite evil. He was a reluctant good guy in the other movie.

"Yes, I had liked him there. He reminded me of your Rogue, Joe Guy. So, since you weren't in Pooler, what Indian place did y'all visit? Taste Of India?"

No that one is closed. That bar crowd got a bit too busy with guns one night, leading to a shooting and its closure, bar, restaurant, and all. I guess the liquor license was the primary source of revenue and when they lost that, it was all over.

"So, you were at Pakwan?"

 We were, indeed. I had to keep hustling her along with her soup so the poor guys could finish up and go home! It was so funny! She would take a scant spoonful of the soup and then talk for ten minutes, then take another small bit and swallow that down before another round of talking. She finally finished and I stood, having already boxed my leftovers and the Bollywood video having looped back to where it had started when we had entered, ninety minutes earlier.

"Bless her heart! She really needs more adults to talk to, doesn't she? And what has happened to her going to Washington state to see her honorary grandchild?"

That fell through, no surprise. I think she should pay for her own flight, but she believes they should, so they're at an impasse. At least she and her one niece are back on good terms! She should be able to spend Christmas Day with her, I hope. Meanwhile, she and I have two movies slated for next week! Hooray! More time with esta amiga!


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas cheer at Cracker Barrel!

I was the one that had suggested the place and time, with all of us agreeing that it should be fairly safe for a late luncheon.
We arrived at Cracker Barrel at 2 PM to find the restaurant swamped!
That's okay, it all worked out just fine.
By the time our food arrived, nearly all other diners were gone and we had our section all to ourselves - whew!

It was me and Yvonne and Brooke, with them traveling from Richard Hill (hence, the reason I'd chosen that site), and Cathy Mac had joined us from the university.
What a treat for all four of us!
I was able to catch up on Chemistry Department news, which was good as I otherwise hear naught about events there these days.
What a surprise to hear that Todd was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer shortly after SERMACS 2019, and had nearly died from it!
And what a relief to find that he's finally recovering - and has no teaching duties.
He's been awarded the title Professor Emeritus, meaning he'll be able to keep his office, but not have to deal with lecture or grading responsibilities.
Good for him!
And we talked about travel plans and movies and life during pandemic, catching up for an hour and a half as we dined inside, then carrying our conversations out to the porch for another ninety minutes, as my fellow Armstrong Pirate and I chatted betwixt ourselves while Cathy and Brooke did the same.
And here's what made this a great location: Yvonne and Brooke were able to miss the bulk of the quitting-time traffic headed south, while Cathy and I were going opposite to the flow by heading back into Savannah.
No traffic woes for any of us!
And, what about food?
I had the Southern Fried Chicken, giving me half a bird!
Yvonne had the Sunday Dinner Chicken, with two fried breasts.
I ate the breast of my chicken while there and she had one of the two on her plate...
but she really prefers thigh meat.
So, before we left, I traded the thigh for her leftover breast and we were both happy!
Now, I'll have already cooked protein for the next few days!
Woot! Woot!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

compliment at the grocery store

I had noticed the woman earlier during my shopping at Publix.

At first, I had thought she and I might be shopping for the same things: milk, cheese, pizza, packaged chopped salad kits.

As it turned out, she was working up the courage to talk to me.

"What beautiful hair you have," she told me, "so thick and long".

She told me that she has thyroid disease, as do I, but her hairline had receded badly and her scalp showed through her thinning hair.

I could recognize that she had once had a flowing mane, like mine, until the chemical imbalance had made hers fall out.

I cautioned her about washing her hair too often - "I only wash mine once a month," I told her - and perhaps she will consider that course of action.

How fortunate I am that my doctor checks my TSH level every six months to make sure my Synthroid dosage stays current.

i thank You, God, for the VA...

and for the kindness of a stranger in the grocery store.

Monday, December 13, 2021

bingo! toons! what a monday!

Woot woot!

You know what this means, right?

A rare EIGHTH GAME of b-i-n-g-o tonight!

We were just flying along, even with quite a bit of trivia sprinkled about like commas!

I mean, like confetti!

Actually, that last bit was for my first niece's benefit, but I'm willing to wager that newlywed Audrey would get my drift, too!

Here's her 28-year-old self, with her dear husband, Grant, handling those quick-fire questions for the starred balls - he was super fast!

I knew she had been talking to him about some of us regulars, so I made sure to keep quips coming on the chat line!

I just know he was trying to get a closer look at me!


Then, after that 90 minutes of fun had gone by in a flash, onto my tv leapt folks in ugly sweaters with old-timey cartoons to brighten the rest of my evening!

That's right, ME tv had their 7 AM hosts bringing in two hours at night to spread a bit of Christmas cheer!

These were some 'toons from before my time - I mean, they were really OLD!

Like, "Bedtime For Sniffles", drawn by the same guy that would give us "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" a decade or so later!

Hope they'll do this again next year!


Saturday, December 11, 2021

yours in the double bond, my brothers!

It's Founders Day again,
here in December,
I see that wyvern lookin' 
down on us 
from above.
And we're zooming close
as we try to remember
those who started
this fraternity 
with such love.

I think Buck Owens would be absolutely fine with my reworking of "Crying Time", I do!
Yes, it's been years and years since I've heard it, but my mental jukebox slipped it onto the turntable as if it were a regular listen.
I guess all that country and western music at Jim and Lauren's reception cued it up!
Anywho, today marked the 119th anniversary of those chemistry nerds deciding they needed their own fraternity, hatching Alpha Chi Sigma in response.
Thanks, y'all!
It had slipped up on me, honestly.
If not for the email yesterday, I would have completely missed it.
As a member of the Order of Altotus, meaning that I am a member-for-life and have been since 2012, I really should do better at keeping up with such things.
All it would require of me is reading the Hexagon every three months when it's issued.
Good for Gary Anderson!
He's truly the reason why I donated that $2000 to become Altotus.
He's a member-for-life, too, and has been for decades.
For this Founders Day, he took fraternal fealty one step further and pledged to match donations made for this occasion.
Very nice!
So, of course I had him spend a little money for the cause - I made a donation for him to match!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
Here's a funny story: after the official history talk and those kinds of remarks had been made, we digressed into simply chatting with each other.
(There were about 35 that stayed to chat.)
Peter Witt, one of the brothers from Alpha chapter, asked us to raise our hands if we'd made a donation tonight...
then, he asked us to raise our hands if we'd done so to spend Gary's money!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
My hand was up both times!
Now, wanna know a little secret?
I hadn't paid attention to the history lesson.
In fact, that was on mute.
Because "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" was on at the same exact time as this ZOOM!
Sure, it isn't like I've never seen this Christmas special before or won't ever see it again...

but, I just had to hear Clarice inspire Rudolph to fly after she told him that he was cute...
and, I had to go with Rudolph and Hermie to the Island of Misfit Toys...
and I had to hear Yukon Cornelius explain the finer points about Bumbles being able to bounce and not being able to float and preferring pork dinners to venison...
and then, I just had to watch as the humbled - and toothless - 'Bominable placed the star, oh so gently, atop the Christmas tree at Santa's house.
I just had to.
After all, I have not yet decorated for Christmas.
Maybe I'll do so this next week...
I do miss all my little Misfits scattered about!

Friday, December 10, 2021

finding a bit of peace with Mama

i thank You, God, for ghosts.
Let me rephrase that.
Rather, allow me to add a bit of punctuation to make my point.
"Ghosts" is a new situation comedy on one of the regular networks, a show that brings me laughter and ease and distraction.
How did I even get started with it?
"Free Guy".
Yes, I credit the movie I saw 9 times with my attraction to this show.
How so?
That was my introduction to Utkarsh Ambudkar, aka 'Mouser' in the movie I so love, aka 'Jay the chef' in this new favorite show.
I loved his computer-nerd character in the movie, but I even more love his straight-man character in "Ghosts".
Here's the setup: his wife is able to see, and communicate with, the spirits inhabiting this old mansion bequeathed to her, but he cannot... until this time around.
In this week's episode, Jay gets mildly electrocuted in the presence of Heddy, a prim and proper matron who's been dead since the 1890's, and that enables her to 'share' his body.
Add in that Enrico Colantoni (the photographer in "Just Shoot Me") is there as a wedding planner, checking out the mansion before approving it as a wedding destination, and that includes sampling the planned menu that Jay will present to at the reception.
Heddy goes full-tilt boogie crazy from the aromas and starts sampling every food in the house! That's because, as a ghost, she hasn't been able to taste food for more than 130 years... and she takes full advantage of his taste buds!
It was hilarious!
Her new favorite food?
Cheetos, aka "liquid sunshine", which just so happened to be the favorite food of the killer in the episode of "Psych" I watched on Tuesday!
Right place, right time, twice!
I enjoyed this episode so much, I watched it twice, back to back.
And just which episode was it?
The 10th one, of this first season.
The 10th.
Most def right time, right place.
Then I gathered up birthday gifts and went to Greenwich to visit Mama.
She would have been 84 years old today.
Instead, she is permanently 63, the age acquired at her last birthday, the age I now am.
I had looked forward to singing The Beatles' song with her, the one about "When I'm 64", but that time didn't come quickly enough.
Today, I brought her the purple-striped pinwheel, to allow her to communicate - talking, laughing, singing! - through use of the air.
The 'permanent' metal flower, with the red core petals surrounded by an outer ring of orange petals, was also a gift to her.
Someone else had brought the Christmas decor, as well as moved the seashells over to the left side of her marker.
I very much like it.
I'll have to remember to bring a plastic bag with me the next time, to gather up the bits and pieces of neighboring flower displays.
Nice and tidy is how she always liked things.

After the cemetery closed, I made my way southside at a leisurely pace.
She and I had a movie date.
Today was the opening of the remake of one of her favorite musicals!
Right place, right time, again.
Get this: Rita Moreno had a featured role in this new one, too, as well as a song she performed solo!
My thanks to Steven Spielberg.
He had stayed true to the feel of the 1961 "West Side Story", making it quite a bit grittier this time around, as well as rearranging the song order... and I liked it.
Two of the songs in particular - "Cool" and "Gee, Officer Krupke" - I thought worked even better in their new placement later in the movie, as well as the new settings for the tunes.
I'll be seeing this one again, I know.
And just what is that wrapped around my shoulders?
It's my shawl from Panama, purchased more than forty years ago.
Somehow, it felt like the right one today, even though I haven't worn it in many years.
I tended to save it for special occasions... and today was certainly one of those.
I love you, Mama...

Thursday, December 9, 2021

and they danced!

I speak of Jim Reed and Lauren Byram!

Why did that make such an impression on me?

I've never, ever seen him dance.

Not ever.

And there the writer-musician was, stepping and twirling with his bride in her movie star dress!

His shimmering silver shoes and her glamorous silver dress truly lit up the ballroom at Post 135. 

















What a lovely couple they are, dancing as though they've been together forever!

They were married earlier today, in one of the squares where she has ghost tours and he had his 'life as a SCAD student' tour.

Now, they were treating about eighty of their family and friends to a wedding reception that was more of a Christmas party, replete with marvelous food, a free-flowing bar, and plenty of country and rock dance music from the aptly named Damon & The Shitkickers.

How good to see so many I'd missed: Joe and Princeton, JinHi and Mark, Joe B and Lois, Jay Sinclair, Axelle and Jordan, Will of PFS, Bonnie and Don... even Hai!

I even got the attention of one of Jim's college buddies!

It was the mask with the curlicue mustache that attracted his attention, not my gorgeous sweater or my favorite blue top from Italy underneath.

Kirk even pulled up a photo on his phone of him, with the same mustache drawn on his face at a party!

Magnificent fun for both of us!

Thanks, Jim and Lauren, for inviting me and Carolyn!

Even though I wore my face covering for much of the evening, it was so wonderful to be around so many friends, live and in person.

I even surprised the bandleader by singing along with almost every song... and even breaking into dance, with Lois sometimes and solo others!

How did I know that surprised him?

He kept watching me as I mouthed the words along with him! 


I'm so glad I allowed myself to join the festivities and didn't let my pandemic panic attack yesterday dissuade me.

I certainly needed this bit of normalcy in my life.

i thank You, God!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

crazy mad panic attack

I evidently cannot immerse myself into the CDC website anymore.
After about three hours there earlier, looking at various graphs of COVID data for the ten states I once monitored, I thought I was okay... but I was not.
It greatly disturbed me to see those curves rise again for daily and weekly cases of people who had been infected by SARS-CoV-2, people who then developed the Coronavirus Infectious Disease, people in Georgia, Florida, Michigan.

This one is for Georgia, with number of cases in August - as classrooms reconvened in person - on a par with the great madness of earlier this year.
Here is the data for Michigan, which seems to mirror the curves of Georgia, but with some really high variations for the data - with peaks of more than 15,000 per day - since school began in the fall.
For Florida, the case is more dire, with the peak for the number of new cases at school time - more than 20,000 per day - more than surpassing any other time since the pandemic began.
It's certainly clear when spring break occurred this year, isn't it?

The graph for California is here, making it obvious what a difference it makes when the majority of the population gets vaccinated against this virus.
Sure, their numbers of daily new cases are still more than 5,000 per day, but, considering their huge population, that's not bad.

California looks especially nice compared to the graph for the number of cases in the USA as a whole.
The people across the country need to study what that the population of that West Coast state is doing differently and try to emulate its good example.
After giving a good hard look at those graphs, comparing the current effects of the continuing pandemic for those states, I then started checking out their death rates, and then studying their vaccination rates, and I thought I was okay... but I was not.
How do I know I was not?
I stopped to have lunch and watch a little tv, as I tend to do about 5 PM.
Then, when I rose from the couch to take my plate into the kitchen, I nearly fell down because I was so dizzy.
It was as if I was suddenly very drunk, with the room seeming to whirl around me.
So I sat back down... and that's when I noticed I was having trouble focusing and I could hardly take deep breaths.
Was I having a heart attack?
No, there was no pain in my jaw or shoulder.
Then, feeling the need to pee, I went to rise again... and had to hold onto the wall to make it to the bathroom without falling from the dizziness, and then hold the wall again to make it back to the couch.
So... very... dizzy.
It was as if I had taken something with codeine in it.
Then I recognized I was having a panic attack.
After all, this is not the first time this has happened over the last few years.
What to do?
I laid back on the couch, head on a pillow, feet up, and stayed still for the next hour, letting Steve Harvey's voice calm me during the two episodes of "Family Feud".
I could feel the tension leaving me.
So, what had brought the panic attack on?
Well, it was not solely due to the graphs.
I've been getting increasingly twitchy about the reception scheduled for tomorrow night, where I will be one of eighty people gathered in the ballroom of the American Legion on Bull Street to eat and drink and dance in celebration of Jim and Lauren's wedding.
I have no idea who all will be there, but I can guarantee that I will not know most of them.
Since March of 2020, the most people I have been around was at Chelsea's wedding last month... but that was all open-air, with good spacing, and with me being around mostly people I already know.
That will not be the case tomorrow.
If not for my pledge to provide a ride for Carolyn, I'd probably back out.
However, I don't feel that I have that option, as it would leave her with no means of getting there, and I know she has been looking forward to it for two months.
Actually, giving her that ride is also a stressor, as she is always sick with her chronic bronchitis and I don't want to catch that, either.
At least I recognize what my problem is.
Now, to continue having a restful evening...
and look forward to seeing old friends again tomorrow.