Sunday, May 31, 2020

picnic on a Sunday afternoon

Well, I guess the Universe wanted to make sure I went to see Mama!
The "Quantum Leap"-a-thon that I'd planned for has turned out to be shows I've already seen, beginning with the s4 e9 from May 20th.
The good thing is that "Oh, boy, I'm in a teen girl group", s4 e15, will air at 9 PM - I had so loved that one!
And midnight will bring "oh, boy, I'm a New York cabbie", s4 e18, in which "It's A Wonderful Leap" -
if you catch my drift.

A picnic with Mama had been on my agenda for at least two weeks, ever since Mother's Day.
But first, I wanted to 'look in on' Jean Marie and see how my niece was faring.
I couldn't even find her marker!
Had it been taken away??
No, someone had moved it, but I finally found it and was able to reposition it, thanks to the rocks I'd placed there the last time.
Hope these sticks, and more rocks, will help make it stand out.

Relieved, I headed over to the Barry plot to set up my lunch.
Not only was all well there, but a lovely, tall, red rose had been added!
I wonder which of my brothers did that for Mother's Day?
It has a solar panel, too.
Does it glow at night?
I tried to cover it over to see if that would turn any mechanism on, but the day was very sunny.
I'll have to call and find out.

And what had I selected for my dining pleasure at this picnic?
Well, Yogi Bear, not a sandwich!
I'd needed something quick, as I was already quite hungry before I even left home.
The birthday eve brunch was ready to go, so I grabbed it and set out!
I'd also grabbed chopsticks, which turned out to not be a good idea.
The salmon was fine and easy enough, but the farro slipped all over the place.
It took a bit of doing with those utensils, but I did manage to eat every last morsel, yes, I did.
I soaked up every drop of love from the warm sunshine...
I reveled in the soft caresses of the breeze on my face and as it ruffled my hair...
and I knew I was not alone, that I am always loved, always, but especially as I celebrate my birthday.
i thank You, God.


faustina said...

By the way, that gorgeous blouse was purchased in Italy on the May 2012 avventura.
It was perfect for today.
It also let me know my weight was staying put, as I had bought it after losing weight.
One of my shirts stayed in Italy so that one could come home with me - absolutely perfect swap as an early birthday54 gift!
After that trip, I had slowly started gaining weight back.
I had finally attained the trip's weight when this COVID-19 pandemic began in March and Weight Watchers closed its studios.
I closed my membership then, too.
Glad to know I'm still making use of those lessons learned.

faustina said...

Stroud Williams (Robert's dad) had seen my post on Jean Marie's fb page and asked about the location of her grave stone.
I'd let him know that my stepsister - Susan Morgan - had not yet arranged for that to be done.
He and Jan are on that task now and have already contacted the cemetery about costs and time line for her to have a permanent marker.
They will talk to Susan and Stephen, too, to make sure no one gets any feelings hurt about the Williams stepping in.

i thank You, God.

YKW said...

(i rcvd the day after my picnic)

The Universe
06/01/2020 3:34 AM

Faustina, you know that feeling?

That sense of eagerness for the moment.
Optimism for the future.
And confidence that you’re exactly "when" and where you should be. That feeling that makes dark days lighter and light days brighter. That precedes breakthroughs, conquests, and euphoria.

Yes, that feeling!

Well, it doesn't just come.

You have to give it to yourself.

Go on,
The Universe

Faustina, if it helps, take it from me that you are exactly when and where you should be.