Wednesday, May 27, 2020

with music by Mark Snow

Seriously, every time I use this particular coffee cup, the made-up lyrics pop into my head and I practically sing them out loud!
"The X-Files is a show...
with music by Mark Snow...
Mark Snow.
Hahahaha hahaha!
I though it perfect to accompany my pepperoni eggs for brunch...
and it was, too!
The truth is definitely out there!

That cup is one of the four that just got washed, too.
See the heat-changing panel on back of that third one?
Cold, it states "the truth is out there" and hot gets the message to "trust no one".
That's pretty nifty for a coffee mug!
Beside it is the Armstrong mug, clear with classic black lettering.
The rightmost, a dark green cup, boasts the logo of the Savannah Sand Gnats baseball team.
I sure miss those boys of summer!
That's three cups on that row.
So, where is the fourth?
Look toward the middle...
see that huge white one...
with the pale blue logo?
That's Starbucks, baby, and it was given to me by my BFF!
When was that?
Well, she may have done so sometime this past decade...
or it may have been even further back in time than that!
Sam Voelker and I have known each other since the mid-1980's.
Don't tell anyone how old that must mean she is!
Hahahaha hahaha!

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