Saturday, April 18, 2020

death by ignorance of science

That's the cold, hard truth of the matter.
There are so many American citizens who are ignorant of basic science - and, sadly, rather proud of their ignorance, as if it's some mark of being a "cool kid" rather than a "nerd".
Those are the people now holding marches - marches, I say, walking shoulder to shoulder, not a face mask in sight - to protest the "shelter in place" orders.
Those are the people wanting their professional haircuts and beard trims and salon dyes, their professionally polished and trimmed fingernails and toenails, their drycleaned suits and dresses.
Those are the people thinking only of the "inconvenience" of having to lose part of their privileges in the name of being responsible toward the health of others.
Those are the people being the spoiled, selfish, egocentric sorts that are going to drive up the numbers of dead in this country.
What is particularly heartbreaking is the number of people in my small world of family and friends who are part of that selfish group.
What is particularly heartbreaking is the inability to understand that even someone who is not showing symptoms for up to 14 days can still be infected and spreading the virus to others.
What is particularly heartbreaking is their firm conviction that this pandemic has been overblown and a case of science forecasting a bogeyman that never quite materialized.
What is particularly heartbreaking is their belief that their lack of critical factors - age > 65 years old, diabetes, asthma, HIV, cancer patient, arthritis, other immune-comprising diseases - renders them impervious to harm by SARS-CoV-2.
What is particularly heartbreaking is their total lack of comprehension about how easily they can transmit this coronavirus to a family member or friend or stranger, someone who would then develop COVID-19 and who would die an agonizing, slow, painful, terrifying death, gasping for breath, alone in a hospital bed.
The situation is further imperiled by the lack of coordination in action on the federal, state, county, and city levels.
The politicians are allowed to make rulings independently of scientific or medical input, just in accordance with what will get them re-elected for their next term.
A few are making good choices, insisting on doing what is right for the health of all.
However, those are having a tough go of it, catching belligerence from those who think the restrictions are too much and those who want those restrictions tightened.
I hope Mayor Van Johnson will continue to "keep the faith, but believe the science".
I just wish the Georgia governor and the President of the USA would do the same.
but not yet without hope.


faustina said...

This is what I mean about selfish, stupid, egotists.

faustina said...

And here's a followup on those protesters...
who are apparently backed by the blond man in the White House...
so very scary.

faustina said...

Yesterday, I sent my ex a joke about Penn & Teller.
He didn't get it...
because he is not familiar with that amazing duo.
Say what?
So, I looked up the "banning dihydrogen monoxide" video for him...
and figured I may as well include it here.
People ignorant of science...
my students, by the way, LOVED this video!