Monday, April 13, 2020

love in the mail, incoming!

Cathy, out in California, was the first with a hug in the mail...
and a light for the darkness.
That was early March, just as the COVID-19 madness was hitting the USA, right before Paul's call to me.
The light is a solar-powered Luci, one that I read about years ago.
I look forward to playing Scrabble in its glow after summer storms.
She had said she knew I was someone who would use it -
and I have it charged and ready.

At the end of March, winging its way from Michigan, came a small package of love from... Jeff the ex!
I patiently waited a day before I opened it... and was delighted by the surprise inside!
It was a note from Jeff, saying he'd seen this Periodic Table-style menu at a nearby coffee shop and thought of me - how very sweet of him!
And how special it was for him to actually put the menu in an envelope and mail it - instead of taking a photo and texting -
that was definitely love!

A day or so later in that first week
of April, a small blue-striped envelope arrived, this time from North Carolina.
My Goth Girl, aka my BFF's darling dancing daughter who helped me find white squirrels, had sent me a missive of love!
Dearest Morgan, all grown up and a wife and mother now, had thought of her Aunt Tina and taken pen to paper to let me know.
I so look forward to seeing her in the fall and meeting her husband and dear daughter Amelia!

Then, in time for Easter and beliefs in mythical beings and magical forces, a card arrived on Good Friday in a good mail envelope.
My dear first niece, Christina Ann, was missing our lunch dates, was missing my hugs, was missing giving me her hugs as we charged our batteries and felt Mama's presence in those embraces.
She had stuffed that physical card full of virtual hugs, and I savor them every time I open it.

Now, pardon me, but I have "Quantum Leap" about to begin.
This was from Friday's episode,
a bit of film noir with Sam as a Bogart-like detective and Al trying to help him with the case, both hoping to have him leap back to their present time.
This time-travel, setting-the-world-right, show is a long-time favorite that I haven't seen in years.
That's been incoming love, audiovisual hugs, to me, from the Universe, via Comet TV, for the past week.
i thank You, God.

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