Saturday, April 4, 2020

maybe that helped at least one person

Yesterday morning, the roofers arrived to start work on my house.
Feeling lighthearted, I sent out a text to my bfrb.
"Damn social distancing.
I have men all over my house and no touching going on! :-)
Little did I know what a hornet's nest that would stir up.

He replied, "Ha. [My housemate] just had a "friend" over and I am fuming. With his health issues, he is extremely high risk and he just can't stop."

I got so mad, so fast.
Any other time, I would probably have let it slide.
Instead, I made damn sure he knew I was angry.
"And that, my dear, is the source of my reluctance to come to your house [last Tuesday, for dinner and games night]. I had wondered, but didn't think it right for me to ask. Wrong of him to endanger you."

What he said next didn't help.
"He has cut all his social interactions to the bone already. I really think he just can't help it."

Did the psychologist just say that about his housemate's reckless actions?
Did the psychologist just agree to be an enabler for his housemate who has the heavily compromised immune system?
I fired right back at him, guns blazing.
"Please do not make excuses for him to me.
I have cut all my social activity too.
At least he has your physical presence.
He obviously does not realize how good he has it, nor does he appreciate it.
Perhaps he should stay with his lover right now, not with you.
Then I added, "Guess you can tell that touched a raw nerve."

He obviously didn't understand what I was saying.
Still enabling, he texted, "So they went to Walmart and bought groceries. Had a word with him but he just doesn't get it. God help us."

just, wow.
"I think you are not getting it.
What will you do when his reckless behavior gets him infected and then gets you infected and all those you are helping?
[He has been doing the shopping for several 'elderly' neighbors, in the interest of helping them and keeping himself out and about.]

That didn't get through.
He told me, "Tina, we aren't there yet."

We aren't there yet.
Well, no kidding.
And the whole point of early social distancing is to keep us from that stage.
"You do realize, don't you, that someone can be infected and not show signs for two weeks?
Please, don't be like our governor.

That must have struck a nerve for him.
I know he already thinks Brian Kemp is a fool.
I have no doubt he clicked the link to read the story.
As a peace offering, he may have bought a four-pack of tissues, as no toilet paper could be found.
Then, compelled by my words, he had come to see me yesterday, a couple of hours after our texting ceased.
I was so busy destroying the azaleas on the side of the house that I didn't hear him at first.
When I did come around to the front, it was obvious I was still angry at his enabling of his housemate and endangerment of himself and his neighbors.
After that talk, in person, he must have decided to bone up - yes, pun intended - on the health news.
Then he massaged - yes, another double entendre - the numbers for himself.
THAT is when he realized the truth of what I have been saying for almost a month.
The USA is in deep trouble.

I had already done the math on the expected number of cases, looking ahead.
Now he has done so, looking only at number of deaths, not cases of COVID-19.
By his calculations, we stand to have about 400,000 dead by Easter.
How do I know he did that yesterday after seeing me?
Less than 24 hours after our talk, he posted his calculations today on fb.
Here's that post.

"4 April at 1:09 PM ·
Unfortunately, my calculations are proving to be correct so far.
I feel that the most accurate numbers to focus on are the actual deaths, rather than numbers of infected.
My rationale is that while we can be certain of the number of deaths, the number of infected is almost certainly higher than whatever they appear to be on paper.
In order for our tests to be accurate we would need everyone across the country to tested, and those tests would be needed to be repeated weekly.
Our infected numbers are lower than the truth.
Possibly by many orders of magnitude.

Covid- 19 deaths are doubling every 3-4 days.
Up to 7,400 from 3,000 on Monday.

At this rate, it could reach 1-2 million deaths in the next 30 days.
I truly hope I’m wrong, but I’ve been exactly right so far.
Please follow ALL social distancing protocols.
Keep all social contact including grocery shopping to a bare minimum.
Even then avoid shopping at stores like Walmart where customers still don’t seem to get it.
If we do not flatten this curve the suffering in both blood and treasure will be truly biblical.
Stay safe and please try to look out for one another as best you can."

I do hope people are listening.
Paul had first warned me of all this almost a month ago.
The mayors in the Bay Area, including Oakland where he and Cathy live, imposed a shelter at home order a day or so after that.
California's governor took action some few days later.
The rest of the USA just looked at those zany Californians and dragged their feet.
A full two weeks elapsed before Mayor Johnson issued that order for Savannah's populace to stay home and limit contact.
Even so, when the weather stayed nice, people were congregating at the parks for sports or in backyards for cookout parties.
Now, that order has been extended until April 30th, "regardless of what Governor Kemp does" about the shelter at home for Georgians in general.
I am so glad to live in Savannah.
And I am so glad that my dear bfrb understands the danger of this pandemic.
i thank You, God.

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