Monday, April 6, 2020

sittin' in the morning sun

... and it'll be sittin' when the evening's done...
won't it, Otis Redding?
Maybe not on the dock of a bay, but what a relief to have this lovely new roof up above my head!
Those Golden Cedar shingles make such a welcome difference to my home's appearance -
she just glows, doesn't she?
Even in the moonlight there's a glow!
The difference is almost like night and day, isn't it?

Thank you, Tinker Covington, for knocking on my door in February.
Thank you, Meg Hagan of Travelers Insurance, for verifying the hail damage in March and making it possible for me to have a new roof.
Thank you, Armor Exteriors, for doing such a fine job!
Thank you, by brother Smitty, for splitting my deductible with me.
Thank you, USA, for that helpful stimulus check, in just the right amount for this project.

I just want to take a moment to note that these two photos were taken about the same time of day, though years apart.
The top photo, of the house as it now looks, was taken today at 11:47 AM, after the last bit of work in the back was completed and the dumpster of old roof was being hauled away.
The bottom photo was taken three years ago on July 17, 2017.
It clearly shows the aging of the shingles and the rusty metal turbines topping all.
I'm hoping the lighter color of the roof will make for a cooler house this summer.
I will say it's already made a difference in in noise level!
How so?
A squirrel has had the habit for several years of running around up there at night.
I think that may be done!
Friday night, when it jumped from the neighbor's tree to the roof, I heard it stop dead in its tracks for several moments.
I'd like to think it saw its feet, now a greatly different color than the shingles, and realized it was no longer invisible up there.
I'm hoping that fear of the owl in the area will keep the little tree rat away...
or that the scampering beast will make a nice late night snack for the raptor.
I rather like that owl, so I'm rooting for the latter option.

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