Saturday, April 18, 2020

who dunnit dinner theatre!

Yesterday, Chad held up this sign on fb and I was 'there' to see it.
Right place, right time.
I have so wanted to attend one of their mystery dinner shows over the past few years, but had never been able to find the right combination of time and money to do so.
Held on Friday nights, I was usually involved in one of a variety of other endeavors, making 'time' the inflexible variable.
That was certainly not the problem on this Saturday night - alright!
I opted for the full dinner theatre experience, meaning I needed to get the meal prepared and ready by show time...
and I did!
The 'chef' made Rotel Chicken, served atop a bed of Wild Rice, with Lemon Pepper Brussels Sprouts and a side of Gaia Apple.
The 'sommelier' served Guinness Stout, allowed to warm slightly to enhance the rich flavor.

Now, it was show time, live on fb tv!
Quiet that phone, please!
There had been a murder and Detective Diggs was on the case.
Which of these three had motive?
Was it Arty Fischel (ya gotta say it to get the joke!), owner of Crazy Arty's Antique Emporium?
Might it be Kitkat Paddywhack, the vaudeville juggler?
Or could it be Max Kincaide, evil villain in countless D-grade movie sequels of the past?
Whichever one it was, or whatever combination of them it might have been, Sam Almann, fisherman and grifter, was still dead.
His days of hands reeking of fish were finally over.
(That just brought to mind "50 First Dates" - love that movie!)
The evidence showed he had been struck again and again, possibly tased, and stabbed.
He was good and dead, but who had done the deed, and why?
The Detective had many consultants, including me, on the job to help determine the culprit.
The vampire teeth Max had as a memento of "Hookers From Mars" were missing after Sam had delivered salmon roe.
What had become of them?
Kitkat had been teaching ventriloquism to Sam, but now his old dummy was at the antique shop... or was that his Buster?
Arty claimed he'd had the doll for years and didn't recall how.
He claimed the same was true of a sword that Max swore was his, as well as various other articles that Kitkat and Max were now missing.
Time to determine the killer!
I proposed that Paddywhack had done the deed, using his gold-topped cane to strike and kill the younger man after discovering the thefts.
Was I correct?
Who was the true killer of the fishmonger?
Hey, you didn't think I would tell you, did you?
Go watch the show and figure it out!
It's 52 minutes of improv fun as only Odd Lot can provide!
You'll have to supply your own dinner, though.
My thanks to Chad Carvell (crusty curmudgeon Kitkat), Jason Arons (eyebrow-wrangling Max), Justin Kent (shifty salesman Arty), and Chris Soucy (digging into Detective).
Oh, and thanks Chris Stanley, the dead dude with the 'tude.
Such great fun, y'all!

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