Thursday, April 16, 2020

william shatner made me cry this morning

I've been working on re-establishing my daily groove, right?
So that meant having "Let's Make A Deal" with my morning coffee.
That meant that I would be besieged with commercials for lawyers and drugs and insurance and items for folks who might be most likely to be home in the mornings.
Usually, one of those ads is from So Clean, with William Shatner as the face to promote it.
Usually, I would have politely listened, as he might say my name again.
But this was not the usual ad.
Instead, he was there to ask everyone to please be safe during this pandemic.
"Please wash your hands," he'd said, "and keep them away from your face."
Then, he had thanked So Clean for allowing him to use their ad time for his plea.
And that was it.
No visual of their product, so testimonials from users of it -
just William Shatner appealing to his fans and everyone to be kind to each other.
Of course I sat there and sobbed.
What a touching gesture on his part and what a generous gesture from the corporation.
They understood the seriousness of this medical health crisis, when so many are already complaining about needing a pedicure or wanting their gray roots dyed or craving time wandering the mall or other stupid, selfish stuff.

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