Wednesday, April 1, 2020

do re mi fa so la ti do

Hard boiled.

"Alex, is the question what type of eggs are popular for picnics?"

No, Tequila.

"Oh, I see. You want to see about eggs cooked in hard liquor, right?"

No, silly, that would be a waste of good booze.

"Well, that's what you said. You wanted to hard boil eggs in tequila."

No, you are incorrecto mundo. I said nothing about eggs, you just assumed that part.

"Then, what on this sweet Earth are you talking about?"

I said Tequila was hard-boiled.

"Nobody in their right mind would boil tequila. Then again, you're the one talking, so 'right mind' may be a stretch."

Well, hold on, sunshine, 'cause you're gonna love this. Tequila is a rapper, too!

"You have certainly gone off into the deep end. Liquids cannot be used as wraps."

C'mon now, surely you know I mean rapper without the 'w', right?

"I know no such thing. And don't call me Shirley."

Ha ha ha.

"(Sigh.) Okay, tell me more."

Alrighty then! This rapper spontaneously created his bit just as I have done a time or two or three or four or five or ...

"Okay, okay, I get it. You're a poet, not just a blogger."

Damn Skippy I am.

"Who? Is that the one drinking the tequila>"

What?? No, I was just referencing an inside joke with Jeff the Ex. That was on some tv show and we both thought it was pretty funny.

"Uh huh. Fine. What does all this have to do with tequila and raps?"

Well, since you asked so sweetly, I'll tell you.

"That would be a refreshing change of pace instead of us playing twenty questions."

So, as you know, PFS had an online viewing party tonight.

"Yes, I read something about that, when you were talking about a groove thing."

Ya got that straight! You know why I chose "groove" instead of "routine" or "schedule" or "rut"?

"No, but I am certain you had a good reason for that word choice."

You betcha. It's all about keeping music in my life, keeping the groove on the record, so to speak. Plus, it's much more fun than those other words, especially during these difficult and dangerous times.

"Well, you could also have used that acting term you like?"

You mean about hitting my marks? Well, right now, I don't really have any bits of tape ahead of me on the stage. I'm winging it, best I can, once again.

"Perpetually, it would seem. Life is full of changes, of sea changes."


"Now, if you don't mind..."

Um...? Oh, yes, Tequila and his rap.

"Wait, was that a clue? Tequila is a person?"

Yep! He's the lead character in Jim's mystery film shown tonight. I mean, his 'surprise' film. Apparently, folks were confused by that word 'mystery'.

"Yes, dear."

Yes, dear!
Anywho, this one was about a cop named Tequila and, at one point, he and his girl are rescuing a bunch of infants in a hospital.
It gets down to one baby and he sends her off, saying he'll handle this last one.
Then, to quiet the child, he spouts this little ditty of a rap!
'Hey, little sprout,
I have got no doubt
we'll get safely out.'

"Hahahaha hahaha! And did they manage to exit without harm?"

You know they did! As the hospital was burning all around, too!

"Well, that sounds like it was some kind of fun!"

The movie was! Even though it was in Mandarin and had subtitles!

"Hey, we ain't 'fraid of no foreign films! So, what was the title of this one?"

"Hard Boiled", of course!

"Of course!"

It was a John Woo film, from 1982, with a 28-year-old Chow Yun-fat in the lead role. Absolutely fabulous! And it was set in Hong Kong, so that was extra cool. As you know, I had traveled there on a USO tour while I was in Okinawa. That would have been in 1981 or 1982, about the time this was filmed! I intend to watch it again, soak up that scenery. You can see it, too, on youtube using this link.

"Well, thankyouverymuch, as Elvis would say! I'm starting to have the makings of an at-home foreign film festival!"

I think Sunday's 'screening' is also a foreign film...

"Well, what is it? Do you know?"

Not yet. Jim isn't sayin' ya know. It's a surprise!

"LOL! Well, do keep me in the loop."

You know I will! Now, time for me to get into my groove for a missed noon30!

"I heard that. Later, dear!"



faustina said...

Two things, lest I forget.
1st: The police department had an undercover agent working in the gangsters. He would send a dozen white roses to the office, to Tequila's girlfriend, with a song lyric on the card. She then decoded the message, transcribing the notes for the lyric into numbers. Pretty clever, I thought!
2nd: the film on that Sunday WAS a foreign one! Made by Italians and French, filmed in Brazil, and a remake of a Greek romance gone wrong. The 1959 "Orfeu Negro" can be viewed via the following.

Gorgeous scenery, beautiful costumes, and even a song or two!

faustina said...

So, the original link for "Hard Boiled" is dead.
Here's one that works.