Sunday, July 26, 2020

running the bases film festival

All I was trying to do was get another triple to go with the one from Thursday.
Sure, that one had been a natural, whereas this was to be a contrived thing to stretch out the double from the 18th, a stolen base, so to speak.
That's all I was trying to do.
Instead, I ended up with a home run smacked right over the left wall
hear me?
Right over the left wall!
A little baseball humor, with a side reference to the human heart.
So, how do I want to do this?
Start from the beginning?
Jump right into the triple?
Lead with the end?
Decisions, decisions...
okay, I'll start with the end, kinda sorta (joke for the bfrb!).
The one I just finished was "Henry's Crime", which turned out to be a romantic comedy crime caper from 2010, as Jim Reed would say.
I chose it specifically because it starred an actor from each of the two films I'd tag-teamed on the 18th, "Johnny Mnemonic" from 1995 and "Source Code" from 2011. Both were science fiction action thrillers. The first I'd seen before, featuring my squeeze Keanu Reeves as a traveling man whose brain had room for hire. The latter film was one I'd missed in the cinemas but gladly caught, this time with Jake Gyllenhaal as a man with a traveling brain able to leap about in time. Nice combination for that Saturday night, a solid doubleheader!
But then I had that triple...
which I will get to in a minute...
and I wanted another, I really did.
I really did.
So I looked through the lists of free movies On Demand and found this one, which was perfect as it turned out.
Keanu Reeves was the lead, Henry: a passive man who just let life wash over him, carrying him to prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Vera Farmiga, a longtime favorite of mine who was the handler in the 2011 film, was hopeful romantic Julia this time, striving to be a star actress in Buffalo, NY.
And the play that she was in?
Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard", the heart of the last play I'd seen from the Savannah Repertory Theatre on my action-packed March weekend.
Whoa... (as Keanu has been known to say).
Seriously, I got all happy and tingly as I watched it!
Right place, right time.
i thank You, God.
All I had been looking for was a a link to allow me to steal third base...
and I got this delightful home run, with the double now two already on base batted-in to score across home plate.
Very nice!
And to think, this had all begun at the end of June!
That's when I noticed that two Steve Martin movies were in their last days as free flicks on TBS - time to grab them while I could!
Yes, I know, I tend to aim for movies that are "new to me".
It would be difficult for a Steve Martin film to fall into that classification.
So, of course, I'd already seen "Father of the Bride" and its sequel...
like, almost thirty years ago when new, plus a few more times...
but I was in a golden mood for a laugh - or two...
so I watched them in sequence, one on the 29th and the other on the 30th.
Then that double was upgraded to a triple on the 1st of July!
On that Sunday night, the Psychotronic Film Society graced me with an even older film, 1983's "The Man With Two Brains", with the marvelous comedic stylings of Kathleen Turner included at no extra charge!
(These online viewing parties from PFS are free, so that's a lil' joke!)
That serendipity led to me deliberately searching out more linked movies, leading to another double (on the 9th) that just so happened to become a triple the next night.
"Games singles play" was the theme and the movies had to ones that I'd never seen.
BET started me off with some "Swag Inc.", in which two guys and their friends invent an app to help other guys get chicks into bed, then out of their lives; pretty good, really.
TBS stepped into the batter's box with "Life As We Know It", featuring a blind date gone horribly awry between two people with mutual friends, full of real humor!
It also had real pathos, created when their mutual friends suddenly die and they have to raise their godchild.
Then I remembered seeing a similar synopsis on Here TV, about two singles who'd never even met, thrown together when a mutual friend dies... oh, yes: "Ciao".
What a lovely third, with remembrances of Italy tossed in for beauty.
Time for more fun, though, even if I had to break the rules and see repeats!
Bounce met the challenge with gusto, providing a star-studded "Rat Race" with John Cleese and visions of Las Vegas!!!
I followed that shot with "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone",  a TBS chaser, again set in Las Vegas, with three funny men filling the screen - yes!
Do I believe in magic?
Yes, yes, I most certainly do!!!
Back to films with action, not words!
That's when I saw the two that started this post.
Then I watched two with women kicking butt, vampire butts at that.
What good movies they were, too!
"Ultraviolet" featured Milla Jojovovich as a plague survivor with a hitch - she's now a vampire, which makes her a bit of a superhero that the humans are trying to kill.
"30 Days of Night: Dark Days" is a survivor of a vampire siege in Alaska, now trying to warn others before the next time the sun sets for a month.
Truly fabulous offerings from Crackle!
Those action films, and that movie 'channel', led to the double that became a true triple, all featuring the same dark hero, all even having similar names and released in sequential years - what a coup!
Listed next to each other in the guide, the 2006 "The Detonator" and the 2007 "The Contractor", starred Wesley Snipes, kicking Romanian butt in the former and being chased down by the CIA in London in the latter.
I very much enjoyed the second one, as it showed a softer side, with him aided in his struggle by a teen-aged English girl who loved horses.
Then, lo and behold!
Before the end of the 23rd, I was rewarded with "The Marksman" of 2005, with Wesley as an Army man kicking Russian butt while trying to blow up a nuclear silo... or was that the target?
Whatever, I so enjoyed watching him and his crew at work!
Plus, that was a third film on the same day - a tripleheader!
Yep, it's been quite a lovely film festival!
Maybe I can find another double before month's end?
Wish me good fortune!

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