Sunday, July 19, 2020

nearly normal summer sunday

First, I watched "CBS Sunday Morning" - and the local station had the sound working!
Most excellent!
Then I watched ABC's "Teen Kids News" and they were talking about the electoral college.
Cool, that's cool.
Time to stop puttering about with my cup of coffee and have breakfast!
That's right, I said "breakfast", not "brunch", though it was certainly late enough to be the latter.
But today it was definitely "breakfast" and I had pepperoni eggs as I sipped more coffee and read "News of the Weird" in Connect Savannah, issue date July 17-23, 2019.
Say what???
Yes, I know, it's a year old.
I "d to the c" absolutely don't care!
I'd come across a cache of three old issues in the news stand while I was doing laundry on Thursday, so I'd snatched them up like they were precious jewels.
To make my Sundays nearly normal for a change.
So after reading the "people are strange" bits, I had the true treasure: Jonesin' Crossword!
Oh, what joy!
No, I'm being completely serious.
I worked the entire puzzle and considered it done when the only twelve blank tiles, all for clues to names of people I did not know, but could google... but that would be cheating.
Next, time to wash dishes and make a bit of food for later - corn on the cob! Georgia caviar! - and then wash me.
Oh, yes, and do that Elisa thing, too.
Know what I did then?
I had saved Jim's movie choice from last Sunday for this afternoon, as it was a black & white 1957 musical drama with Frank Sinatra, "The Joker Is Wild".
Why had I done that?
Because Mama and I used to watch this kind of movie on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
"Perfect," I'd said to myself, when this idea had materialized in my head yesterday.
Perfect it was, too, with a surprise: Eddie Albert was in it, too, playing piano in their lounge act!
And... there was burlesque!
Lots and lots of lovely burlesque!
One of my favorite lines was during the dance scene.
"We're the only real people here," Joe E. Lewis told Letty Page.
"The rest of them are just shadows."
So he said of the people partying on the other side of the cyclorama -
the movie screen in the theatre.
A recurring theme sprang to mind:
"How apt a description for little fictional characters."
The movie, based on Lewis' real life, was very good, and I knew Barbara would enjoy it.
Last Saturday was her 69th birthday, so I curated a Birthday Film Festival for her, using eight of the PFS films from the past two months.
I'm betting the only one she'll know is the Steve Martin film!
I'm also betting that her favorite is going to be the film version of a Broadway play with a female cast full of stars.
I thought it was good, but she's more girlie and is bound to love it!
Afterward, time to take in something relaxing... like the Ray Stevens' show!
I don't always watch it, but I'm glad I did today - John Schneider was on!
And justthatfast, when I saw him, I leapt back in time to 1983 and my life in San Diego and going with Dave Eschedor (my boyfriend) to Calico, a gold-mining 'ghost' town, and seeing the actor in the parade there.
Although I didn't know who he was, plenty of folks there watched his show, "Dukes of Hazard", which was in the middle of its six-year run in 1983.
Ah, good times, good times!
Oh! Before I forget!
Ray told a really cute joke from his grandpa!
What is perfect pitch?
The ability to throw a banjo far enough you can't hear it hit the ground.

Hahahaha! Hahaha!
Time to go off to my second ball game at Grayson Stadium!
Tonight, the Savannah Bananas were again hosting the Lexington County Blowfish, as at my first game, but this time the second string boys of summer represented the home team.
Honestly, if not for Scott's second game being last night, when the Bananas were also listed as playing at Macon that night, I wouldn't have known.
It certainly isn't something I've heard the Bananas talk about.
FYI, last night's two games were a wash, with a win on home turf and a loss away with the Bacon.
The men who played tonight were mostly the same men from last night's home game, but only a few played in the other game I saw.
Bananas in motion, just like in the upper photo, taken at the end of the top of the 6th.
Love that rosy pink contrail!
By the end of the Bananas' turn, ten minutes later, night had fallen.
Not much later, the Blowfish had fallen, too, giving us another win.
After a lovely visit with Jennifer and Mario Incorvaia, I stepped out to the front apron in time to see the dancing Banana, Maceo, giving a dance lesson to a fan, reminding her to floss as he did so.
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
Here's the really funny thing: I saw Russell, the guy who invented that silly 'dance', on "To Tell The Truth" last week!
Right place, right time!
I so love coincidences!
i thank You, God!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Last night, during the game, the Bananas sent five people out to the infield to roll the clay, stirring up A LOT OF DUST.
That dust came over to the picnic area where I was.
Today, my eyes are watery and feel tired from the dust exposure.
I made sure to hydrate my sinuses when I returned home last night, but my eyes are still feeling itchy.
I have taken my Zyrtec today and hoping for the best.
7-20-2020 1:17 PM