Thursday, July 23, 2020

of the gist with a physicist

How can it be determined from a text message who the originator was?
Trust me.
No one else I know would be doing what he was doing at the time our texts began!
I just have to wonder why it took so long for the bfe to get my telepathic message.
I've been sending it to him for several hours today!

-----   *   -----   *   -----
him: "I am checking up on you! What are you doing?!?!?!?"
me: "Just finished watching a Wesley Snipes movie. WOOHOO! Got another for later, both on Crackle. What about you?"
him: "I am maximizing some entropies. Doing some reading. Watching some final exams roll in. Chillin' like a villain on amoxicillin."
me: "Oh, no, are you ill?"
him. "No, it's just a saying. From a movie called Half-Baked."
me: "Oh, i heard of that, never saw it. Going to a drive-in movie next week! On Wednesday! For free! Down in Jesup. :-) "
him: "I had to look Wesley Snipes up...I see he was in a tv show called A Man Named Hawk...I remember my day watching that. I've seen Blade back in the day."
me: "Love the Blade movies!"
him: "What are you going to see?"
me: "I know they are two for "the kid in you" and the second is Hook. Love that!"
him: "The last drive-in flick I saw was Independence Day. I saw Ferris Bueller last in the park...they brought in a semi...and projected the movie onto the side of trailer."
me: "Yeah, i know Tybee has done that, and Forsyth. They cannot now. Drive-in limits number of cars and asks folks to stay in or near their car. Sounds safe."
him: "But of course. That goes without saying."
me: "Beaufort has a drive-in too. It probably stays busy from the Marine base."
him: "Any drive-in is going to be busy now."
me: "Yes, dear. :-) I know they are almost the only option for silver screen. Jesup also has a small cinema with reduced seating. May check it out tomorrow."
him: "That wouldn't be a bad drive. Though I remember the movies ending very late when I was a child and we would go to the drive in...but of course late may not really translate to late now."
me: "Right now, they have a Rolling Stones in Cuba concert film at drive-in. Have almost gone this week, may go tonight."
him: "That's pretty sweet. I remember when I was a kid...we got three movies and the third movie was the one you wanted to stay up to see. I saw airplane! That way!"
me: "Lol! I just saw Leslie Nielsen in The Alfred Hitchcock Hour! He was so young i almost didnt recognize him... But his eyes and voice gave him away."
him: "I saw the Stones you may imagine they put on a really good least in 1999."
me: "Oh, i am sure! I never saw them. I have not been to very many concerts in last twenty years. I feel the bass in my chest and don't like it."
him: "I like that show...I also enjoyed the bits Alfred Hitchcock would do before the program."
me: "It comes on very late now. Sometimes i watch it, but usually Becker. I like Ted Danson."
him: "Yeah I do amazon and Netflix and YouTube. That's all I watch."
me: "Yeah its my favorite! I have a bunch of films saved there that Jim Reed has shown. He has viewing parties twice a week."
him: "Mostly I do Amazon and YouTube."
me: "I could email you a list of links if you want."
him: "Sure, I would like that."

-----   *   -----   *   -----
And so, that's what I did: emailed him a list of links.
And just why had I been telepathing him earlier?
Mostly because I miss our quasi-monthly get-togethers.
Finding out about the free movie doubleheader as part of the summer promotions at the Jesup drive-in naturally brought the J-Dawg to mind.
Well, he and I had considered going down there for a movie, just for the nostalgia value of sitting in a car and watching a movie.
We had never done it, due to time constraints, but time really is an odd construct during a pandemic.
It's all relative to one's personal definitions of morning, noon, and night.
I think Einstein would appreciate that.
I wonder how the pandemic of 1918 might have affected his theories of relativity?
Sure, the physicist would say "not at all"... but what if they had not been developed by a 20-something Einstein, but by a 30-something man during that time of death?
That couldn't have helped but make an impact.
Like I said, I miss these meetings with the bfe.
Knowing his fondness for time out of mind things like vaudeville and burlesque and drive-in cinemas, I still have hope that we might enjoy at least one of those things soon.
I had thought maybe in the near future, like next week, on Wednesday.

A Night At The Drive-In promises to be a lot of fun!
With selections curated by Michael B. Jordan and his Outlier Society, the five-week promotion highlights films with diverse casts.
I wish I would have found out about it earlier, but catching it mid-series works beautifully!
"Movies for the kid" - oh, yes, please!
with my man Nicholas Cage!!!
Plus, I get to watch the three-decades old "Hook" on the silver screen, with the delightful Robin Williams playing for kicks against Dustin Hoffman?
With assists from the zany Bob Hoskins and flitting around Julia Roberts?
Yes, YES, YES!!!
Plus, to go along with these movies, there will be free foods from brown and black businesses!
I look forward to sampling those -
Pipcorn Popcorn, minority owned (black family);
Pathwater, minority owned (brown man);
and Partake Cookies, minority owned (black woman).
Nice to know that I'll be able to find them in the store if I really like them!
I'll be sure to let y'all know.
Now, I have a doubleheader with Mr. Snipes to finish... later!

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