Monday, July 27, 2020

maybe in a few weeks, she said

Not that I can blame her, really.
This time of pandemic has been quite difficult for mi tres amigas.
Sandy has been dealing with radiation treatments for a return of the cancer, thereby severely limiting her interactions with others.
Carolyn is much more outgoing than I am and is accustomed to hardly ever being at home for little more than to sleep.
And then there's Barbara, so used to being on the go around children while teaching or tutoring them.
Sure, we all miss each other's company and our dinners and movies and theatre together -
we all do.
But they are not sociable unsociables like I am.
They have not spent nearly the same amount of 'alone' time as I have.
They miss the near-constant interactions and talking to others that they once enjoyed.
I miss the fleeting touch-and-go, social butterfly, flitting...
and the time spent with them and those few others I am close to.
i thank You, God, for this extra time I've had with my first niece!

--- * ---

So, this afternoon, I sent Barbara a joke I'd fashioned from my American Legion magazine.
Just to get a little chuckle from her, let her know I knew she was out there.

me: "Why didn't the husband want to go shopping with his wife for Victorian antiques?"

her: "I don't know. Why did the husband not want to go shopping with his wife for Victorian antiques?"

me: "Because he was feeling baroque. Lol!"

her: "My students would enjoy that if they only knew what baroque meant!"
her: "I just got an email that I will be teaching online."

me: "Definitely safer. :-) Maybe we should have a late lunch tomorrow and catch up?"

her: "Yes, for the last two weeks I have run the gamut of emotions over losing my job because I refuse to return to class. I was told I'd be replaced as they had to have a teacher in the room. (I'd offered to continue zooming full time.) This afternoon they told me they hadn't found anyone so I will be teaching on zoom. Now I'm going through another panic because I lost two weeks of figuring out how I will get tests to and from the students in a format more legible than what we did last spring. I've spent the last two weeks trying to figure out my finances! What do you have in mind? I do not feel comfortable dining in a restaurant, nor do I feel comfortable being out of doors. Remember I'm accustomed to 76 degrees. If you have not been socializing for two weeks, we might go for $5 foot longs at Subway you could pick up on the way to my house. I'll gladly reimburse you for my share. I'm open to other take out suggestions. Just let me know. I tutor from 1-2 from home so I'm free after 2 pm."

me: "Wow. Okay, sorry to hear about all the school stuff. I guess dining is out of the question for a while. I went to my second Bananas game on the 19th, have been to lunch twice, and went to water slide bounce house party at Christina's house with 9 children on Saturday."
me: "Of course i wore my face covering for most of the time at the ballpark and going in and out at restaurants and stores, so there's that in my favor."

her: "Then we will stay in touch virtually for a while. :-) I have watched a birthday movie. Another has been taken down. We all know little on YouTube is legal. That's still a very thoughtful gift. I'm hopeful some of the others are still there. TV is getting boring."

--- * ---

Then she and I and Christina all watched "The Wall" 'together'.
Christina and I sent text messages back and forth, things like 'if we were on the show' and what questions we got right and the things we would have talked about had we been in the same room.
It was really quite nice, even though the show was a repeat.
So why had we watched a rerun of a game show?
Because we liked the little NYC firefighter and his daughter and wanted to see their happy ending.
We both like happy endings to hopeful stories.

Then I set about fixing links for Barbara's Birthday Film Festival that I'd given her.
Only one of the links was truly bad, but the others just needed a bit of pruning.
I even added a few new links... to the "Moonlighting" episodes I found!
I know she's going to love those, but maybe not as much as I will!
Bruce Willis!!! Cybill Shepherd!!! Detective agency!!!
Oh, yeah!
So, this is her new-and-improved Birthday Film Festival!

--- * ---

"This Island Earth" 1955 scifi -pretty good!

"The Abominable Dr. Phibes" 1971 - loved this! fabulous art deco feel

"Detour" 1945 - not the movie planned - apt title for the change!

"Come Back To The Five And Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean" 1982 (film version of Broadway play)

five episodes of "Moonlighting" - woohoo!!!

"Morituri" 1965 Marlon Brando, Yul Brynner WWII war movie, almost all on 1 ship

"Meteor" 1979 wow, what a cast!

"The Joker Is Wild" 1957 - Frank Sinatra, Eddie Albert drama w burlesque!

"Night Of The Juggler" 1980 action thriller w James Brolin - heavy on the action!

--- * ---

Last I heard from Boo tonight, she was watching "Detour" and enjoying it.
Mission accomplished!

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