Friday, July 17, 2020

poking the bear, Marcy

That line from "Married... With Children" is just what was needed here!
No, it really is!
See, I poked the running bear today and we ended up talking about parents of children.
Really, truly, I did and we did!
I started with a joke, knowing the bfrb loves those.
Then he told a joke (which I chose to not repeat) and he caught me up on his life.
That's when the conversation turned to parents of children.
Just look at this!

me: "What is written on a dentist's grave?"

him: "He's filled his last cavity ?"

me: "Yes! I figured you might get that one, but I tried!"

(He sent this image in reply.)

me: "How are you doing?
Those eyes look sad.
Or is it just the effort of pushing air through that tuba?"

him: "Both I suppose.
1) Looks like paycuts are happening.
But it's not completely clear how severe they will be so that's not great.
2) I've leveled up with the training.
Cutting weight like crazy now that I've tightened up my diet.
3) I've meet someone!
How about that.
Next week is date number 5.
We're kinda adorable together.
4) the business buzz is not looking good for movie theaters.
If they can't reopen soon they could be facing bankruptcy."

me: "Good for you with the dating and body work, sorry to hear about the job and pay cuts.
I was just thinking earlier how much I miss the cinema experience."

him: "Movie theaters could indeed become a relic of the past.
They were struggling before this anyway."

me: "The drive-ins have been okay."

him: "Bah! I'm not a teenager from the seventies."

me: "Well, if you are a parent during a pandemic, they are an excellent option."

him: "I suppose."

me: "Plus, there are two that are fairly close.
I have even been invited to tag along some time, but they have been busy with car shows."

So... see?
Just as I'd said!
I may have to test drive the drive-in experience myself this coming week.
The one in Jesup has "The Rolling Stones: Havana Moon" starting and I would looooove to see this concert of them in Cuba!
Maybe I'll do that on Monday...
I've already checked the "Quantum Leap" schedule and I've seen those two episodes!

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