Tuesday, July 28, 2020

greenlighted all the way home

Off to give blood!
No could do, as I had no appointment.
Swing, and a miss! Strike 1!
Off to vote in run-off election!
No could do, as my party did not have that.
Swing, and a miss! Strike 2!
Well, drats.
Okay, one more errand on the list.
Off to send love through the mail!
An article about beer-making to the ex;
a 'hope you're well' card to mi amiga Sandy;
find-a-word puzzles to Merritt and Conner,
my Alabama nephews.
Was the postage I had on them enough?
It was, it was!
Four balls and a walk to first!
Then I was waved on to second, to third, and finally to home, with green lights all the way.
Now to watch "Family Feud" and have slunch!

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