Sunday, July 12, 2020

paper phone book to the rescue

I was home from the Port Wentworth celebration in time to catch the PFS movie.
Yeah for me!
But no sooner was on on fb than I received this message from mi amiga, Carolyn.

"Hey, hope this message finds you healthy and happy, if not as "out and about" as usual.
I have not been any of those things but I am still alive and kicking (sort of).
To add to everything else, my phone died (RIP) and I lost all contact numbers, pictures, notes, my mind, etc.
I just got your number from Barbara.
Would you be so kind as to text a few numbers to me, if you have them?
Jim Reed, Axelle Kieffer, Joe Buttner, Hai Dang and anyone else from PFS or Lucas volunteers that you think I might know..
as I said...
I have lost my mind and am just aimlessly roaming around in my house...
well, like a crazy person.
Hope all is well with you and your family.
I have lost several extended family members to Covid...
2 second cousins and an aunt in Massachusetts, 1 first cousin and 1 second cousin in Texas, another first cousin in Ellabelle and have 8 family members in SC that have been exposed and are in lock down...
so it is real and to all those who say it has not affected anyone they know...
I say you are blessed.

Oh, no!
So I dropped everything to go in search of the phone numbers she wanted.
Jim and Joe are on my phone...
Axelle and Hai were not, but they are in my hardcopy phone book.
I'm so glad I still keep an old-fashioned paper version!
Carolyn is, too.
As she said, "Old school is still the best school."
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Well, hell.
I checked with her today and she has NOT been in contact with folks on the other end of those phone numbers I sent.
So... I have asked THEM to contact HER.
That way, she will have their numbers to assign names to in her new phone's contact list.
Plus, she will know directly that people care about her.