Thursday, July 30, 2020

day 63 toward birthday63

Yesterday began as I ate brunch
with Elvis keeping me company,
there in my dining room,
while thoughts of Italy greeted me
from the wall.
I'm not sure when I last ate my
first meal of the day in that room.
I seem to eat quite often in the sunroom or the living room...
but not in the dining room.
Such a nice change of pace!

Today was about treating myself to a nice meal that someone else had planned and shopped for, that someone else had prepped and cooked, that someone else would plate and serve, that someone else would clear from the table and wash up after I was done.
Where could I go where they would do all of that for me?
The Olive Garden, where they treat me like family!

Of course, that choice may have partially been driven by the $25 gift card burning a hole in my pocket -
nah, they really did have food there that I wanted!
Like this tasty salad, with its tomatoes and black olives that taste so good together - yum!
I ate every last bite, too, using fresh breadsticks, still warm from the oven, to sop up the errant drops of dressing!

First and second courses done, it was time for the entree.
And what had I selected?
A dish I seem to be hooked on: Shrimp Scampi!
I ate half there, than finished up the other half just moments ago, while watching "What Women Want", from 2000, on TBS.
I do so enjoy Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt in lighthearted roles!
Such a sweet way to close out this unique day 63 as I head toward birthday63...
life is so good, even during a pandemic...
even alone, but not lonely...
because I know:
we are all in this together.
I'll be at Asbury Memorial on Sunday to hear Rabbi Haas tell me that same message.
I feel like I'm in on some lovely little joke...
and maybe I am!
Just ask Reverend Billy!

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