Friday, July 17, 2020

i've been summoned again!

First I was summoned to Midway on Wednesday!
Now, I've been summoned to Richmond Hill!
I must say, I do so enjoy this whole business of getting summoned by people I love!
This time, it was my darling first niece issuing the summons.
She was in dire need of a Mexican food fix - so of course I came running to her rescue!
I secured a lovely corner table outside at Jalapenos, where a nice breeze kept us fairly refreshed.
Mostly, though, it was having each other's company, and this comfort food, that brought us happiness!
Isn't her blouse so beautiful?
Mama would have adored her coordinated ensemble!
Perhaps she helped frame this photo to remind me of a delightful time with a Cuban missile crisis...
very nice call!
I almost feel like I've been on a little holiday.
Good times!
i thank You, God!

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