Monday, July 20, 2020

not friends with... who

I'll have to let my ex know the news - I know he'll laugh!
Remember back in April when he realized I was fb 'friends' with his former coworker?
He had been a bit perplexed about that, but he need not fret any longer.
She has unfriended me, without even so much as a farewell.
When did it happen?
Well, sometime this month, although I cannot pinpoint the date.
I had noticed that I had not seen any of her posts lately, no new funnies to add to my list and nothing more of her new adventures in radio as alter-ego Marguerite Springfield.
So I went in search of the window to her life...
and I found the drapes had been drawn and the window closed.
She was no longer in my list of friends.
I cannot even see her profile picture anymore.
I'm not sure if she has blocked me from seeing her comments on other's posts, but she well may have.
We shared many radio-world friends in that social media world.
Time will tell.
And just why did she take this stance against me?
Well, that's what Jeff is really going to laugh about!
She had wanted me to reprimand two of my friends for supposed grievances with two of her friends.
No, seriously.
Maybe being a mother of teens in this time of pandemic has short-circuited her system.
Maybe the loss of control pervading society has been too much for her.
Who knows?
And how had all of this come to pass?
Well, I still have the fb messenger conversation from last month.
Please notice that not once did she tell me names of her 'wronged' pals.
Kindly let me know if I was in the wrong in my advice to her.

--- * --- * ---
conversation from fb messenger between myself and Marguerite Dismukes Fischer (i.e., "her")

Jun 4, 2020, 5:44 PM
Someone on your friend list is stalking one of my friends and inciting violence.
It's very scary because I can't imagine you associating with someone like that.
She has stalked other people too.
A very angry person.

Jun 5, 2020, 8:13 PM
Say what???
I can't imagine who that would be!

Jun 20, 2020, 3:18 AM
I'll have to try to find her name again.
This other friend of yours (photo shown) was bullying a female cop on Facebook.

Jun 21, 2020, 7:35 PM
I have known Jo since I was 16 years old.
I can tell you she absolutely would NOT do such a thing.

Jun 22, 2020, 12:31 PM
Yep, she did.
Melanie G is stalking one of my friends.

Jun 25, 2020, 1:39 PM
I don't know what you want from me, Marguerite.
Your friends should confront directly those that they believe are harassing them.
That's all I can say.
We are all grown... aren't we?

Jun 25, 2020, 1:41 PM
I'd want to know if my friends were being out of line but okay.
One of my friends had to get police involved.

Jun 25, 2020, 1:45 PM
It's all about perspective.
I trust that all of the people you are talking about are adults.
They need to behave as such.
Seriously, what did you expect ME to do about these people YOU know?
For all I know, they are misinterpreting the situation.
I am not anyone's legal guardian, so I have no ability to police someone else's actions.

--- * --- * ---

So, having read it yet again, I am still perplexed.
Why was she tattling to me about these grievances?
Why didn't she give me her aggrieved friends' names?
Had they asked her to intervene and confront me?

Yeah, Jeff is going to get a hoot out of this.
I guess that's the silver lining in this cloud.

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