Sunday, August 2, 2020

close, close, but not quite

Case in point: I had just started writing this post and was trying to set the date and time to when I wanted the post to be listed.
Suddenly... poof!
It was already published and I had not even begun writing!
That's because the folks at google have changed the 'compose' window on blogger, making it a bit more difficult to use.
Oh, but it's supposed to be easier for folks on smart phones (aka mini-computers) to pull up the blogs and read them.
I don't own one of those machines, so I really can't say.
Anyone who is reading this, would you kindly let me know if that's so?
I appreciate it...
meaning, I will persevere and try again to write this particular post.

This is my original reason for being here.
I wanted to make sure I knew when each "Quantum Leap" episode was to appear, so I could be sure to catch several I'd missed, plus so I could look forward to the repeats of some favorites.
So, I'd listed each one, starting with 20 July's rainmaker (s4e9) and running on to the very last of the series on 12 August.
I was so pleased to be so prepared!
Of course, that turned out to be not of so much use after all.
Well, not quite.
It was very good to have that for the weeks of 20 July and 27 July, when all the episodes were aired according to schedule.
The hiccup was today.
Yes, I know Sunday is not a weekday and that the show isn't run on weekends...
except when Comet TV opts for a "Quantum Leap"-a thon...
which, apparently, they did...
and which, thankfully, I stumbled upon while in search of something to watch during my late lunch a little past 2 PM this afternoon.
It was the s3e13 with grown Sam as Future Boy!
I love that this one begs the question: did he devise his time travel theory, or did he remember the answer Captain Galaxy gave little Sam Beckett in response to the child's question?
Yes, indeed, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The next episode was in sequence, with Sam as a Chippendale dancer - oh, yes! - which meant the traveling piano player should have been after that.
But, no.
No, that was not it at all.
Instead, they skipped right over to Season 5.
That would have been just fine, but instead of repeating the line-up of the last two weeks, they leaped ahead (didja catch that?) to what had been scheduled for next week.
That would have been just fine, too, but rather than begin with s5e7, they skipped it and the trilogy about Abigail in Louisiana completely.
I mean, completely.
So, at 4 PM, I had the bank-robbing band of brothers (s5e11).
I did a quick scan of the tv listings...
the subsequent episodes were in order, all the way to the series finale at 3 AM.
I made a note of the times for some favorites (the bigamist! Dr. Ruth! artist vampire! Marilyn Monroe's chauffeur! Elvis!), then I contacted mi tres amigas to let them know.
Then I settled in to take care of some letter-writing and other love to go into the mail, enjoying the freedom to do what I needed to get done and revel in the adventures of the time traveler.
Certainly not entirely the evening I'd planned...
but it was close, and on the better side...
right place, right time.
Seems that I was not alone in having a day that was not quite as planned.
Reverend Billy is on vacation, so Rabbi Haas was taking his place, with a sermon titled: "We are all in this together".
Hmmm... where have I seen that recently?
Anyhow, Ray was to introduce the guest speaker after the stretching segment...
but, as revealed by take after take in the post-credits tag, that task was easier said than filmed!
Each try had been close, close...
but not quite.
Of course, he did eventually nail it, as we had clearly seen during today's episode of Asbury Memorial UMC.
The trick was to keep trying...
to not expect perfection on the first effort...
and to have patience while persevering.
Nice lesson, there, Ray.
Right place, right time.

i thank You, God.

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