Friday, May 1, 2020

post-Easter: no spike here

So, here's some good news!
This graph is for four states I track.
The graph is for total confirmed cases for the month of April.
[The Y-xis is total confirmed COVID-19 cases, the X-axis is day in April.]

That top line, with the steeper rise on it, is California; the rise is due to Los Angeles.
The other three states have steadily climbing lines, but NO POST-Easter spikes -
i thank You, God.
Evidently, the majority of churches stayed online, regardless of our President's desire to see them all full for that religious observance.
That's Georgia in blue, Florida in orange (get it?), and Michigan in green.
No flattening yet, but no spikes, either.

We'll know the effect of the re-opening of beauty parlors and bowling alleys last Friday in another week.
Remember, folks: the incubation of this virus is two weeks, not the mere 3 days of the common cold virus.

For now, I have yard work a-plenty still awaiting in the back yard.
As Ash Britt has not yet made its pick-up of yard waste in my neighborhood, I'm going to keep amassing debris until they do!
I contacted my dear friend John Denion, the man in charge of all things trash in Savannah, this morning and he told me it may take "another week or so" for that company to complete its mission.
I guess my trip on Tuesday to Home Depot for more bags was not for naught!
Currently, I have six piles of limbs and six bags of blackberry brambles, poison ivy, thorn vines, and scrub oak.
Let's see if I can rack up some more!


Cheryl of GaSoU said...

Cheryl Ciucevich
Thanks Faustina Smith.

1 May 2020

pirate Yvonne said...

Yvonne Pizzo Roach
It looks like GA was maybe starting to flatten. Just barely. I’m guessing we’ll see a larger + slope now - hopefully not a spike. Thank you for putting this together.

1 May 2020

Chris G said...

Christian Grunow
Just wait 2 weeks.

1 May 2020

hvj Josie said...

Jo Coleman-Williams
Keep me in this loop. Glad you are tracking.

1 May 2020

faustina said...

This is reassuring: a column about using science and experts to keep America safe, not protesters and ignoramuses.

Thanks to my cousin Penny for this one!