Sunday, May 3, 2020

lessons from gilligan

Sunday afternoon, one of the tv channels - ME - has a mini-marathon of "Gilligan's Island".
Made in the mid-1960's, the show is lightweight entertainment, good primarily for laughs, but it does toss in a bit of science occasionally, to make sure folks are maybe learning a little bit.
Sounds like several of the shows I like, doesn't it?
So, I was just lounging back, watching them try, yet again, to devise a plan for getting off this island they've been stranded on for quite some time.
The island is close enough to Hawaii that they can receive that radio station, but not so close that it's in a shipping channel.
It's an uncharted island, you see.
Trapped there by an ill wind, it really is a pretty nice place to be stranded, warm but not hot, some rain but mostly sunny, with plenty of fresh water and a bounty from nature.
That's a lot like my situation.
No, really, just hear me out.
An ill wind, aka the COVID-19 pandemic, has caused me to be sequestered in my house.
Fortunately, my house is a true home, a haven for my body and my spirit, nourishing my mind and soul with the rich palette of colors on the walls, with each room fostering a different positive vibe.
The Butter Yellow of the sunroom is so optimistic and cheery!
The Sunkissed Blue of my Ocean Room cum bedroom is calm and peaceful and full of love.
The kitchen's Jasmine Thyme, with the small school of fish swimming near the ceiling and the Josie's daisies growing out of the wall, is bright and reminds me of my former havens (bedroom in the Army barracks at Torii Station, which was painted the same color as my childhood bedroom) and fosters my creativity.
The Valencia Violet of the newly-crafted Dance Room invites me to twirl and cavort!
Then, there's the living room. What an artistic showcase for Bill's "Ocean, Tumultuous" on the Maize Gold! What a strong support Lifevest Orange is on the accent wall! What a breath of fancy free the trim work is , decked out in Surfboard Yellow!
Yes, if I had to be "stranded" somewhere, this is definitely the right place.
Plus, I'm not truly trapped here.
I have my weekly forays into the world, fetching groceries and other items.
Plus, I have electronic gadgets for entertainment and news, and electricity to run them.
That's a very good thing.
I've been through hurricanes and typhoons, so I appreciate having lights on.
But, what about the people?
Well, having been in the Navy for eight years, I could say that I am akin to the Captain, able to navigate a course with the help of the sun, stars, and moon in our universe.
I'm like the Professor, too, in that I have much knowledge after more than half my life as an analytical chemist and teacher, so I can figure things out fairly well.
I know very well how theatrical I can be, like Ginger, after many years around stage folk.
That said, I think I may be Mary Ann, too, girly and kind and considerate.
I'd sure like to be as rich as the Howells, as I truly enjoy serving the world as Fliss of Kickstarter and as a Nerdfighter of Kiva, so perhaps I'll be able to do so on their scale when my Elements of Touch Periodic Table hits the streets.
And what about Gilligan?
Do I bear any resemblance to that that sweet, distracted, optimistic klutz?
Who, me?
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
Of course, me.
And I'm okay with that.
I accept that I bear something in common, with hopefully more of the positive than the negative, with all seven of those refugees from the wrecked S.S. Minnow.
That's something to be grateful for.

1 comment:

faustina said...

No comments, but I did have several folks read this!
I had posted the link to this entry on fb on September 23, 2020.

"I was looking back through some of my posts and stumbled onto this one. Hope it brings you a smile!"

That last part was meant to allude to the theme song, but I don't know that anyone noticed that.
Ah, well!
I knew it was there...