Sunday, May 31, 2020

pepperoni swiss, with stargazer

"My goodness, are you having another grilled cheese sandwich?"

I certainly am!
The Gouda is long gone, but I do have Swiss still.
I added a little cheddar...
to make it mo' better...
and pepperoni, too!
Hey, that's a haiku!

"Hahaha! Hahaha!
Now she's doing poetry!

Well, it seems to have become that kind of a leisurely Sunday morning, with a love-soaked feel to it.
After all, I have been spending the last two mornings with a stargazer!

"Oh, my, yes!
That is one gorgeous bloom!

Well, it's one of three, actually, on that stalk.
None were open when they arrived, but this one was waiting for me yesterday morning.
I expect one of the others will be fully blown tomorrow!
I have to make sure I give them more water twice a day, as they are quite thirsty flowers.
But those lilies are not the stargazer of which I speak.

"So, maybe you mean the hopeful romantic type, don't you?"

You are absolutely correct, my dear.
I'm so very happy that this book chose me at the bookmine.
I have quite enjoyed reading Gene Wilder's words and hearing his voice as I do.
Apparently, some of these memories are of his romances, some are love stories he's heard from friends or about friends.
Of the four I've now read, two have been quite racy!
I had not expected that -
what a very nice surprise!

"Racy? You mean, like explicit?"

Yes, exactly!
The first time hit me like a bolt from the blue, as it was so unexpected.
Remember, I'm hearing his voice and seeing his eyes as I read.

"Yeah, sure, sure.
I am well aware of your imagination.

Of course you are.
so, there I was yesterday, reading a sweet tale of first love, and - wham!
I actually had to compose myself before I could finish reading it!


Wow, indeed!
Then, this morning, I was treating myself to two more stories and it happened again!


Yes, I'm telling you, seriously!
The first of those, about a woman in a red hat, was quite graphic!
He even spoke of her how she took his hand and "put [his] middle finger onto her clitoris as she slowly moved [his] finger around and up and down".
This happened in a darkened room at her house, at a party with guests in the next room!
Then, after she had her fix, she had removed his hand and left.
She had just wanted a little strange, a quick touch and go, literally.


I really felt for the guy.
He had been looking for love, not a wham bam with him not even touched.


For real.
I mean, it's one thing if a quick hook-up is what both are wanting, but it's a horse of a different color when both are wanting different things.
Then, she completely disregarded him the next day, as if it never happened.

"Oh, the poor guy."

Sure enough.
The next story is the one that actually got my motor racing...
and all it had in it was kissing!

"Yes, but you really like the kissing!
It's a shame that relationships have so many passionate kisses in the beginning, before all paths lead to the bedroom.

I totally agree.
I'd be up for a kissing-only set-up, if there was such a thing.
Just hours of kissing, kissing, kissing!
Not that there couldn't be a bit of touching going on, too, you understand...
that would most definitely be fine with me...
but I don't want the sex to interfere with the lip action.

I'm right there with you on that.

Yeah, I miss kissing.
Too bad there isn't a dating site for folks that just want to do that.

"Well, maybe you could specify that in your profile."

Oh, sure, how about this?
Wanted: a man who can kiss like Crash Davis in Bull Durham.

"Actually, that sounds like it would work.
Anyone reading that would know instantly that you like baseball, too.

Hmmm... well...

"Plus, they would realize that you like music, too, and that you are a hopeful romantic."

Well, I am a hopeful romantic.

"As you have been for most of your life.
So, that would mean you are still hopeful.

Still hopeful...
yeah, I like that.
I also like Pinot Grigio, the wine that has come up in two of the stories.
Such a delightful coincidence!
Right place, right time.
This bottle was opened for my birthday dinner, after lying idle in the wine rack for some few years.

"Was that given to you as a birthday gift?"

I think it may have been for Christmas, from a stepsister, but that's been quite a while back.
I was amazed that it had not turned to vinegar!
You know, that's what happened to that wine I opened for my New Year's dinner.
It still looked pretty, but...

"Hahahaha hahaha! I remember that face you made!"

Yeah, yeah.
Okay, this has been fun, but I need to finish mowing the yard before any rain arrives.
I only got through part of my front and part of the back yesterday.
You see, I had first cut the neighbor's front yard, as his birthday is the same month and day as mine, like Aubree's, but differs in year.
I started doing that after I got my first battery-operated mower.
Then, for the past two years, that mower battery was discontinued, so I couldn't.
It felt really good to be able to do that little kindness for him again.

"I'm sure he was quite surprised!
Doesn't he tend to repay you by edging your front yard?

John has done that in the past, but he's been having heart problems, so I certainly do not expect him to do anything in return.
He's a good neighbor and I've been meaning to do this for him.
I know how nice it is to come home and not see foot-high weeds taunting you.


Well, I have other things to do before the "Quantum Leap"-a-thon starts, so...

"Oh, goodie, goodie!!!
What time does that start?
Is that what Comet tv is calling it?

Settle down now, settle down!
I know you're excited, and so am I!
I hope to catch up on the episodes I've missed on Tina Tuesdays.
That will be sweet!
And it all starts at 3 PM.

"Then I better let you get to it, girlie!
See you on the flip side, as the bfe says you would say!

Yes, indeed, he does say that I say that!
Later, gator!

"In a while, crocodile!"

Take care, Kodiak bear!

"Chop, chop, lollipop!"

Give a hug, ladybug!

"Out the door, dinosaur!"

Better swish, jellyfish!

"Ciao now, brown cow!"

Gotta go, buffalo!

"Bye-bye, butterfly!"

Blow a kiss, goldfish!

"Be sweet, parakeet!"

This has been fun, but, really...

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