Friday, May 29, 2020

no idle hands for this birthday gal!

Now that the flowers were all separated and arranged and scattered about to brighten the house and my life, what else did I do on my birthday62?
Well, if I was going to have that dinner from my first niece, then I had to work for it!
What to do while the I picked the chicken apart?
I'll tell you what I did!
I let TBS regale me with a viewing of "Paddington 2", which I had so enjoyed in the cinema!
Most excellent choice, and most pertinent, too, as I soon realized!
Strange that I had not recalled the coincidence between its plot and today.
What coincidence would that be?
The little bear was trying to find a birthday gift for his beloved Aunt - just as Christina had done for me!
Right place, right time!

After I finished the chicken, I took a break, sending the photo of my "dinner and flowers" to my ex, thanking him for singing "Happy birthday" to me this morning.
I wasn't awake, so I have it on my voice mail to hear again and again!
I called him back, too, once my hands were clean and not greasy.
Such a lovely conversation we had for the next half-hour!

Who knows how long we might have been on the phone if not for this birthday surprise?
Yep, that's Tony with me, under the banner he and Laura and Noah had strung on my porch!!!
God bless him, he always gives me good hugs every time he sees me!
So did Laura, plus two birthday cards, a gift card to Food Lion, and...
an adorable pocket-sized hand sanitizer with a turtle motif!
Noah had taken off for the car when I was reading aloud about dirty animals, like titmouse and peacock and sperm whale - lol!
Thanks for the visit, y'all!
I'm leaving the banner up all day!

About that time, Paul texted, "Ready for a birthday chat?"
Only always and forever, man!
So he and I talked forty minutes while he was on his walk, continuing with me as a ride-along when he went to pick up the dinner order for him and Cathy - that was fun!
I even had a few minutes with her!

Bonnie sent me a birthday text, so I sent the photos of the "dinner and flowers".
"What a very sweet idea", she texted back.
I wonder who she will spring that on?
She wants me to come to Alabama - they have a guest bedroom waiting for me!!!
Soon, I hope, soon!

Then, the physicist texted and we had a bit of a volley back and forth!
bfe: HBD!
me: (sent photo of the "dinner and flowers") Thank you! It has been a very lovely day! Christina sent me flowers and dinner, including ice cream! And Tony and Laura came by with groceries and a birthday banner! And I had phone calls from Paul and the ex!
bfe: Chicken! Yum! Is that gelato?
me: (sent photos of the three arrangements) I made these from all those flowers! And she will be joining me tonight for Odd Lot on fb at 730.
bfe: That all sounds very very sweet! I hope that you are having the best birthday under the current circumstances possible!

When I resumed the movie, it was already 4 PM.
Oh, my!!!
I still had green beans to wash and string and snap!
I still had chicken to put in containers for later and chicken to warm for tonight!
And what to do about those mashed potatoes?
But, you what?
I was smiling!
This was my birthday and I had no need to worry about anyone's time
table but my own.
Tra la la lala!
So I watched as the little bear scampered all over a train as he tried to regain the pop-up book of London scenes for his Aunt. Then I watched the musical number performed by the captured thespian thief, along with the pink-clad fellow prisoners doing it Rockette-style.
And, bless Pete!
I still had it all done in no time flat!

And the phone rang again!
It was my little niece, Aubree, calling to wish me a happy birthday!
I wished her a happy birthday, too!
We talked about rocks, too, as she wants to be a petrologist one day -
you know, a scientist, like me!
Plus, I shared a little math trick with her about our ages.
I am 62 and when you add the digits, you get her age, which is eight!
That trick will hold true for as long as I'm in my 60's, so that will carry us up to her quinceaƱera.
That will be a really big party!
She had not opened her gift yet, so I didn't spoil her surprise for her party tomorrow.
I just know she is going to love her flower crown!
How do I know?
Her favorite Aunt made it!

Okay, time to get cooking - literally!
Indeed, by 5:30, all was cooked and plated and ready for my hungry eyes and hungrier mouth.
I had been so busy with birthday phone calls and birthday texts that I had not had lunch!!!
Might I have wine with my meal, or had all turned to vinegar, as had the bottle opened on New Year's Day?
Good fortune smiled upon me yet again on this day!
LaToretta Vini 2015 Pinot Grigio was in excellent condition!
Moreover, this lovely Italian white paired most amazingly well with the roasted chicken breast!
If I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine that I was again dining at Moonfish on a gourmet meal.
I'm so glad I still had those luxurious napkins in my china cupboard!
As for dessert, that was more ice cream, more sorbetto, and even a sprinkling of blueberries - what a patriotic touch to honor a veteran!
Time for "Quantum Leap" as I finish off this second glass of vino!
Oh, boy, he's an archeologist in this first one!
That means he'll be looking at ancient rocks, like my niece in Alabama wants to do.
Nice touch, Universe!
Right place, right time.
What a wonderful day it has been!
i thank You, God, for so many who have loved me in the past...
and for those still living who love me.
What a blessed life I have.

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