Sunday, May 17, 2020

memories crowding around so thick

That's inspired by a line that Terence Mann spoke.
"The memories will be so thick they'll have to brush them away from their faces."
So very true.
By that point, during the last few minutes of the movie, I had been sitting on the loveseat, sobbing, wrapped up in memories of my trip to Iowa, ever since Ray and Terrence had picked up a young baseball player named Archie Graham as they left Minnesota.

I remembered standing at home plate, right where Kevin Costner was in this photo.
I remembered wishing I had brought a Savannah Sand Gnats baseball with me, and the bat Mister Willie had given me, so I could swing and try to get a hit.
I remember the smell of the clay on the infield and the slightly crunchy feel of it beneath my sandals.
I remember the solid cushion of home plate underfoot.
I remember walking around in the outfield, standing right there near center field where Ray Liotta was in this photo.
I remember the heat of the July sun on my face as I stood there looking at the house and the baseball diamond.
I remember going to the edge of the cornfield, inhaling the crisp green scent of the warmed stalks and of the exposed corn silk peeking out from the husks.
I remember sitting on these bleachers along the first base line, reveling in being out of the car after driving all day.
I remember how blue the sky was and how close to the Earth the angel in the clouds seemed to be, reassuring me that I was exactly where I needed to be.
I remember the slight summer breeze as it ruffled my hair while I imagined I heard the smack of wood on leather.

Oh, yes.
Memories so thick I had to use my shirt sleeves to brush them away, as they had coalesced from the ether of my mind and condensed into huge tears coursing down my cheeks.
I'm glad I had thought to share the experience with others who would appreciate it: Bill Peterson, Scott Kimball, Jeff (bfe) Secrest, Lauri and Lynn Engler, Penny Bos, Jeff McDermott, Berry Aldridge.

This was the scene that inspired me to reach out to them, to share this experience, when Ray Kinsella was shagging flies out toward Shoeless Joe Jackson.
"Watching "Field of Dreams" for the first time since I was standing on that field and walking the bases.
I knew you would get the importance of that.
Like, wow.

Bill sent me a little movie of him playing a baseball game with a spinner while Tucker laid at his feet.

Scott sent a trio of happy little emoticons!

Berry: I love that movie!
me: I do, too. That's why i went there in 2012 when i found out it was a real place. There was supposed to be a game there in August this year.
[That game between the Chicago White Sox and the New York Yankees is still on schedule!
I'll keep tabs on that August 13th date and hope it's televised!]

Jeff: The funny thing is, I've never seen Field of Dreams.
me: Of course you haven't. Do you know how many folks would find that hilarious?
Jeff: The guys at the ballpark in Rome [where he was announcing for the Braves' baseball games, as he had for a decade for the Sand Gnats] couldn't believe it. They would always be quoting lines from "Talledega Nights" and "Anchorman".
me: Well, you should have fired off some lines from "Fast Times At Ridgemont High"!
Jeff: No, they're too young, they wouldn't get it.
me: How sad that they were born too late for that movie!

bfe: Think about now have this other connection...
me: I know, right? Lol!
bfe: Nicole says, "They built it, you came!"
me: That's true! And I stood at home plate and walked the bases and touched the corn growing in right field and sat on the bleachers. Wow.

My day had begun with this brunch:
green apple on a green fish plate;
real pepperoni pizza on a green apple plate;
hot coffee in a green mug;
all orchestrated by serendipity.
I had been looking forward to this movie about a green field ever since I saw it in the line-up, but especially since yesterday morning.
I was making my brunch then, when my phone chimed.
That was Scott sending me a love-letter by text.

I keep thinking about you but it's at times I can't text.
How are you?
I want to thank you for taking me to the 'play on the field' day with the Sand Gnats.
It is one of my happiest days.
Jerry Seinfeld, in his show 'Comedians getting coffee', showed him and Ferris Bueller went to the Mets in NY and they played on the field.
But my day at Grayson was better.
Thank you.

Scott, thank you so much!
I had such fun that day too and love seeing that photo as your fb profile. <3 That was from a Sunday, too, specifically August 26, 2012. Wow. i am so blessed with these memories. Right place, right time, again and again.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

I've ordered a coffee mug with that photo of Scott!
I'm looking forward to his face of joy greeting me for brunch - and, hopefully one day, for regular breakfasts, too.