Thursday, May 7, 2020

new laundry math

"Hey! Is it laundry day again already?"

You do realize it's been a hot minute since I last went, right?"

"Well, sure, but that's why you have a drawer full of underwear, so you can go up to four weeks between washes."

"That is absolutely true, though, with the demise of a few ragged items a while back, three weeks is technically the longest I can hold off the washing."

Just what does that mean?

"Well, I'm down to twenty-three panties now."

"Oh, well, that's much more than most folks, I'd warrant."

"No doubt."

"So 23 is more than 21, so three weeks still gives you some wiggle room for scheduling your trip to Sandfly Laundry."

"Yes, but during this time of pandemic, with me trying to limit my forays out of my neighborhood to only once a week, sometimes the dirty clothes have to wait for a day of accommodation."

"Yes, dear.
So, how long has it waited?

"Five weeks."

"Five weeks???"

"Yep, that's how long it's been."

"But that's THIRTY-FIVE DAYS!!!"

"Can't pull anything over on you."

"So you have more underwear that you've bought in the interim?"

"I do not."

"Well, then I'm not getting the math involved here.
Have you been living like a bachelor, not a bachelorette?

"In a sense, I guess I have been."

"You've been wearing panties for more than one day???

"Well, I don't know what other option I had, other than washing them out by hand.
I don't know that I would have thought they were quite clean enough if I did that."

"Oh, but wearing them multiple days was okay."

"Listen, here, I wear a pantiliner every day, so it isn't like they get particularly nasty.
Plus, since I no longer have menses on my mind, that allows much cleaner underwear, too.
It isn't like I was going full guy-style and turning them inside out.
Plus, there were a couple of days when I didn't ever get dressed, so no panty was used."

"That's a bit too much information, dearie."

"Hey, I'm just trying to let you know how it went.
For the first two weeks after the last laundry day, I was interspersing a day of no underwear with regular days of getting dressed.
Then I realized that was only going to buy me a couple of days of leeway.
So, I came up with a new plan.
Every other day, I'd shower and put on fresh underwear, with a pantiliner.
The next day, I'd insert a fresh pantiliner and wear that panty again.
The key was taking the shower on the first day of a new panty."

"I see.
So just what was in this load of clothes you washed?

"Well, there was one pair of pants and one pair of shorts, mostly because I forgot a second pair of each. Then, I had nine pairs of socks, since I've done so much yard work and had to wear real shoes. There were two nightgowns, which was a bit low, but I've reverted back to sleeping in the nude most nights."

"Sure, sure, no doubt in keeping with those days you don't get dressed.
Running your own little nudist camp, I see.

"Well, why not? As long as it's warm enough to do so.
I'm the only one here, so I might as well be comfortable."

"Sure, sure.
You are at least putting towels on the furniture when you sit?

"Of course I am!
That's why I had six bath towels, six dish towels, and two hand towels on this trip."

"Goodness gracious!
You're serious!

"Yes, I am.
I told you, there's a pandemic going on.
I've had to devise a new paradigm for 'normal' when it comes to my days and my nights."

"Okay, I get it.
So, tell me, just how much underwear was washed?

"Nineteen panties and two bras."

"For a thirty-five day span..."

Plus I had thirteen shirts."

"Yeah, that part doesn't surprise me at all.
I know of your penchant for wearing the same shirt for several days in a row.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that.
As long as it was clean and I wouldn't be seeing the same people, then where's the harm?"

But I thought you said you were doing yard work?

That's why I have so many shirts washed for this trip.
Usually, it's more like five to seven."

"But that's over the course of three weeks elapsed, not five."

"Well, sure.
For yard work, I would wear the same shirt three or four times.
Again, it's not like anyone was seeing me, except the neighbors.
I doubt they wee monitoring my attire.
Well, I take that back.
The Sullivans might have been doing so, but they really don't count."

"That's Diane and Keith?
The ones with the manicured front lawn?


"No, they don't count.
I'm sure they've been thrilled you've been doing yard maintenance.

"I don't think so, actually.
I get the definite impression that they would prefer I not be in my back yard.
It interferes with their smoking marijuana, ya know."

"Hahahaha! Hahaha!
They're still doing that?
And hanging out by the pool, talking like they're the only ones around?

"Oh, yeah.
Why do you think I time the mowing and shrubbery killing for early evening?"

"Oh, how dastardly of you!

"Hey, a girl has got to get her merriment however she can.
Plus, it doesn't do them any harm to remind them of my existence.
After all, we've been neighbors for more than eighteen years."

"Well, keep on keeping on, dear."

"Thanks, I'll certainly try to do that.

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