Thursday, May 28, 2020

birthday eve brunch!

The second installment of my birthday62 gifts-to-me from Blue Apron arrived yesterday!
Now, to decide on which days to make the beef, the chicken, and the salmon meals -
decisions, decisions!
When I woke, the Salmon Farro (say it for the joke!) spoke:
"Make me! I'm quick and easy, and we both know you like that!"
Oh, I most certainly do, sir!
And you know what?
That Farro was correct -
super fast, super easy!
I had oral pleasure going on lickety split!
"Seared Salmon over Farro, with Dates, Carrots, Zucchini, & Garlic" -
what an absolute thrill for my taste buds!
To round out my brunch, tart blackberries were there to plop into my mouth -
oh, so ripe and so juicy!
So glad the bfe's Elvis was there to keep me company in the sun room!

And just as I was putting away those dishes and finishing my coffee, that valiant gent reminded me that I still had dessert to come -
oh, sir, thankyouverymuch!
For the third morning this week, I've had two Nutter Butter peanut butter sandwich cookies to dismantle and dunk and savor, each piece separately, leaving a bit of filling to accompany the moistened treat...
a lovely, leisurely luxury for the lips!
I'm all about the lips right now!

And what's on the agenda for today?
Giving blood at the American Red Cross!
That's one of the things I do for my birthday...
I give life to others.
i thank You, God, that i am able to do so.

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